

单词 customs
释义 customs  [ˈkʌstəmz]'customs'是'custom'的替代术语。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文custom nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (tradition)传统风俗 chuán tǒng fēng sú  习俗 xí sú The custom is to bring a gift when you are invited to dinner.custom nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. UK (patronage: using shops)惠顾,光临  "Thank you for your custom," the shop owner said.customs nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (airport baggage-check area) (复数形式)海关 hǎi guān After passport control, you need to pass through customs. 经过护照检查处后,您还需要通过海关检查。customs nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (tax payable on imported goods)关税 guān shuì备注: Used with a singular or plural verb You may have to pay customs on imported goods.customs nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (government import duties department)海关 hǎi guān Canadian customs charge you taxes for any imported goods valued over $20.customs n as adjnoun as adjective: Describes another noun--for example, "boat race," "dogfood." (charge, duty: payable on imported goods)关税 guān shuì The company had to pay the customs duty for the imported item.custom adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (made to order, bespoke)定制的 dìng zhì de  定做的 dìng zuò de The company built a custom motorcycle for him. 其他翻译英语中文custom nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. UK (patronage) (总称)顾客,主顾   光顾,惠顾  The adverts generated a lot of custom.custom nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (habit) (个人的)习惯,习性,惯常行为 custom, customs nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (government agency) (政府机构)海关 hǎi guān Customs is holding the shipment till you pay the tax.custom, customs nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (traditions)风俗 fēng sú  习俗 xí sú  风俗习惯 fēng sú xí guàn  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:英语中文according to custom advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (as is traditionally done)根据习俗 gēn jù xí sú  根据风俗习惯 gēn jù fēng sú xí guàn According to custom, the dinner must be on the first Sunday in June.custom designed, custom-designed adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (bespoke)定制设计的,定做的 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. A custom-designed computer would have only the components the buyer desires.custom work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. ([sth] tailor-made, made to order)定做的活儿 dìng zuò de huó er  定做的东西 dìng zuò de dōng xī The motorcyclists admired all the custom work on the bikes parked outside the bar.custom work nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (bespoke, personalized service)个性化的服务 gè xìng huà de fú wù  定制的服务 dìng zhì de fú wùcustom-built, custom built adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (created to order)定制的 dìng zhì de备注: The hyphen is omitted when the adjective follows the nouncustom-made, custom made adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (bespoke, personalized, made to order)定做的 dìng zuò de  订制的 dìng zhì de备注: hyphen used when term is before a noun 短语用于名词前时需用连字符连接 His suits are custom made for him by his tailor in Saville Row. 在这些条目还发现'customs':在英文解释里:clear - culture - customs clearance - declare - disappearance - dutiable - duty free - duty-free goods - more - nonpracticing - protocol - subculture中文:海关customsˈkʌstəmzn.① 關稅;海關新世纪新世纪★◀▶customs¹/ˈkʌstəmz/npl.[用作单或复]1.(duty)关税Are we liable for customs on goods bought within the EU?我们有义务为带入欧盟的货物缴纳关税吗?to pay customs on sth为某物缴纳关税If you're importing those goods into Britain from the USA, you'll have to pay customs on them.如果将这些货物从美国进口到英国, 就必须缴纳关税。2.