单词 | dib |
释义 | dib1[dib] vi.【钓鱼】(把钓饵轻轻放在水中沉浮弹跳着)垂钓[亦作dibble]变形:vi. dibbed; dibbing dib2[dib] n. [美国俚语](尤指一份小额的)钱,微不足道的钱一块钱,一美元【纸牌】(赌博的)筹码(尚没抽完过后可再抽的)半截香烟 [澳大利亚俚语]玻璃弹子 [俚语]有权领取的东西,分到的份儿使用权;所有权 interj.[主儿语]我的! 更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 dibdɪbvi.① 垂釣dib/dɪb/vi.(dibs,dibbing,dibbed)【渔】用鱼饵轻点水面垂钓详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vi. /dɪb/用鱼饵轻点水面垂钓【垂钓】词形变化源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社collins_presentsingular3rd_person: dibscollins_participlepresent: dibbingcollins_past: dibbedcollins_participlepast: dibbed英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大★◀▶钱pocket doodle-e-squat tlac mopus end money oil green necessary stuff roll Cash soft iron chip silver bread COIN dust Scratch bean potato soap dirt corn buck dough Jack brass stiff smash coral grease syrup tease loot hay China rhino kale Cork filthy LSD lollipop jingle quid gilt hoot SEN Lolly ochre needful shekel clink scad shiner oof doubloon argent dingbat ducat Oscar stumpy wampum Mon dibs Jun dinero gelt suds Mun dib dosh Cush spondulicks mazuma ackers wonga greenstuff jeon Jewish Oxo the King's picture filthy lucre mean green pocket cabbage bees and honey bread and honey coriander seed 筹码check Fish counter marker token tally dib tessera jetton 垂钓angling sportfishing angle dib 玻璃弹子glarney glassy dib glassie 英汉大☞BAT電腦雙向電腦雙向★◀▶dib名词1 ((英))羊蹠骨游戏 (一种农村儿童游戏) ; 游戏用的羊蹠骨2 ‘纸牌’寿码2 ‘复’((俚))钱; (尤指) 小额的钱dib/dɪb; dib/不及物动词(dibbed, dibbing, dibs)轻轻垂钓dib设备无关位图双向☞device-independent bitmap--DIB双向☞DIB--data integrity block双向☞digital input base--DIB双向☞data input bus--DIBdibvi.(不及物動詞 intransitive verb)跳動釣魚法(= dap)(使魚餌在水中上下沉浮跳動的垂釣)n.(名詞 noun)(草地地滾球的)標靶用小白球(= jack)【美•俚】應分得的份兒【美•俚】一美元dibdibb-dibb-dibdap跳動釣魚法jack(草地地滾球的)標靶用小白球document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:Dib 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Dibv.i.1To dip, 沉溺, 浸灌, 刺, 鑽沉溺、浸灌、刺、鑽p 607 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆英華英華英華英華★◀▶鑽PIERCING DRILL PUNCH BORE Perforation Auger Borer GIMLET Perforator Puncheon Wimble Thrilling DIG DIP PIERCE Dib PICK STICK Thrill ENGRAVE TO PUNCTURE Thirl Terebrate ADAMANT WORMS BODKIN o Bore to search out secrets To pierce THROUGH 沉溺drown dib engulf sink sunk to be drowned to sink and be drowned to dip in water and keep there o be drowned to sink in the water 浸灌pervasion dib ingrain impregnate 英華☞cutdib裝置無關點陣圖電子計算機名詞 |
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