cutanous emphysema
cutanous emphysema皮肤气肿cutanous emphysema皮膚氣腫醫學名詞
to dress skins
to dress the feet
to dress the hair
to dress the hair, as girls
to dress the hair (of women)
to dress timber
to dress up in the ancient manner
to dress up processions
to dress up, to clothe pompously
to dribble
to drift about
to drift down the stream
to drill, as troops
to drill one on
to drill, or exercise soldiers
to drill soldiers
to drill troops
to drink a glass of liquor
to drink a glass of wine
to drink a health
to drink blood in making a covenant
to drink blood, in making a covenant
to drink blood, in making covenants
to drink freely
to drink greedily
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更新时间:2024/12/22 19:12:37