(government department)海关(部门)components similar to those seized by British customs和英国海关截获的那些物品相似的部件3.(at airport, port, border)(机场、港口或边境的)海关(关口)to go through customs通过海关检查You have to go through customs before you can leave the airport.离开机场之前必须经过海关检查。He walked through customs.他步行通过海关。to be stopped at customs被海关拦截4.(procedure)(检查行李和货物、纳税等的)海关检查程序customs²/ˈkʌstəmz/comp.海关的Customs formalities can take ages.海关报关手续非常耗时。There are two key areas in customs work.海关工作分为两大关键部分。新世纪☞custom详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 pl. /ˈkʌstəmz/关税 Are we liable for customs on goods bought within the EU? 我们有义务为带入欧盟的货物缴纳关税吗? If you're importing those goods into Britain from the USA, you'll have to pay customs on them. 如果将这些货物从美国进口到英国,就必须缴纳关税。 to pay customs on sth 为某物缴纳关税海关(部门) components similar to those seized by British customs 和英国海关截获的那些物品相似的部件(机场、港口或边境的)海关(关口) You have to go through customs before you can leave the airport. 离开机场之前必须经过海关检查。 He walked through customs. 他步行通过海关。 to go through customs 通过海关检查 to be stopped at customs 被海关拦截(检查行李和货物、纳税等的)海关检查程序 mod. /ˈkʌstəmz/海关的 Customs formalities can take ages. 海关报关手续非常耗时。 There are two key areas in customs work. 海关工作分为两大关键部分。常用短语源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社to pay customs on sth为某物缴纳关税to go through customs通过海关检查英英释义n.money collected under a tariffcustoms未Words15. 未能 [wei4neng2], adv., could not: 未能免俗 phr., (court.)have to follow the customs.末Words13. 末俗 [mo4su2], n., (derog.) modern customs; latter-day fashions or fads; decadent ways.古Words8. 古風 [gu3feng1], n., (1) ancient manners, customs and habits; (2) ancient style poetry.扦Words2. 扦手 [qian1shou3], n., formerly, customs inspector (who pokes at sacks of goods)按Prep.按規矩 according to regulations or customs;撲Words7. 樸素 [pu2su4]1, adj., (of dress, customs, way of living) simple.志N.府志,州志,縣志 district history of [fu3], [zhou1] or [xian4], giving geography, history, historical personalities, customs and other sociological data;封V.t.封關 close up for customs, (bank) holiday;報V. i. & t.報稅,報關 pay tax, pay customs duties;Words6. 報單 [bao4dan1], n., report, esp., customs declaration.16. 報關行 [bao4guan1hang2], n., agent for clearing customs.警N.稅警 customs police;舊Words21. 舊俗 [jiu4su2], n., old customs, folklore.蒂N.Calyx, base of flower, stem: 根深蒂固 deeply rooted (of social customs);蔓Words3. 蔓延,蔓衍 [man4yan2], [man4yan3], v.i., grow and spread (vine, disease, bad customs); adj., widespread, also wr. 曼, 漫.世Words32. 世俗 [shi4su2], n., (1) customs, manners of a place; (2) (Budd. or Christianity) those outside the church, non-believer.兇Adj.兇地 (AC) a bad country with bad customs.督Words2. 督察 [du1cha2], n., inspector, inspector general (of customs, tax administation, etc.); v.t., to inspect and supervise.斷Words4. 斷除 [duan4chu2], v.t., break off, remove (obstacles, bad habits or customs, etc.).申Words1. 申報 [shen1bao4], (1) n., name of the oldest Chin. newspaper in Shanghai; (2) v.t., (a) to report to superior; v.t., (b) declare (dutiable goods) to customs officials, (one's income).典Words2. 典常 [dian3chang2], n., established laws and customs.遺Adj.遺制 customs handed down from the past.慣N.Habit, custom: 風俗習慣 customs and habits.蛻Words1. 蛻變 [tui4bian4], v.i., to change (customs, habits, fashions, to mutate).順V.t.順時俗 follow prevailing customs;平N.關平 Customs silver scale.不Words46. 不古 [bu4gu3]1, phr., 世風不古 customs nowadays are no longer what they were.惡Adj.惡俗 bad customs;現Words20. 現行 [xian4xing2]1, adj., current (prices, statutes, customs, etc.).醇Words4. 醇化 [chun2hua4], adj., mellowed, well blended (customs, callig., also 淳化).8. 醇醨 [chun2li2], n., good (醇) and bad (醨) wine, (fig.) tough and refined customs, manners.子Words19. 子口 [zi2kou3], n., formerly, an inland customs station: 子口稅 transit dues.