

单词 derog
释义 derog末Words13. 末俗 [mo4su2], n., (derog.) modern customs; latter-day fashions or fads; decadent ways.囊N.酒囊飯袋 “wine bag and rice basket”-(derog.) a glutton and a drunk, a good-for-nothing.本N.忘本 (derog.) forget one's ancestry or ancestral tradition.牛Words3. 牛鼻子 [niu2bi2zi0], n., (牛鼻子老道) (derog.) formerly old Taoist.焚V.i. & t.焚琴煮鶴 (derog.) burn famous string instrument for fuel and cook crane for meat, vandalism, offence against culture;把Words11. 把戲 [ba3xi4], n., jugglery; (derog.) action to fool people, or for show, cheap trick.杈Words1. 杈桿兒 [cha1ga3er0], n., protector of prostitutes, also (derog.) protector.幫Words13. 幫閑 [bang1xian2], v.i., (derog.) be troublemaker, give advice from having nothing to do (usu. of friends, dependents of the rich).老Adj.老氣橫秋 (derog.) showing self-importance of the aged;(5)  (Derog.) useless, decrepit, old fashioned: 老怪物 an old eccentric;老古董 (derog.) a museum piece;Words77. 老奴 [lao3nu2], n., (1) (old usage) an old servant; (term of selfdisparagement) your old servant; (2) (derog. reference to) an old man.賣V.t.賣野人頭 (derog.) exaggerate for show-off;壞Adj.壞東西 (derog.) bad person or thing;大Words8. 大鼻子 [da4bi2zi0], n., (derog.) a Russian (“big-nosed”).39. 大亨 [da4heng1], n., (coll.) (slightly derog.) a big merchant.套N.(4)  Clich?/i>, formula: 俗套,老套 (derog.) same old things, hackneyed phrases or statements;黃Words36. 黃口 [huang2kou3], n., infant: 黃口孺子 (derog.) immature person.64. 黃湯(子) [huang2tang1] ([zi0]), n., (pop. and derog.) wine.上Words27. 上崗兒 [shang4gang3er0], v.i., (derog.) to sit at honored seat.戲Words23. 戲子 [xi4zi0], n., (derog.) an actor.獻Words2. 獻丑 [xian4chou3], v.i., (derog. or self-depreciating) present (a show, performance); (lit.) “reveal awkwardness,” exposes one's weaknesses.小Words84. 小娘子 [xiao3niang2zi0], n., (MC) a young girl: 小娘們兒 (a) (derog.) young women; (b) concubines.126. 小子 [xiao2zi3], n., (1) child, -ren; (2) court. self-reference; (3) ([xiao2zi0]) a boy (sometimes derog. or joc.); a boy servant.畫Words12. 畫匠 [hua4jiang4], n., (derog.) commercial artist.頭N.拋頭露面 (derog. of woman) show oneself much in the streets;正Words42. 正人 [zheng4ren2], n., gentleman: 正人君子 gentleman; (also derog.) hypocrite, quasi-gentleman.虺Words1. 虺蝮 [hui3fu4], n., poisonous snake: 虺蝮之行 (derog.) sneaky, contemptible ways, like snakes.珠N.有目無珠 “eye without pupil”--(derog.) of stupid people who do not know a good thing when they see it;班N.(3)  A surname: 班門弄斧 phr., (derog.) foolish display of wooden axe in front of famous carpenter's (魯班) home.政Words18. 政客 [zheng4ke4], n., (derog.) politician: 小政客 petty politician.登Words8. 登龍 [deng1long2], v.i., esp. 登龍術 secret of success (oft. derog.).發Words33. 發昏 [fa1hun1], v.i., faint; grow dizzy; (derog.) go crazy.哭Words2. 哭喪 [ku1sang1], v.i., wail at funeral; 哭喪棒 stick held for support by son in funeral procession; v.i., 苦喪臉 (facet., derog.) extremely sad, unpleasant face, a mournful face.噴V.i.1 & t.噴蛆口 (derog.) foul-mouthed person (“spit out worms”);唚V.i. & t.