

单词 conj
释义 conjabbr.【语法】1.=conjugation2.=conjunction3.=conjunctive详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 abbr.=conjugation=conjunction=conjunctiveconj來Special formations.(3)  Adv. conj., in order to, so that, to: 唱個歌來湊熱鬧 sing us a song (in order) to make the party more lively (equiv. 以 in LL);直Adv.直到 (conj.) until: 直到日入 until sundown;Words4. 直到 [zhi2dao4]1, prep. & conj., until.抑Conj.(LL) or, or else (somewhat rhet.): 人歟,抑鬼耶 is it a human being or is it a ghost?不知乎,抑不為乎 didn’t he know, or didn't he want to do it? 抑或 [yi4huo4]↓;抑且 [yi4qie3]↓.Words1. 抑且 [yi4qie3], conj., furthermore, besiders.3. 抑或 [yi4huo4], conj., or else, or perhaps (rhet.).特Conj.But (= 但), except that: 特不能超出范圍 except that the limit must be observed;only: 特一時失檢 only a momentary oversight;不特,非特 not only.故Conj.Therefore, consequently, hence: 故不能來 therefore I could not come;是故 for this reason;故爾 [gu4er3]↓;故而 [gu4er2], 故此 [gu4ci3]↓.有Conj.(LL) pr. [you4], used like “又”:三十有五 thirty-five;十有五年 fifteen years.夫Adv. & conj.(LL beginning sentences and opening generalizations) now, as regards: 夫仁者 now (as regards) 仁;夫道若大路然 now the Way (Tao) is like a broad highway;夫何憂何懼 now what is there to worry about? 夫如此,夫如是 only so;夫豈不知 now don’t I (dosen't he) know? 夫既如此 now that it is so;that being so;夫唯不爭,故… it is because he does not contend, therefore…;with 且 in 且夫 moreover;with 今 in 今夫 now (introducing generalization).其Adv. & Conj.(1)  (Interrogative) 其…乎 can it be …? (=豈乎…): 一之為甚,其可再乎 once is bad enough, must it happen a second time?(2)  (Optative) or: 誠愛趙乎,其憎趙乎 does he really love the Jauh country, or rather doesn't he hate it?(3)  (Emphatic) indeed: 然乎,不其然乎 is it so? is it not so? 才難,不其然乎 talent is rare to come by, isn't it so indeed?(4)  (Imperative) in an order, like English “let”: 其以沛為朕沐邑 let Paih be designated as my resort town;其各凜遵 let all obey this order carefully;其毋 let not.薄Conj.(AC, rare, with undetermined meaning, perhaps similar to) just, and so: 薄伐玁狁 and invade the Huns;薄澣我衣 will just wash my clothes;薄言采之 and we picked them.蓋Conj.(AC & LL) for, oft. used as initial particle, introducing a generalization: 蓋聞 for I've heard it said that;蓋天下萬物之萌生,靡不有死 for nothing lives which doesn't die;stating an admission: 蓋有之矣 it is possible that such cases exist;蓋難言也 it is difficult to say (I admit, I allow);蓋因 it is because.若Conj.(1)  If, as if, in case: 倘若 if, supposing;若使 [ruo4shi3]↓;若有所失 feel lost;若有所思 as if deep in thought;若將就木 as though about to die;若己推而內之溝中 as if oneself had pushed them into the gutters;若不早圖 if no attempt is made early enough to forestall it;若果立之 if he is made king;若有甲兵之事 in case war should come;若其 in case;若果 in case that;若非 unless.(2)  Both …and …: 若老若幼 both old and young.(3)  Than: 莫若 nothing better than: 止謗莫若自修 nothing stops gossip as correcting one's own ways.Words10. 若是 [ruo4shi4], conj., if, supposing: 若是乎 so, thus, in such a way, to such an extent.12. 