墜Words1. 墜典 [zhui4dian3], n., (LL) customs or institutions of olden times.通Words62. 通行 [tong1xing2], adj. & v.i., current (language, customs); go through, open to traffic: 可以通行,通行無阻 open thoroughfare, accessible to public; 通行證 pass for entering area.陋Words7. 陋俗 [lou4su2], n., common, stupid customs.口N.關口,卡口 customs station;異Words32. 異俗 [yi4su2], n., foreign, strange customs.時N.逆時 against the times or prevailing customs.則N.稅則 tariffs, customs duties.同Words16. 同化 [tong2hua4], v.t., (1) assimilate, be assimilate; (2) (of foreign tribes) adopt Chin. dress, language and customs.風N.(4)  Of customs, atmosphere: usu. 風氣 [feng1qi4]↓;民風 people's customs;Words7. 風氣 [feng1qi4], n., current customs, fashion: 不良風氣 bad moral atmosphere; style of character: 豪邁風氣 a heroic air or style.32. 風教 [feng1jiao4], n., moral culture, moral customs.71. 風俗 [feng1su2], n., social customs (good or bad).76. 風土 [feng1tu3], n., locality: 風土人情 local customs, practices.81. 風物 [feng1wu4], n., local customs and products.習N.(2)  Habit, customs: 惡習 bad habits;陋習 bad customs;Words5. 習慣 [xi2guan4], n., habits; customs: 惡習慣 bad customs or habits (cf. [xi2su2]↓); 習慣法 common law based on actual practice; 習慣性 habitual nature.12. 習俗 [xi1su2], n., local customs.司N.稅務司 Commissioner of Customs.監Words5. 監督 [jian1du1], (1) v.t., inspect, supervise; (2) n., an inspector, a supervisor: 海關監督 Superintendent of Customs.驗V.t.檢驗,查驗 to inspect (goods as at Customs), examine (blood, urine);民Words4. 民風 [min2feng1], n., the customs and morals of the people.18. 民俗 [min2su2], n., people's customs (good, bad); 民俗學 [min2su2xUe2], ethnology; 民俗文學 folk literature.關N.(1)  a frontier pass or gate, customs barrier, check point: 關口 [guan1kou3], 關隘 [guan1ai4]2↓;海關 maritime customs;Words4. 關卡 [guan1qia3], n., a check point, customs barrier.18. 關口 [guan1kou3], n., (1) a strategic pass, customs station; (2) a critical point in a given situation.25. 關平 [guan1ping2], n., the Chinese Customs silver scale (1 oz. = 10.13 庫平 Treasury Scale).31. 關稅 [guan1sui4], n., customs duties, tariffs.訖Adv.查訖,驗吃 passed (customs, etc.) after examination: 收訖 (official and commercial) duly received;廢Words2. 廢除 [fei4chu2], v.t., cancel (treaties, agreement), stop (old customs), remove (obstacles).7. 廢止 [fei4zhi3], v.t., stop (customs), cancel (old regulations, etc.).染Words9. 染習 [ran3xi2], v.i., (Budd.) be contaminated by bad habit or customs.淳Words2. 淳風 [chun2feng1], adj., simple, unsophisticated (customs).津Words4. 津關 [jin1guan1], n., a customs barrier, a check point.淫Adj.淫風 immoral, wanton customs, laxity n morals;沿V.t.(1)  To follow (street, river, customs, tradition): 沿街叫賣 to peddle s.t. in the streets;Words4. 沿革 [yan2ge2], n., the history and development (of a district, customs, institutions).8. 沿襲 [yan2xi2], v.t. & n., to follow (old customs).海Words26. 海關 [hai3guan1], n., maritime customs.澆Words1. 澆薄 [jiao1bo2], adj., (of customs, manners) bad, degenerate.泛Words2. 泛濫 [fan4lan4], v.i., (of flood) spread over; (ideas, customs) spread like a flood.泥Words7. 泥古 *[ni4gu3], v.i., be ultra-con-servative, be a slave to anc. authorities, customs,or traditions.流Words41. 流行 [liu2xing2], (1) adj., fashionable, much in vogue (style, customs); adj., epidemic: 流行性感冒 influenza; 流行病 epidemic; (2) v.i., circulate, become gen. accepted.45. 流俗 [liu2su2], n., customary practice, common customs; gen. run of people.禮N.(3)  Propriety, social customs, see 禮法,禮俗 [li3fa3], [li3su2]↓.(4)  A body of social customs and cultural institutions as embodied in Confucianism, see 禮教 [li3jiao4]↓.Words16. 禮俗 [li3su2], n., social customs and institutions.成Words13. 成法 [cheng2fa3], n., established law or customs, usage, precedent.59. 