

单词 copy out
释义 copy out 抄出…的复本,(用打字机)打出…的复本:I'll copy out this letter and send it to the manager.我将把这封信打一份给经理送去。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 copy outphr.① 謄錄copy outvt. sep.to copy sth outorto copy out sth抄写I remember copying out the whole play.我记得抄写了整个剧本。He wrote the title on the blackboard, then copied out the text sentence by sentence.他在黑板上写下题目, 然后逐句抄写出文章。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vt septo copy sth out;to copy out sth:抄写 I remember copying out the whole play. 我记得抄写了整个剧本。 He wrote the title on the blackboard, then copied out the text sentence by sentence. 他在黑板上写下题目,然后逐句抄写出文章。英英释义v.copy very carefully and as accurately as possible英華英華★◀▶謄出來COPY out To copy OUT WRITE out a copy of Write out a copy, Write out another copy 鈔出來copy out to copy out




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