若使 [ruo4shi3], conj., if, supposing.茍Conj.If, if indeed: 茍非其人 if it's not the right man;茍能如此 if it could be so;茍志於仁矣 (AC) if indeed one is set on the pursuit of manhood;茍不然 if it is not so;茍非 if it were not that…, unless there be.莫Words5. 莫若 [mo4ruo4], 莫如 [mo4ru2], conj. phr., nothing better than, it would be better to: 莫如回去,和他絕交 it is better to go home, to break relations with him; 以為天下莫己若也 (LL) thinks he has no equal in this world.斯Adv. & conj.Then: 有目斯能視 having eyes, then one can see.虛Words44. 虛字 [xU1zi4], n., (Chin. gram.) functional words (conj., adv., exclamation) versus 實字 substantive words (n. & pron.).比Adv. conj.(*[bi4]) (LL) until, till;比及 when, by the time;比來 recently;比聞,比見 (LL) recently heard, saw;比維起居佳吉 (LL) I hope everything goes well with you.以Words5. 以故 [yi3gu4], adv. & conj., therefore.17. 以此 [yi3ci3], (1) conj., because of this, therefore; (2) phr., with this (conclude, etc.); (3) accordingly: 以此進行 proceed thus.20. 以外 [yi3wai4], (1) phr., excluding; (2) conj., furthermore.尚Conj.Even: 衣食尚不足,何論其他 one has not even enough to live on, let alone other things.Words1. 尚且 [shang4qie3], adv. & conj., vern. for 尚, even, still, yet, see Adv.↑.惟Adv. & conj. & prep.(1)  Only: 惟一 only one;惟有 only have;惟恐 only fear;惟愿 only wish;oft. in form 惟+object+是vb.: 惟命是聽 only listen to orders;惟汝是問 only you have to answer (for any mistake);惟我獨尊 terribly self-conceited;惟心,惟物 [wei2xin1], [wei2wu4]↓;惟理主義 rationalism.(2)  Very: 惟妙惟肖 (of painting, portrayal) strikingly true to life.一Adv.(1)  Once (like Eng. “once” it is also used as conj.): 一見不忘 once seen, never forgotten;Words6. 一旦 [yi2dan0], adv. & conj., once (s.t. should happen): 一旦死了 should s.o. die one day.可Conj.But, see 可是 [ke3shi4]↓.Words24. 可是 [ke3shi4], (1) v.i., be indeed, be (emphatic): 你那樣可是真糟 you are simply awful; (2) conj., but: 他雖做不好,可是已盡力了 it's not very well done, but he has done his best; (3) (in questions) is that right? 我說的可是 is what I say right?不Words40. 不管 [bu4guan3], adj. & conj., regardless (of what happens): 不管什麼人 regardless of persons.44. 不過 [bu2guo4], (1) adv., only, merely: 不過如此 it's only soso; adv., 不過看一看 merely take a look; (2) conj., but, on the other hand; conj., 不過意 phr., feel embarrassed (by hospitality etc.).107. 不然 [bu4ran2], (1) conj., otherwise, if not: 不然的話 ditto; (2) phr., 不以為然 (s.o.) thinks it is not so, (s.o.) disagrees.否Words4. 否則 [fou3ze0], adv., conj., or else, if not: 你陪我們來,否則大家不去 come with us or else let's not go at all.而Conj.(1)  And: 聞善而不善 (AC) heard of anything good and bad;connecting oft. two vbb.: 學而時習之 to learn and review it from time to time;or two adjj.: 恭而有禮 modest and courteous;connecting an adv. with vb.: 呱呱而泣 wail and cry;and yet, oft. reinforcing advv. like 況,竟,乃:而況 how much more then;而竟,而乃 and contrary to reason or expectations;coupled with negative 不, meaning “and yet,” “but”: 富而不驕 rich and yet not conceited;群而不黨 is sociable, but not clannish.