

单词 c.p.
释义 C.P. abbr. Cape Province Chief Patriarch 【宗教】大主教 command post Common Pleas Common Prayer 【宗教】(英国国教)祈祷书 Communist Party c.p. abbr. candle power chemically pure circular pitch command post common pleas CP abbr.candlepower centipoise [亦作 cp] charge parity 或 charge conjugation parity 电荷宇称;电荷共轭宇称 Command Post CP. abbr.compare  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 文馨文馨★◀▶C.P.abbr.① 意思等同於下列字:Chief Patriarch; command post; Common Prayer; Communist Party; court of Probatec.p.abbr.① 光度(單位為candela)(=candle power; cp.2)c.p.abbr.(縮寫 abbreviation)(= carriage paid)化學純的(= chemically pure)圓周齒節(= circular pitch)加拿大通訊社( C.P.)(= Canadian Press)開普省( C.P.)(= Cape Province)壓力中心( C.P.)(= center of pressure)大主教( C.P.)(= Chief Patriarch)民政當局( C.P.)(= civil power)民事訴訟程序( C.P.)(= civil procedure)克萊蘭登出版社( C.P.)(= Clarendon Press)(郡或自治城市的)治安書記官( C.P.)(= Clerk of the Peace)訴訟法典( C.P.)(= code of procedure)(英國)教育行政學院( C.P.)(= College of Preceptors)【軍】(戰地)指揮所( C.P.)(= command post)( C.P.)(= Common Pleas)( C.P.)(= Common Prayer)共產黨;( C.P.)(= Communist party)【天主教】耶穌受難修道會( C.P.)(= Congregation of the Passion)【澳】( C.P.)(= Country Party)遺囑檢驗法庭( C.P.)(= Court of Probate)港口慣例( C.P.)(= custom of port)c.p.carriage paidchemically pure化學純的circular pitch圓周齒節Canadian Press加拿大通訊社Cape Province開普省center of pressure壓力中心Chief Patriarch大主教civil power民政當局civil procedure民事訴訟程序Clarendon Press克萊蘭登出版社Clerk of the Peace(郡或自治城市的)治安書記官code of procedure訴訟法典College of Preceptors(英國)教育行政學院command post(戰地)指揮所Common PleasCommon PrayerCommunist party共產黨;Congregation of the Passion耶穌受難修道會Country PartyCourt of Probate遺囑檢驗法庭custom of port港口慣例document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');C.P. {chemically pure reagent}化學級純試劑化學名詞—兩岸化學名詞




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