单词 | didn |
释义 | didn素Adv.素不相識 didn't know him before;抑Conj.不知乎,抑不為乎 didn’t he know, or didn't he want to do it? 抑或 [yi4huo4]↓;相Words29. 相見 [xiang1jian4], v.i., to meet personally: 相見恨晚 regret we didn't meet sooner.干Words5. 干麼 [gan4ma2], adv., (1) why: 你干麼不走 why didn't you leave? (2) what are you doing? (oft. shortened to [ga4ma2]).愣Words1. 愣兒 [leng4er0], adj., (1) dumbfounded: 當時一楞兒 was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do; (2) (*[leng0er0]) confounded through inexperience.碰V.i. & t.碰不著 didn't meet him.承Words34. 承望 [cheng2wang4], v.i., to hope, expect: 不承望 or 誰承望 didn't expect, or who would have thought.呢Fin. part.(sp. pr. *[ne0]) Used in asking questions for purposes of emphasis: 這怎麼行呢 how can this do? 你為什麼不來呢 why didn’t you come? 多麼美呢 how pretty it is! 他還沒來呢 he hasn't come yet;是V.i.是不是,是否 is it or is it not, used in beginning questions: 是不是你說的 did you say it or didn't you? 是不是你要走了 are you going away? 可不是 is it not indeed, it is indeed (his own fault);竟Adv.他竟說出這種話來 how could he say such a thing? (I didn't expect he would say it).這Words9. 這陣兒 *[zhei4zhe4er0], adv. phr., at this time; 這陣子 ([zhei4zhe4zi0]) quite recently, during the last few days (he didn't come to see me, etc.).謂V.i. & t.勿謂 don't say that (I didn't warn you);認Words4. 認了 [ren4le0], v.t., accept without a protest: 吃多大的虧,我都認了 I won't say a word about it even if I didn't get a square deal.庸Adv.庸詎 (also 庸遽, LL, rare) how could it be, could it be that? 庸詎不知乎could it be that he didn't know about it? 庸何傷 what is the harm, what harm could it be?燒V.i. & t.(fig.) burn, splash money: 自從得了這筆小財,不知燒得怎樣才好 when he got this little fortune, he felt so hot that he didn't know what to do.勿Vb. aux.Do not, do not be: 勿謂言之不早 don’t say that I didn't warn you;怎Words5. 怎麼 [zen3me0] ([zen3me0]), adv., (1) why: 你怎麼不來 why didn't you come? (2) how: 這怎麼好,怎麼辦 what shall we (I) do? (“how to handle this?”); (3) however, whatever: 怎麼說他也不聽 he will not listen, however you speak to him, whatever you say; adv., (4) excl., what! 怎麼,你還在這兒麼 what! are you still here?嫁V.i. & t.恨不相逢未嫁時 what a pity that we didn't meet before you and I were married! |
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