(2)  而且 Furthermore, besides.(3)  Having the force of 之 “of”: 君子恥其言而過其行 a gentleman is ashamed of his words being more pretentious than his conduct.Words3. 而後 [er2hou4], adv. conj., (1) and then: 言而後退 speak and then retire; (2) hence forth, thenceforth.要Conj.If (=若, related): 要是 [yao4shi0]↓;要不然 [yao4bu0ran2]↓;你要不來 if you don't come;要不,我們回去罷 if not, we'll go back.Words49. 要是 [yao4shi0], conj., if (=若是).到Words8. 到得 [dao4de2], conj., until, as soon as: 到得那個時候 when that time arrives.乃Words5. 乃因 [nai3yin1], conj., it is because.又Conj.And: 一又三分之二 one and two-thirds;oft. 又…又…:又高又大 big and tall;又聾又啞 both deaf and mute;又冷又下雨 it's cold and raining;又饑又渴 both hungry and thirsty.及Conj.(1)  When: 及期 when the time comes;及其長也 when he grew up to manhood;及其覺也 when he woke up;及至 when the point is reached.(2)  And: 孔子及其門徒 Confucius and his disciples.除Conj.Unless: 除非 [chu2fei1]↓;(in MC and poetry) 除 u.f. 除非 unless, except: 除 (=除非) 你心似鐵 unless your heart is made of iron--without pity;除是=除非是 unless, see 除外 [chu2wai4]↓.Words4. 除卻 [chu2qUe4], (1) conj., unless, except; (2) v.t., to remove (cause of trouble, etc.).8. 除非 [chu2fei1], conj., unless, except: 除非…不行 it will not do unless; 除非…方可 or 才可 only when … then it may.隨Adv. & conj.As, as soon as: 隨來隨吃 guests are served as they arrive;隨學隨忘 no sooner learned than it is forgotten;隨即 [sui2ji2]↓.只Conj.Except, but, however: 只是 except that, but (be would not consent, etc.);只怕 only I am afraid, I suspect;只恐 ditto;只怕不在家 I suspect he is not at home.Words6. 只怕 [zhi3pa4], conj., see Conj.↑.7. 只是 [zhi3shi1]([zhi3shi0]), conj., see Conj.↑.吃Words11. 吃虧 [chi1kui1], (1) V.i., to take a loss, not receive what is due: 吃個大虧 take a bad loss (in deal); V.i., 好漢不吃眼前虧 a wise man does not fight when the odds are against him--beautiful term for collaboration; (2) conj., unfortunately: 吃虧他不在此 unfortunately he is not here (and so misses a good opportuntiy).跟Conj.And: 他跟她是同班 he and she are classmates;她跟她的丈夫 she and her husband.雖Conj.Although: 雖然 [sui1ran2]↓;雖故,雖則 MC equivalents of 雖是 [sui1shi4]↓.Words1. 雖然 [sui1ran2] (*[sui2ran2]) conj., (common form in vern. for LL 雖) though, although.2. 雖說 [sui1shuo1], conj., although it is said.3. 雖是 [sui1shi4] (*[sui2shi4]), conj., though, although, see [sui1ran2]↑.4. 雖則 [sui1ze2], conj., another var. of 雖是 [sui1shi4]↑.果Conj.If, if actually: 如果 if it should come to pass;若果 in case;果若 [guo3ruo4]↓.因Prep.(3)  (Prep. & conj.) for, on account of, because of: 因為 [yin1wei4]↓;Words17. 因為 [yin1wei4] ([yin1wei0]), conj., because.固Words6. 固然 [gu4ran0], adj. & adv., (1) assured(ly), certain(ly), doubtless: 事有必至,理有固然 it is bound to happen-is logical and natural; adj. & adv., (2) adv. & conj., though, it is true that…: 你這樣做,固然不錯 granted that (it is true that) the way you do it is right, still….是Words4. 