单词 | confucius |
释义 | Confucius [kənˈfjuːʃəs]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文Confucius nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (ancient Chinese philosopher)孔子 在这些条目还发现'Confucius':在英文解释里:Confucian中文:孔丘 - 孔孟之道 - 论语 Confucius [kən'fju:ʃjəs] 孔子(公元前551~前479,中国春秋末期思想家、政治家、教育家,儒家的创始人)[汉语K'ung Futzǔ] 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 Confuciuskənˈfjuʃəsn.① 孔子(551-479B.C.)Confucius/kənˈfjuːʃəs/n.孔子(公元前551-前479, 中国哲学家、道德教育家, 其学说在其去世后记录于《论语》(The Analects of Confucius)一书中)沪江沪江★◀▶详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /kənˈfjuːʃəs/孔子(公元前551-前479,中国哲学家、道德教育家,其学说在其去世后记录于《论语》(The Analects of Confucius)一书中)英英释义n.Chinese philosopher whose ideas and sayings were collected after his death and became the basis of a philosophical doctrine known a Confucianism (circa 551-478 BC)confucius束Words8. 束修 [shu4xiu1], n., a teacher's salary-in Confucius’ time, a parcel of dried meat (修).素Words31. 素王 [su4wang2], n., the uncrowned king-Confucius.杏Words8. 杏壇 [xing4tan2], n., school platform, the teaching rostrum; orig.the apricot grove where Confucius taught.先Words34. 先師 [xian1shi1], n., teacher or master of the past: 至圣大成先師孔子 Confucius, the ultimate teacher and master.述V.t.(1) To transmit, hand down: 述而不作 “I pass on (the ancient culture) and do not create”(Confucius).哉Particle(2) Used in exclamations: 嗚呼哀哉 Oh! what a pity! alas! 大哉孔子 great indeed was Confucius!趨Words12. 趨庭 [qU1ting2], v.i., a father's instructions, allu. from Confucius’ son (鯉趨而過庭) who received instructions when passing through a courtyard.坦Adj.君子坦蕩蕩 (Confucius) “a gentleman is open and poised”;谷Words9. 谷梁 [gu3liang2], n., a two-character surname; 谷梁傳 one of the three expansions of Confucius' Spring and Autumn Annals.泰Words4. 泰山 [tai4shan1], n., the sacred mountain associated with Confucius; (fig.) a thing of great weight or import: 死重於泰山, 輕於鴻毛 death could be of great import or without significance; (facet.) father-in-law.在Words3. 在陳 [zai4chen2], phr., be in financial straits (allu. to the story of Confucius suffering from food shortage in the country of Chern).春Words2. 春秋 [chun1qiu1], n., (1) (LL, court.) age: 春秋幾何 what is your venerable age? n.,(2) name of Annals written by Confucius and one of the classics with implied condemnation of usurpations, murder, incest, etc.; [chun1qiu1], n., (3) period covered by the Annals, 722-481 B.C. (242 years); (4) (AC) name of many books and annals (as 呂氏春秋,晏子春秋)大Words52. 大篆 [da4zhuan4], n., Chinese script in time of Confucius, before 小篆 was introduced in Chirn 秦 Dyn.104. 大同 [da4tong2], n., as in 世界大同 Confucius’ dream of a world commonwealth-a Utopia, opp. 小康 the well-organized human society.夫Words10. 夫子 [fu1zi3], (1) n., (LL) teacher, master: 孔夫子 Confucius, Master Kung; n., elderly scholar; [fu1zi0], (2) n., common laborer (also wr. 夫子).苛Adj. & adv.苛政猛於虎 “a tyrannical government is more to be feared than tigers”-Confucius;山Words63. 山頹 [shan1tui1], n., phr., 山頹木壞 allu. referring to death of Confucius or a sage.申Words19. 申申 [shen1shen1], & (AC) (1) adj., 申申如也 (of Confucius at home) relaxed; (2) adv., repeatedly: 申申其詈余 rebuked me again and again.非V.t.非孔,非十二子 criticize Confucius, criticize the twelve schools;患N.