

单词 died
释义 died vi. die1的变形vt. die2的变形 die1[dai] vi. 死,死亡:How many people died in the war?在这次战争中有多少人死亡?Her husband died in the war.她丈夫死于战争。 (植物等)枯死,枯萎,干枯,凋谢:The flowers in the garden died from frost.花园中的花朵因霜冻而凋谢了。 (无生命的东西)灭亡,消亡,消逝,止息,平息,完结,结束,停止:The laughter died on her lips.笑意从她唇上渐渐消逝了。The happy look died on his face.欢快的神情从他脸上逐渐消失了。Our love will never die.我们的爱永不会结束。 失去力量(或活力):Superstitions in the countryside die slowly.在乡下迷信的根除是缓慢的。I think she's dying, you'd better come to hospital now.我想她快要死了,你最好立即来医院。 消失,渐息(away, out或down):Last night the storm slowly died down.昨夜暴风雨逐渐停息了。The hoofbeats gradually died away.马蹄声逐渐地听不见了。The roar of the engines died out as the rocket vanished into the clouds.当火箭在空中消失时,其发动机的吼声就没有了。 (声音等)渐变微弱,变弱,减弱,逐渐消失;熄灭:The chiming of the bells died out but seemed to linger in the air.钟声虽绝,但绕梁三日。 停止运动,停止起作用:The engine died.发动机停了。The electric train stopped when the batteries died.电池组一断电,电车就停了。 逐渐变成(into):The twilight died into the dark.暮色逐渐变成黑夜。 (思想、知识等)被遗忘:He will not tell anyone, the secret will die with him.他不会告诉任何人,这个秘密将与他一起进入坟墓。 (因渴望、相思、失恋等)变得衰弱无力,变得憔悴,消瘦:He seems to be dying from cancer.他因癌症缠身而日见衰弱无力。 [口语][常用进行时态]极想,切望,渴望,奢望,焦思:I'm dying to see my sweetheart.我真渴望见到心上人。I'm dying for a cup of tea.我很想喝杯茶。She's dying to learn the secret.她极想获悉秘密。I'm dying to go back to the mountains.我渴望回到山里。 [口语]遭受死或像死一样的极端痛苦;被弄得不支;被弄得筋疲力尽(of):We are dying of boredom!我们真厌烦死了!I almost died of laughter.我几乎要笑死了。 变得漠然,不再受影响(to):He has died to worldly matters and become a Buddhist monk.他已看破红尘,出家当和尚了。 【神学】(灵魂)死亡,遭受精神上的死亡 【棒球】(—局终了时)残留垒上 [俚语]遭受冷遇,不受欢迎vt.遭受(某种形式的死亡)(后接同源名词):遭受(某种形式的死亡)(后接同源名词):I'm afraid of dying a violent death.我怕暴死。My grandfather died a natural death.我爷爷是自然死亡。n.[俚语] =death 临终遗言,遗嘱近义词:decease . expire . pass away . perish短语: die a natural death 老死,病死 不再存在;被遗忘,被废弃 die before one's time夭折die by one's own hand自杀die dunghill不光荣地死去,像胆小鬼那样死去die game[古语]壮烈地死去,至死不屈 die hard 死得很慢,死得很痛苦,难断气 经过一番拼死斗争才死去;顽固到底,顽固得很 (旧信仰、旧习惯等)难改掉,难根除,难消灭;坚持到底 die in a ditch(尤指流浪者)穷困潦倒而死;死在被人遗弃的角落里die in harness在工作岗位上死去,在职时死去die in (one's) bed善终,老死,病死,寿终正寝 die in one's boots (或shoes) 工作时死去,死于工作岗位,因公殉职,退休前死去 阵亡,战死;被绞死;横死,死于非命,不得善终[亦作die with one's boots(或shoes)on] die in the last ditch奋战(或战斗)到底,奋战而死,至死不屈[见ditch]die like a dog见 dogdie like a rat被毒死[见 rat]die like flier死得很多;大批死亡die(of) laughing笑得要命,笑得筋疲力尽die on it[澳大利亚俚语]失信,食言 die(或wither)on the vine (计划等)未能实现;中途夭折 过着无价值的生活,默默无闻地混日子 die standing up【戏剧】(演出时演员被)晾在舞台上(指观众不鼓掌喝彩),不受欢迎die with one's boots (或shoes) on= die in one's boots(或shoes)die without issue【法律】身故无后(或无嗣)(家庭法)make a die (of it)[美国俚语]死never say die别气馁,别失望,别灰心 to die(for) [美国俚语]非常惹人喜爱的,好(或美)得要死的,极妙的,极好的,很美的 要死的,惊人地,非常 变形:vi. died . dying die2[dai] n.【机械学】钢型,模具;压模;冲模,锻模螺丝钢板,板牙板牙中的一个拉丝模[参较tap3] 下料模 铸模(如铸币的)压花模 阴模 【建筑学】方形墩身;方形柱脚 [复数] dice /dais/ [美国英语]骰子 [复数] dies,dice骰子状方块,小方块vt.用铸模浇铸 用模具制作(或切削、冲压等)短语:as straight(或true)as a die非常正直,绝对诚实,非常老实(be)upon a (或the) die在危急的关头;有关…的存亡,存亡攸关;在未定之天The die is cast(或thrown).[谚语]木已成舟。(事成定局,不可更改,无法挽回) 变形:vt. died . dieing  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 文馨英漢☞die详细释义 v.die的过去式和过去分词形式;死亡 He died of a heart seizure. 他死于心脏病突然发作。 