是故 [shi4gu4], adv. & conj., therefore, in consequence (oft. rhetorical, leading to another aspect rather than consequence).14. 是以 [shi4yi3], conj., therefore, see [shi4gu4]↑.則Conj.(MC) but, however: 人皆好名,我則不然 others may be fond of titles and honors, but I am not.還Conj.以還 (=以來) since: 庚子之亂以還 (LL) since the Boxer Uprising.且Conj.(1)  Now (introducing a new thought): 且夫 now (introducing a gen. statement);且說 formula for opening or continuing a story.(2)  Furthermore, besides: 且爾言過矣 and further you are wrong in your statement;且如 and besides for example;而且 moreover;抑且,況且 moreover, besides;或且 perhaps.(3)  And, while: 且戰且走 fight a retreat back, fight while falling back;君子有酒,多且旨 (AC) the gentleman has wine, good and plenty of it.那Words5. 那怕 [na4pa4], (1) conj., even if: 那怕為你赴湯蹈火,我也情愿 I would be willing to die for you even; (2) phr., nothing to fear: 那怕什麼 what are you afraid of?肆Conj.(AC) (1)  Thereupon, then: 肆類於上帝 thereupon offered sacrifices to God;肆可行否 is this then practicable?(2)  Although.亦Words1. 亦且 [yi4qie3], adv., & conj., and also, as well: 亦且省錢 save money as well.3. 亦復 [yi4fu4], adv. & conj., see [yi4qie3]↑.誠Conj.(Subjunctive) of it is true: 誠如所說 if as you say (if what you say is true).設Conj.If: 設使,設若,設如,設或 [she4shi3], [she4ruo4], [she4ru2], [she4huo4]↓;設有不幸 if s.t. should happen.Words8. 設或 [she4huo4], conj., if.18. 設若 [she4ruo4], conj., if.19. 設如 [she4ru2], conj., if.23. 設使 [she4shi3], conj., if.就Conj.(1)  Supposing: 就令 [jiu4ling4], 就使 [jiu4shi3]↓.(2)  Either … or: 不是你,就是他 it's either you or he;不殺就放 either kill him or let him go;不戰就降 either fight or surrender.Words15. 就令 [jiu4ling4], conj., even if.21. 就是 [jiu4shi4]3, (1) v.i., be, as a copula: 這就是王先生 this is Mr. Wang; (2) phr., that's it; phr., 我盡我的力量去辦就是 I shall make every effort to do it--that's it or that's all to be done; (3) conj., either... or: 不是他,就是你 it's either he or you; conj., not only, but also: 不但我生氣,就是他也很不高興 not only was I angry, but also he was very much displeased; (4) conj., even if: 就是打我也不怕 I shan't be afraid even if you beat me up.26. 就使 [jiu4shi3], conj., even though.或Adv. & conj.Perhaps;or (LL for vern. 或者,或許 [huo4zhe3], [huo4xU3]↓): 或有不是 if something should (perhaps) happen;或改初志 perhaps should change one's mind;either …or: 或此或彼,或東或西 either this or the other;either east or west.卻Conj.However, but, on the other hand: 卻不料 however, to one's surprise;卻不知 however, one does not know;卻不提防 to one's surprise;卻不道 to one's surprise, also is it not as the proverb says (you cannot put two saddles on one horse, etc.).錯Words6. 錯非 [cuo4fei1], conj., (dial.) for 除 非 32A.01, except.8. 錯過 [cuo4guo4], (1) v.t., to miss (opportunity); (2) conj., (dial.)=除非 except.爭Adj. & conj.(MC) how (=modn. 怎): 爭知 how does one know;爭得,爭可 how can;爭忍 how can one bear to;爭不 why not;爭奈,爭似 [zheng1nai4], [zheng1si4]↓.為Words12. 為因 *[wei4yin1], conj., because (usu. 因為).與Conj.(1)  And 你與我 you and I.(2)  Rather: 與 or 與其 [yU3qi2]↓.Words1. 