degaser poor boy
degaser poor boy简易除气机degaser poor boy簡易除氣機礦冶工程名詞
have one foot in the door
have one foot in the grave
have one over the eight
have one over the eight(或be one over the eight)
have one's a close eye on
have one's a close eye upon
have one's an ear to the ground
have one's ass in a crack
have one's ass in a sling
have one's back against the wall
have one's back to the wall
have one's back to (或against) the wall
have one's back up
have one's banana peeled
have one's banns asked
have one's banns called
have one's bellyful of something
have one's boots laced
have one's brain on a leash
have one's brains on ice
have one's bread buttered for life
have one's cake and eat it
have one's cake and eat it too
have one's cake baked
have one's cake dough
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更新时间:2024/12/22 9:59:51