成俗 [cheng2su2], (1) n., established customs; (2) v.i., in 化民成俗 (AC) to influence the people and form moral customs.64. 成文 [cheng2wen2], (1) n., clear statement (letter) of the law; (2) n., (coll.) presentable: 沒有一件成文的東西 not one presentable thing; (3) adj., written in black and white: 成文法 written laws; adj., 不成文法 customs and conventions.道N.道不拾遺 lost articles are always returned to owners-symbolic of good customs;入V.i. & t.入國問俗 learn about customs and habits of the country one goes to;番N.熟番,生番 those influenced by Chin. customs, those who are not.Adj.番俗 foreign customs.反Words22. 反古 [fan2gu3], v.i., return to ancient ideas, customs.移V.i. & t.移風易俗 gradually change the customs of people, to influence morals;稅Words5. 稅關 [shui4guan1], n., customs (frontier, maritime).16. 稅務 [shui4wu4], n., customs administration; 稅務司 Commissioner of Customs.盤Words5. 盤查 [pan2cha2], v.t., examine thoroughly (luggage at customs).偷Adj.偷薄 mean, decadent (customs).仁Words10. 仁里 [ren2li3], n., a village (district, neighborhood) noted for good customs.俗N.Social customs: 風俗,慣俗,俗慣,習俗 ditto;土俗,俚俗 local customs;流俗 common current customs;化N.(1)  Culture: 化行俗美 the spread of culture made for good manners, culture spread and the customs were good;風化 public morals, social customs;Words1. 化除 [hua4chu2], v.t., to abolish, remove (prejudices, bad customs).循V.t.(1)  To follow (rules, precedents, customs): 循例 [xUn2li4]2↓;Words2. 循常 [xUn2chang2], adj. & adv., usual, -ly: 循常規矩 the usual customs or practices.13. 循俗 [xUn2su2], v.i., follow the customs.徵V.t.(4)  To adduce or serve as evidence: 杞不足徵也 (AC) the city of Jii (杞) cannot provide adequate evidence (of the ancestral customs of 夏).從Words33. 從俗 [cong2su2], v.i., follow the general customs.獷Adj.獷俗 barbarous customs;歸Words8. 歸化 [gui1hua4], v.i., (1) submit to Chin. rule; adopt Chin. customs; (2) (law) (be) naturalize(d).氣N.(5)  Tone, atmosphere, manner: 習氣 habit, customs;矩N.規矩 regulations, social customs.知Words23. 知禮 [zhi1li3], adj., refined, conversant with proper manners or established customs.變N.(1)  Change: as in 改變,變更 change (of text, policy, goal, customs, etc.).媽Words4. 媽媽 [ma1ma0], n., address for mother=mamma: 媽媽大全,媽媽論兒 n., folklore, customs passed on by “old wives,” including wisdom, superstition.細Adv.細查,細究,細驗 examine carefully (accounts, goods at customs);鄉Words27. 鄉俗 [xiang1su2], n., local customs.cus·toms/`kʌstəmz; ˈkʌstəmz/名词pl1 进口税2 海关Customs关税customs海关双向☞ customs house {= CH}--customs詞目:CUSTOMS 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階CUSTOMS1風俗1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 59 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Customs1superintendent of Customs海闗大人2levy Customs徵餉3pay the Customs納餉4defraud the Customs走餉5commissioner of Customs稅務司6clerk in the Customs協辦7interpreter in the Customs繙譯官、通事、官銀號8Customs tariff,則例9Customs godown,騐貨棧房10Customs shed-jetty,騐貨碼頭11to understand Customs1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 113 1916赫美玲官話Customsn. pl.1duties稅餉、稅銀2~ bank關銀號3~ barrier卡倫、卡子4~ broker報關行5~ business稅務6Chinese Maritime ~海關、新關7~ assistant海關幫辦8Commissioner of ~稅務司9Deputy Commissioner of ~副稅務司10~ duties關稅(部定)、關榷(部定)11~ employés海關人員、海關所用的人12~ House海關公署13Inspector General of ~總稅務司14~ officers關員15Superintendent of ~海關監督16~ Taotai海關道17~ regulations關章18~ revenue稅課、稅款、稅鈔數目、稅餉19~ tariff稅則20To defraud the ~ (by smuggling)走私、漏稅、偷私21generally, as by false declaration, etc.朦混22To levy ~徵稅、收稅23To pass the ~過關24To pay the ~納稅、完稅p 333 p 334 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華★◀▶朦混customs defraud indistinct beclouded 英華☞Abgaben英華☞TAX英華☞way学术学术★◀▶customs海關海洋科學名詞—造船工程customs (CUST)海關航空太空名詞customs海關機械工程Customs關稅經濟學




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