與其 [yU3qi2], conj., rather than: 與其…寧愿…(寧可) or 與…其不如: 與其年年賠錢,寧可 (or 不如) 停業 rather than suffer an annual deficit, it would be better to close up the business.爰Adv. & conj.(AC, LL) then, and then, therefore: 爰書數行 therefore have written a few words;爰及其他 and then the others.和Conj.([her; coll. *han0], *[hai2]) And: 我和他兩人 I and he, we two.所Words15. 所以 [suo2yi3], conj., (1) therefore, reason why: 因為…所以 because...therefore; 我所以不來 the reason I did not come; 所以不去 therefore I am not going, did not go; 所以敗了 therefore (s.o.) is defeated; 不知所以 do not know why; (2) whereby: 所以興懷 that by which one is moved; 所以然 the reason why: 知其然,不知其所以然 know it is so, but do not know why it is so.暨Conj.And: 某某先生暨夫人 Mr. and Mrs. So and so.倒Adv. conj.(*[dao4]) Nevertheless, after all (=到底): 他倒底說得不錯 what he said wasn't wrong after all;這倒不要緊 after all, this is not so important;on the contrary (=反而): 倒把事情弄僵了 on the contrary, contrary to what you think, the matter has been made worse;這樣倒好辦 (=反而好辦) as it is, the matter is so much simpler;倒不如 rather: 倒不如死了乾凈 I'd rather die, it would seem better to die;but: 你說是他,倒不是他 you think it is he, but it isn't;倒是他太太拿錢出來 (he refused) but it was his wife who put up the money.俾Adv. conj.(1)  (LL) So that, in order that: 俾得立刻進行 so that we may proceed at once;俾得周知,俾各檁遵 so that all may know, all may obey (the new law).(2)  (Cogn. of 備) to serve for: (AC) 俾畫作夜 to make the day serve as night.任Words17. 任是 [ren4shi4]2, conj., even if.18. 任使 [ren4shi3], v.t. & n., (1) (appoint to) service; (2) duties, responsibilities; (3) conj., even if.但Conj.But;vern. usu. 但是 LL 但 or 但系, see 但是 [dan4shi0];if only: 但使 [dan4shi3]↓.Words1. 但凡 [dan4fan2], conj. & adv., whoever, whenever, whatever, all: 但凡是人,都有個良心 all men have a conscience; 但凡不違法,都可以做 whatever is not against the law is permissible.3. 但是 [dan4shi0], (1) conj., but, nevertheless; (2) adv., only: 但是一個小孩子 it's only a child.4. 但使 [dan4shi3], conj., only if: 衣沾不足惜,但使愿無違 only if I could follow my wish, it does not matter that my dress is wet.借Conj.If, supposing: 借如 [jie4ru2]↓.Words16. 借如 [jie4ru2], conj., in case, if, supposing (=譬如).倘Conj.If, supposing that: 倘能如此 if this can be done;倘蒙賜顧 (business) if we should have your patronage, if I should have your consideration or visit;倘是事實 if it be true;倘敢前來 if (he) dares to come;oft. used in bisyllabic compp. in spoken Chinese↓.The followings are used interchangeably: 倘使不肯,倘若不肯,倘如不肯,倘是不肯,倘然不肯,倘或不肯 if (he) is unwilling: [WEdit: "followings" should be "following"]Words1. 倘或 [tang3huo4], conj., if.2. 倘然 [tang3ran2], conj., if.3. 倘若 [tang3re4], conj., if.4. 倘如 [tang3ru2], conj., if.5. 倘是 [tang3shi4], conj., if.6. 倘使 [tang3shi3], conj., if.偶Words2. 偶或 [ou3huo4], conj., if by chance.儻Conj.Var. of 倘 see 91A.42↑.使Conj.If: 設使,假使 if;縱使,即使 even if, even though;使有不虞 if s.t. untoward, unforeseen should happen.便Conj.(1)  Even if, even though: 便有不是,也得原諒他 even if he is wrong, you can forgive him.