

单词 decorations
释义 文馨英漢☞decorationdecorations插Words5. 插戴 [cha1dai4], v.i., (1) see[cha1ding4]↓; (2) n., what one wears (hat, girdle, hair decorations, etc.).招Words16. 招展 [zhao1zhan3], v.i., to float in the wind (as a flag): 花枝招展 flower branches move, or a lady's hair decorations move as she passes by.擺V.t.擺設兒 [bai1she0er0], n., display (of art objects), interior decorations.敷Words2. 敷設 [fu1she4], v.t., lay, arrange in order (decorations, etc.), lay (railroads).蘊Words5. 蘊藻 [yUn4zao3], n., watercress and the like; decorations on house beams or in writing.花Words22. 花鈿 [hua1dian4], n., hair decorations of women.裝Words9. 裝潢 [zhuang1huang2], n. & v.t., furniture and decorations; (to furnish with) handsome bookbinding.23. 裝飾 [zhuang1shi4], n. & v.t., to decorate, -tion; 裝飾品 decorations.妝Words6. 妝飾 [zhuang1shi4], n. & v.t., decorations; dress up.帽Words1. 帽花(兒) [mao4hua1er0], n., decorations, jewels on hat.蟬Words1. 蟬鬢 [chan2bin4], n., woman's hair-set with framed gauze decorations on side.一Words46. 一頭 [yi4tou2], adv., (1) along with s.t. else: 一頭走,一頭哭 weeps as one walks along; 東一頭西一頭亂跑 run about in all directions; (2) suddenly: 一頭碰見 suddenly met; (3) a whole headful: 一頭株花 (wears) pearl decorations all over her hair.珠Words14. 珠翠 [zhu1cui4], n., pearls and jade decorations.珥N.(1)  Earring of jade, pearl or similar decorations.配Words1. 配備 [pei4bei4], n., (mil.) arms; and equipment things, decorations that go with (a thing); v.t., to furnish with arms.勝N.(3)  A woman's hairdress: 方勝,春勝 formerly, slanting hair decorations.翠N.(2)  翡翠鳥 the kingfisher whose blue feathers are used in decorations.張Words8. 張設 [zhang1she4], v.i. & t., to set up (curtains, tables, decorations) for occasions.文Words6. 文綺 [wen2qi3], n., (LL) stylistic decorations.穿Words3. 穿戴 [chuan1dai4], n., what one wears (hat, hair decorations and dress).鋪Words6. 鋪排 [pu1pai0], n., decorations; temple employee for setting up temporary altar in street or home.7. 鋪設 [pu1she4], n., furniture and decorations; setup.釵N.Hair decorations, hairpin: 金釵,玉釵 gold, jade hairpin;釵光鬢影 glistening hair decorations.飾N.Decorations (on hair, body, carriage, style): 服飾 costume, style of dress;布Words5. 布景 [bu4jing3], n. & v.i., (set) background, decorations (in garden, drama) (also wr. 布).佩Words1. 佩帶 [pei1dai4], v.i & t., to carry, to wear (as decorations, etc.)卸Words5. 卸頭 [xie4tou2], v.i., (women) take off hair decorations.




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