

单词 copper-bottomed
释义 copper-bottomedˈkəpəˈbɔtəmdadj.① 【口】穩定安全的copper-bottomed promises可靠的諾言② (船)底部覆銅而適於航海的copper-bottomedadj.1.+ investment完全可靠的;稳妥保险的So copper-bottomed was the deal that it was financed almost entirely with bank debt.这宗交易极其稳妥, 结果所有的资金基本都是通过银行借贷的。2.+ pan有铜底的;用铜包底的Her biggest copper-bottomed saucepan made one hell of a noise as it clattered onto the tiles.她最大的铜底锅掉到瓷砖上发出了很大的声响。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 adj完全可靠的;稳妥保险的搭配:[+ investment] So copper-bottomed was the deal that it was financed almost entirely with bank debt. 这宗交易极其稳妥,结果所有的资金基本都是通过银行借贷的。有铜底的;用铜包底的搭配:[+ pan] Her biggest copper-bottomed saucepan made one hell of a noise as it clattered onto the tiles. 她最大的铜底锅掉到瓷砖上发出了很大的声响。英英释义adj.having a bottom of copper or sheathed with copper英汉大☞unimpeachablecopper-bottomed形容词1 < 船> 用铜板包底的2 ((口语))完全真货的; < 事业等> (在财务上) 可信赖的, 安全的a ~ guarantee [promise]绝对可靠的保证[约定]copper-bottomeda.(形容詞 adjective)(船)用銅板包底的;(財務上)健全的,穩妥的;可靠的,可信賴的document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:Copper-bottomed 1866-69羅存德英華字典Copper-bottomed1having a bottom sheathed with copper銅底嘅、底包銅1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 501 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Copper-bottomeda.1Having a bottom sheathed with copper銅底嘅、底包銅1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 317 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Copper-bottomeda.1Having a bottom sheathed with copper, 底包銅的, 銅底的底包銅的、銅底的p 481 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆




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