(2)  As soon as: 一進去,便看見 as soon as you go in, you see (the)….Words21. 便是 [bian4shi4], (1) conj., even if; (2) see Adv.↑.假Conj.If, supposing: 假定 [jia3ding4], 假令 [jia3ling4], 假使 [jia3shi3], 假設 [jia3she4], 假如 [jia3ru2], 假若 [jia3ruo4]↓.Words5. 假定 [jia3ding4], (1) n. & v.t., suppose, -sition; (2) conj., supposing, if (it be granted).13. 假令 [jia3ling4], conj., in case, in the event that.18. 假若 [jia3ruo4], conj., supposing (that).19. 假如 [jia3ru2], conj., ditto.22. 假設 [jia3she4], n. & conj., (1) n., hypothesis; n. & conj., (2) conj., supposing (that).29. 假使 [jia2shi3], conj., if, in case.待Words4. 待得 [dai4de2], conj., until: 待得不好意思 until one is embarrassed.猶Conj.As if: 猶緣木而求魚 as if to climb trees looking for fish.Words4. 猶若 [you2ruo4], conj., as if, like.5. 猶如 [you2ru2], conj., as if, like.6. 猶似 [you2si4], prep. & conj., just like.Conj.Even if, even though: 使 [ji2shi3], 令 [ji2ling4]↓;或 [ji2huo4], 便 [bian4]↓.Words10. 令 [ji2ling4], conj. & v.t., even if;11. 令 [ji2ling4], conj. & v.t., order immediately.22. 使 [ji2shi3], conj., even if.Conj.Since: see 然 [ji4ran2]↓.Words3. 然 [ji4ran2], conj., since, as (it is so, etc.).4. 是 [ji4shi4], conj., ditto.然Words2. 然而 [ran2er2], conj., but, however, nevertheless.9. 然則 [ran2ze2] ([ran2ze0]), conj., but, but then.等Conj.When, till: 等他來了告訴他 I'll tell him when he comes;等錢用光了 when money is all spent.Words5. 等待 [deng3dai4], (1) v.i. & t., wait: 等待好久 wait a long time; (2) conj., when: 等待太陽出來了 when the sun comes out.矧Conj.(AC, LL) Besides, not to speak of: 矧如伊人 not to speak of that man--i. e., much less he;矧如是乎 how much less then in this case?好Conj.So that, so as: 你有個決定,我好回 (他) please decide, so that I can give a report (to my master);你交代下來,我好去叫他 give me the word, so that I can send for him;書看完留著,好送朋友 keep the book when you have finished, as you may find it convenient to give it to a friend.Words29. 好像 [hao3xiang4], (1) conj., as though, as if: 好像是親生的一樣 as if the child were her own; conj., 好像什麼大事情 as if ti were some great event; (2) perhaps, seem to, look like: 好像有這麼一回事 I seem to remember the affair; 好像他不能來 it looks like he cannot come; 好像可能 seems possible; 好像已經走了 seems to have left.如Conj.If, supposing: 如若 [ru2ruo4]↓;如果 [ru2guo3]↓.Words3. 如其 [ru2qi2]2, conj., if, supposing, in case.9. 如果 [ru2guo3], conj., if (it should come to pass), supposing that.11. 如或 [ru2huo4], conj., if, perchance, in case.18. 如若 [ru2ruo4], conj., supposing, in case.才Conj.Then, only then: 考試完了,才可以玩 wait till after the examinations, then you can go and play.縱Conj.Though, even if: 縱使 [zong4shi3], 縱然 [zong4ran2], 縱令 [zong4ling4], 縱或 [zong4huo4]↓.Words5. 縱或 [zong4huo4], conj., though, even if.9. 縱令 [zong4ling4], conj., even if (though).11. 縱然 [zong4ran2], conj., even if.16. 縱使 [zong4shi3], conj., even if.conj.((略))conjugation; conjunction; conjunctive




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