单词 | countries |
释义 | countries n.country的变形 country ['kʌntri] n. 地方,地区,区域 国土,领土 国,国家 民众,国民,人民 故乡, 故土,家乡,祖国 乡村,农村,乡下 【法律】陪审团 [美国口语]乡村音乐,(尤指)西部乡村音乐 首都以外的地区 领域;兴趣范围 舱 空间;外场 【地质学】围岩adj.乡村的,农村的,乡下的 乡土气的,粗野的 国家的 [方言]本国的,祖国的;故乡的,家乡的 [美国口语]乡村音乐的;以乡村音乐为特色的 [美国口语]具有早期美国乡村家具特征的短语:go (或 appeal ) to the country[主英国英语](解散议会)举行大选,(当议会在某一重要问题上不支持内阁时)解散议会重新选举下议院 put oneself on one's (或 the) country 诉诸本选区的选民 (诉讼当事人)要求陪审团审判 sweep the country突然风行全国up country远离首都(或海岸) 变形:n. countries 更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 文馨英漢☞country新世纪新世纪★◀▶countries/ˈkʌntrɪz/n.country¹ 的复数形式新世纪☞country详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 npl /ˈkʌntrɪz/参见:countrycountries先Words16. 先進 [xian1jin4], n., the forerunners: 先進國家 the countries that have progressed ahead.邦N.邦交 diplomatic relations between countries.遠Words29. 遠游 [yUan3you2], v.i., to travel to distant countries.雄Adj.稱雄 to be recognized as the master (among countries);落Words5. 落後 [luo4hou4], v.i., fall behind in work; adj., behind times (in thinking), backward: 落後國家 underdeveloped countries.萬Words8. 萬方 [wan4fang1], adv., (1) by all sorts of methods (try to please, etc.); (2) in all countries (unsettled, etc.); (3) incomparably: 儀態萬方 distinguished air of elegance and coquetry.鞭Words6. 鞭撻 [bian1ta4], v.t., whip, whip into submission (of countries); (MC) drive (person) about.不Words57. 不結盟國家 [bu4jie1meng2guo2jia1], n., non-aligned countries.天N.天朝 the Celestial Court (formerly, used in communication with foreign countries);丑Adj.(3) (AC) matching: 天下地丑德齊 (AC) the countries are equally strong in territory and power.列Words5. 列國 [lie4guo2], n., the different countries: 春秋列國 the city states of time of Confucius.聘N. & v.t.(3) (LL) diplomatic mission between countries.界Words7. 界約 [jie4yUe1], n., treaty defining boundary between two countries.盟N.(AC) sworn oath of alliance among countries: 結盟,聯盟 form alliance;國Words28. 國家 [guo2jia1], n., the state or nation: 國家主義 nationalism; 先進國家 advanced countries; 未發展國家 underdeveloped countries; 落後國家 backward countries.29. 國交 [guo2jiao1], n., diplomatic relations between countries.65. 國王 [guo2wang2], n., (1) the king; (2) the prince of a country; (3) title conferred on the chiefs of state of countries paying tribute to China.四Words28. 四塊瓦兒 [si4kuai4wa3er0], n., a hat (in cold countries) with reversible flabs on four sides.歷V.i. & t.游歷各國 travel through many countries.歐Words7. 歐西 [ou1xi1], n., Europe and the West: 歐西各國 the Western countries; cf. 西歐 West Europe.郡Words3. 郡縣 [jUn4xian4], n., the system of administrative districts (prefectures and countries) introduced after the abolition of feudalism by 秦始皇.商Words36. 商約 [shang1yUe1], (1) v. i., decide together (to do s. t.); (2) n., (short for 通商條約) treaty of commerce between two countries.游Words18. 游歷 [you2li4], v.i., to visit (foreign countries, etc.).28. 游說 [you2shui4], v.i., (AC of scholars) travel about different countries to sell certain ideas.席Words2. 席卷 [xi2jUan3], v.i., to roll up, carpet-bagging: 席卷 (also 卷) 天下 conquer the whole world, "roll up" all the treasures of the world, also to absorb all conquered countries.涉Words5. 涉歷 [she4li4], v.t., to go through, live through (periods, countries).內Adj. & adv.內附 (of foreign countries) come to pay homage;和Words15. 和睦 [he2mu4], adj., friendly (relations between countries, brothers).血Words64. 血統 [xUe4tong3], n., blood relationship, consanguinity: 血統主義 jus sanguinis, law of certain countries which recognizes child's citizenship by its parents', irrespective of where it is born (opp. 屬地主義 jus soli).進N.(of countries) more advanced ;修Words15. 修和 [xiu1he2], v.i., establish peace or friendly relations with neighbor countries.外Words111. 外洋 [wai4yang2], n., oceans outside China, foreign countries in gen.締Words1. 締結 [di4jie1], v. t., form, unite: 締結邦交,良緣 strengthen friendship between countries, form marital ties. |
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