He felt calm and happy, and could have died without a murmur. 他感到宽慰和幸福,即使这样死去也毫无怨言。died古N.作古 (of person) passed away, died (joined the ancients).撂V.t.太太死了,撂下兩個孩子 the mother died, leaving two children behind.招Words15. 招魂 [zhao1hun2], v.i., (1) (AC) “call the soul back”when s.o. is dying, by going up te roof, facing the north and crying his name three times; (2) to call the soul back of s.o. who died abroad unburied ,into an empty coffin prepared with his shoes and dress for proper burial; 招魂旛 formerly, a pennant before the coffin.抱Words9. 抱柱 [bao4zhu4], v.i., (LL) be faithful to death (allu. to lover who held on to a bridge pile during rising tide and died rather than quit rendezvous); v.i., 抱柱對兒 n., pair of couplet inscribed on curved panels fitting round posts.故V.i.已故 have died, deceased.壯Words7. 壯志 [zhuang4zhi4], n., life ambition to accomplish s.t.: 壯志未酬身先死 died without accomplishing what he wanted.以V.i. & t.以致身亡 as a result, he died;業Adv.Already: 業已,業經 [ye4yi3], [ye4jing1]↓: 業已病故 already died of illness.碧Words5. 碧血 [bi4xUe4], n., blood of those who died in war or love: 碧血丹心 (praise of) loyalty until death.烈Words3. 烈女 [lie4nU3], n., “heroic women,” women who died in defense of their honor or committed suicide after husband's death rather than re-marry (烈婦), much encouraged by Neo-Confucianists.5. 烈士 [lie4shi4], n., hero who died for the country; martyr.死Words37. 死亡 [si3wang2], (1) v.i., to die; v.i., fall victim to famine, war, etc.; (2) n., those that have died: 死亡約會 rendezvous with death; n., 死亡證 death certificate.霸Words10. 霸王 [ba4wang2], n., (AC) chief of feudal princes, self-proclaimed king in time of Warring Kingdoms; 西楚霸王 assumed title of 項羽 (died 202 B.C); 坐霸王車 ride bus without ticket.殍NExposed bodies of those who died from starvation.致V.t.以致 so that, with the result that: 以致身亡 with the result that he died.孑Words4. 孑遺 [jie2yi2], n., that which remains: 靡有孑遺 all have died off, no survivor.險Words12. 險些 (兒) [xian3xie1] (shiaan-shie-'l), adv. phr., almost, nearly: 險些掉下去 nearly fell into (chasm, river, etc.); 險些死了 almost died; 險些釣上來 almost caught the fish.鳴Words1. 嗚呼 [wu1hu1], (1) adj., Ough! alas; (2) v.i, to die: 一命嗚呼 alas, he died! (also wr. 嗚虖).戢V.t.事戢 the furor has died down;胎N.胎死腹中 a plot (scheme, idea) died abortively;臟Words2. 臟房 [zang1fang2], n., a house in which s.o. has died a violent death.享V.t.享年八十八 died at eighty-eight;守V. i. & t.守株待兔 phr. allu., stay by a tree hoping to catch a hare just because once a hare accidentally died there -- stupid, lack of innovation;涂N.(2)  (Interch. 途 esp. LL roadside): 涂有餓 corpses of people who died of famine are seen by the roadside;盆N.鼓盆而歌 allu. to Chuangtse who sang beating on a basin when his wife died;遂Adv.遂不起 then died of illness;香Words62. 香煙 [xiang1yan1], n., (1) cigarette; (2) altar incense, (fig.) of continuance of family line: 香煙絕了 the family line died out.白Words37. 白殭蠶 [bai2jiang1can2], n., silkworm which died from a certain disease, used as medicine.無Adj. & adv.無病而死 died without any illness;怨Words9. 怨鬼 [yUan4gui3], n., ghost of one who died of an injustice.




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