大患 great trouble: 人之患在好為人師 the great trouble of most men is that they like to lecture other people-Confucius.性N.性與天道,不得而聞 Confucius seldom talked about nature and Heaven's way;悱Adj.Smouldering, suppressed (anger, determination): 不悱不發 “Will not explain to one not determined to learn,”-Confucius.憤N. & adj.不憤不啟 (Confucius) would not explain unless one is desperately anxious to learn;丁Words8. 丁祭 [ding1ji4], n., spring and autumn sacrifice to Confucius on first 丁 day.耳Words44. 耳順 [er3shun4], (1) adj. phr., sixty years of age (allu. Confucius, when nothing he heard could upset him); (2) pleasing to the ear (of opera singing).圣N.A sage, a saint, the perfect one: 至圣先師 “The Sage Master”(official title of Confucius);Words1. 圣誕 [sheng4dan4], n., Christmas (also 耶穌圣誕); birthday of sages (Buddha, Confucius); 圣誕節 Christmas festival; 圣誕老人 Santa Claus.13. 圣人 [sheng4ren2], n., a sage, usu. confined to Confucius and 周公,文王; n.,a great Buddhist master; n., (history) inventors of script, sericulture, agriculture, etc.亙Prep.亙古一人 the one and only man from of old, referring to Confucius;而Words7. 而來 [er2lai2], adv., (AC) since: 由孔子而來(=以來),至今百有余歲 it is now over hundred years since Confucius.8. 而立 [er2li4], adj., (LL) 而立之年 thirty years of age (allu. Confucius learned to stand firm at thirty).列Words5. 列國 [lie4guo2], n., the different countries: 春秋列國 the city states of time of Confucius.瓢N.Dried gourd serving as dipper: 一瓢飲 a gourdful of liquid (allu. to Confucius’ disciple 顏回) happy in frugal living.子N.(5) Title of respect for men of distinction: 孔子 Confucius;Words35. 子書 [zi3shu1]1, n., works of anc. philosophers other than those of Confucius.及Conj.(2) And: 孔子及其門徒 Confucius and his disciples.孔Words3. 孔道 [kong3dao4], n., (1) teachings of Confucius; (2) thoroughfare.7. 孔孟 [kong3meng4], phr., Confucius and Mencius, oft. used as a phr. denoting Confucianism.11. 孔子 [kong2zi3], n., Confucius (from 孔夫子, Master Kung).叫Words21. 叫做 [jiao4zuo4]1, v.t., (p.p.) called: 孔子叫做至圣先師 Confucius is called the greatest sage and teacher.鳴V.i. & t.鳴鼓而攻之 (Confucius said of a disciple), “Beat a drum and drive him out”;踵Adv.In close succession on foot: 踵見仲尼 (AC) saw Confucius repeatedly;曰V.i.(LL) say: 子曰 Confucius said;同N.世界大同 the world is a commonwealth, Confucius’ ideal of human society.雅Adj.(3) (AC) often: 子所雅言 (AC) what Confucius often talked about.問V.i. & t.不恥下問 (Confucius) was not ashamed to ask from common people.誨N. & v.t.誨人不倦 “was never tired of teaching people”--Confucius.麟Words4. 麟經 [lin2jing1], n., the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋of Confucius (allu.)麒Words1. 麒麟 [qi2lin2], n., the unicorn, a mythic animal of deer type; of good omen of appearing of a sage (Confucius); now used of the giraffe in Japanese; 麒麟兒 a bright young boy.斗Words10. 斗筲 [dou3shao1], n., rice basket: 斗筲之人 a rice-bag, Confucius' description of officials of his times.洙N.洙泗 the two rivers, area where Confucius taught.沂N.A river in Confucius’ home district.泗N.(1) Name of a river where Confucius taught: 洙泗.道N.(1) Doctrine, body of moral teachings, truth: 孔孟之道,儒道 teachings of Confucius and Mencius;食N.(2) (*[si4]) 食不厭精 (AC) rice could never be white enough (of Confucius);鐸N.Big bell: 木鐸 bell with wooden clapper, said of Confucius that he was like a clarion call to his times;反V.t.