(Of animals like dogs) to vomit, (fig.) (derog.) to spit out nonsense, hogwash;唚不出好話 (derog.) spit out only dirty language.號Words12. 號喪 *[hao2sang1], v.i., to cry at funeral; (derog.) to yell (as if at funeral).冒Words12. 冒失 [mao4shi0], adj., rash, thoughtless, scatterbrained: 冒失鬼 (derog.) a madcap.賭Words7. 賭棍 [du3gun4], n., (derog.) professional gambler, cardsharper.膿Words1. 膿包 [neng2bao1], n., (derog.) a worthless scoundrel.腦N.腦滿腸肥 (derog.) a person with a fair round belly and a swelled head.匹Words3. 匹夫 [pi3fu1], n., an ordinary person, a lone person, everyman: 匹夫匹婦 everyman, common people, person without rank; 天下興亡,匹夫有責 everyman is responsible for his country; 匹夫之勇 (derog.) mere physical courage; 匹夫不可奪志 even an ordinary person has his unchangeable ambitions; 匹夫無罪懷璧其罪 (AC) a man's wealth is his own ruin (by causing others’ greed).屁N.拍馬屁 (derog.) to flatter;闤Words1. 闤闠 [huan2hui4], n., (LL) the market, business district; 闤闠中人 (derog.) (LL) shopkeepers.妾Words1. 妾婦 [qie4fu4] n., (AC) (1) woman referring to herself; (2) (AC) (derog.) common woman.謬Words2. 謬種 [miu4zhong3], n., (derog.) bastard, heretic: 謬種流傳 phr., school of bastard thought.N.hornless river deer: 頭鼠目 (derog.) contemptible ugly fellow ("rateyed and buckheaded").窮Adj.窮鬼,窮漢,窮光蛋,窮措大,窮骨頭 (derog.) poor devil, miserable wretch;涂Words8. 涂鴉 [tu2ya1], v.i., (derog. of) bad writing, esp. bad calligraphy.盜V.t.欺世盜名 (derog. of writers, artists) win notoriety or undeserved popular success by cheap means.沐V.i. & t.沐猴而冠 (derog.) making a monkey show (stupid political figures).流Words48. 流亞 [liu2ya4], n., (slightly derog.) class (of persons); degenerate or succeeding group.銅N.銅臭 (derog.) filthy rich in sense of “ostentatious” or placing too much value on money;飯Words16. 飯桶 [fan4tong3], n., (derog.) “rice bucket,” good-for-nothing, a stupid person.毛Words13. 毛腳雞 [mao2jiao3ji1], n., (derog.) rash, bumptious fellow.反Words39. 反逆 [fan3ni4], n. & adj., (derog.) rebel, against established law and order.乏Adj.(3)  (Derog. & coll.) useless: 乏桶,乏貨,乏人 useless person;白Words80. 白日 **[bai2ri4], adv., in broad daylight: 白日見鬼 phr., (derog.) wild daydream, pure fantasy.僚N.官僚 official, usu. in derog. sense, bureaucrat: 官僚主義 bureaucracy;狗Words8. 狗屁 [gou3pi4], n., (abusive) complete nonsese (“dog fart”): 放狗屁 “talk rot,” say things worthless or nonsensical; 狗屁不通 (derog. of writing) dense trash.猴N.猴子 (derog. or facet.) a mischievous person who acts like a monkey;Words1. 猴精 [hou2jing1], n., (derog.) a clever and mischievous person.名V.t.莫名其妙 phr., (derog.) queer, absurd, indescribable;笨Words3. 笨蛋 [ben4dan4], n., (derog.) idiot, imbecile.9. 笨牛 [ben4niu2], n., (derog.) stupid ox (said of person).夠Adj. & adv.夠瞧的 (derog.) quite too much;婊Words1. 婊子 [biao3zi0], n., prostitute, (derog.) harlot, strumpet.媚V.t.狐媚 (derog. of woman) seduce by attractive looks;奴N.(3)  Term of disparagement, slave: 倭奴 (derog.) the Japanese;Words7. 奴胎 [nu2tai1], n., (derog.) a born slave: 不是這奴胎是誰 (MC) who else could it be but this born slave?




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