舉一反三 (Confucius) teacher mentions one corner (aspect), student should reflect and think out the other three corners.Adv.反求諸己 (Confucius) reflect and try to find fault in oneself;頹V.i. & adj.(2) Collapse: 泰山其頹乎 the Taishan will perhaps collapse (Confucius’ premonition of his own death).集V.t.集大成 the lifework of one who comes last and benefits by the labors of his predecessors, e. g., Confucius;傳N.春秋三傳 the three records or elucidations relative to events covered in Confucius’ Spring and Autumn Annals.儒Words6. 儒教 [ru2jiao4], n., the teachings of Confucius.俑N.A wooden figure to bury with the dead (condemned by Confucius, probably on mistaken assumption that human sacrifice originated with use of figurines).侯N.(2) A marquis, a rank of nobility: 諸侯 the feudal princes of Confucius’ times;微Words24. 微言 [wei2yan2], phr., 微言大義 the deeper political thoughts of Confucius, as expounded by 公羊.猛Adv.(2) Fearful: 苛政猛於虎 Confucius: “A bad government is more fearful than a tiger.”師Words2. 師表 [shi1biao3], n., the model: 為人師表 be model for others; 萬世師表 “the teacher for all age” (title conferred upon Confucius).歸V.i. & t.(8) (Var. 饋 *[kui4]) v.t., (AC) give as present: 歸孔子豚 present Confucius with leg of pork.名N.名正言順 things called by their right names (Confucius);魯N.Name of anc. city state of Confucius;鯉N.鯉庭之訓 father's advice (allu., Confucius’ son 鯉).知Words24. 知命 [zhi1ming4], phr., (1) know Heaven’s will: 樂天知命 acceptance of Heaven's will and inner content; (2) 知命之年 (allu. Confucius) fifty years of age.經N.講經 expound the teachings of Buddha or Confucius;統N.道統,正統 orthodox tradition, explained as a continuous heritage from the ideal emperors 堯,舜,禹,湯,周公 and Confucius;英汉大☞ConfucianCon·fu·cius/kən`fjuʃəs; kənˈfju:ʃjəs, -ʃəs/《源自“孔夫子”的拉丁文名》名词孔子((552-479 B.C.; 中国的思想家, 儒家的始祖))Confuciusn.(名詞 noun)孔子,孔夫子(Chin. K'ung Fu-tzu, Kung Fu-tse,552-479 b.c., 儒學的創立者,著有 Analects(《論語》))document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:CONFUCIUS 1822馬禮遜英華字典CONFUCIUS1孔夫子2Confucius humbly said that he had no knowledge孔子謙言己無知識1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆p 83 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階CONFUCIUS1孔夫子、孔聖1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 45 1866-69羅存德英華字典Confucius1孔子1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 467 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Confucius1孔子、孔夫子、萬世師2the sage Confucius孔聖3doctrines of Confucius聖敎、儒敎4to place in the temple of Confucius入孔廟、入廟配享1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 91 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Confuciusn.1孔子、孔夫子、萬世師1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 297 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Confucius1孔夫子1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆p 74 1913商務書館英華新字典Confuciusn.1孔夫子1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆p 107 1916赫美玲官話Confuciusn.1personal name孔丘2designations of孔夫子、孔子、孔聖人、至聖、先師3Temple of ~孔聖廟、聖人廟、孔夫子廟、聖廟、文廟、先師廟p 276 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶孔夫子confessio、bekenntnis、confucius kungfutse confucius the god who presides over study 孔子konfuzius confucius the god who presides over study 孔聖confucius the sage confucius 英華☞founder英華☞HOLY |
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