

单词 confucian
释义 Confucian  [kənˈfjuːʃən]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文Confucian adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (of Confucius' teachings)儒家的   在这些条目还发现'Confucian':中文:儒 - 儒家 - 荀子 - 论语 Confucian [kən'fju:ʃjən] adj. 孔子的;儒家的;儒家学说的,儒教的;孔子门徒的n. 儒教徒;孔子的门徒[亦称作Ju] 对孔子学说的遵奉 孔子学说,儒教,儒家 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 Confucianadj,nkənˈfjuʃənConfucianConfuciansadj.① 孔子的;儒家的n.① 儒家學者派生詞Confucianist n. 儒家學者Confucian¹/kənˈfjuːʃən/adj.孔子的;儒家的;儒学的;儒教的Confucian²/kənˈfjuːʃən/n.孔子信徒;儒士详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社四级 adj. /kənˈfjuːʃən/孔子的;儒家的;儒学的;儒教的 n. /kənˈfjuːʃən/孔子信徒;儒士confucian生N.(5)  Student, pupil, scholar: 儒生 Confucian scholar;古Words24. 古文 [gu3wen2], n., (1) archaic script of Jou period; (2) 古文學派 a school of Confucian classicists believing in the authenticity of parts of classics doubted by 今文派; (3) the classic style of writing.林N.(3)  Forest as symbolic of multitude or group: 儒林 the Confucian scholars esp. in biographical section of dynastic histories;孝Words1. 孝道 [xiao4dao4], n., Confucian doctrine of filial piety.13. 孝弟 [xiao4ti4], adj., Confucian prime virtues of being dutiful son and brother (弟 also wr. 悌).坑V.t.to bury alive: 焚書坑儒 (of 秦始皇) burned books and buried Confucian scholars alive in gully.大Words98. 大學 [da4xUe2], n., (1) a university; (2) one of the Confucian Four Books, the “Great Learning.”性Words16. 性理 [xing4li3], n., the Neo-Confucian philosophy ( 理學) of human reason and nature.18. 性命 [xing4ming4], n., (1) life: 性命交關,性命攸關 a matter of life and death; 摧殘性命 destroy life; (2) (phil.) the study of man's origin and destiny (Neo-Confucian).惺Words1. 惺惺 [xing1xing1], adj., (1) awake; (2) intelligent: 惺惺惜惺惺 the intelligent ones sympathize with their own kind (when they suffer); (3) 假惺惺 those who pretend, affect (to be friendly, etc.); (4) 常惺惺 (Neo-Confucian) always holding mind alert or free of passion.慎Words1. 慎獨 [shen4du2], phr., (LL, Confucian) to be on caution when alone with oneself, referring to secret thoughts, desires.頭Words18. 頭巾 [tou2jin1], n., scarf for the head, turban; 頭巾氣 bookish air; Neo-Confucian puritanical manner.正Words45. 正身 [zheng4shen1], v.i., as in 先正其身 (Confucian) start by right personal conduct as an example.理Words19. 理學 [li3xUe2], n., (1) the moral theories of the Suhng Neo-Confucian scholars; (2) 理學士 a bachelor of science.子Words2. 子部 [zi3bu4], n., “philosophy,” the third main division of traditional classification of Chin. books, as distinct from “Confucian classics” (經), “history” (史), and “belles-lettres” (集).通Words52. 通儒 [tong1ru2], n., profound Confucian scholar.蝨N.([shi1zi0]) A bug, bedbug, louse: 蝨處褌中 a bedbug in trousers--sarcasm against Confucian doctrinaires who follow a “straight path” as bugs follow trousers’ seams.孔Words8. 孔廟 [kong3miao4], n., Confucian temple.四Words49. 四書 [si4shu1], n., The Four Books: (1) 大學 The Great Learning, (2) 中庸 The Doctrine of the Mean, (3) 論語 Confucian Analects, and (4) 孟子 The Works of Mencius-formerly, required reading in all elementary grades.周Words34. 周易 [zhou1yi4], n., Book of Changes, one of the “Six Confucian Classics,” (also called 易經 [yi4jing1]).習Words4. 習定 [xi2ding4], v.i., (Budd. & Neo-Confucian) mental discipline to free mind of thoughts and desires.門N.(3)  School (of thought), sect, branch of study: 孔門弟子 Confucian disciples;齊V.t.To arrange, put in order: 齊家 to have a good family (as basis of good soicety) -- basic Confucian philosophy;齋Words2. 齋戒 [zhai1jie4], v. i. & n., (Confucian) to observe “fast” day before sacrifices by refraining from wine and meat; fasting.意N.(1)  (Confucian) will, purpose: 意誠而後心正 make the will sincere in order to set the heart right.文Words46. 文廟 [wen2miao4], n., Confucian temple.講Words28. 講義 [jiang3yi4], n., (1) commentary on Confucian classics; (2) lecture notes, usu. given by professor to students.論Words10. 論語 [lun4yU3], n., the Confucian Analects.談V.i. & t.談心說性 Neo-Confucian speculation on mind and nature;禮Words8. 禮記 [li3ji4], n., Book of Rites, one of the Confucian classics (usu. spelled “Liki”).被Words6. 被服 [bei4fu0], n., bedding: 被服儒行 [bei4fu2ru2xing4], phr., (AC) keep Confucian conduct every moment (like personal clothing).道N.得道 (of person) have attained wisdom (Budd. Taoist or Confucian);學Words17. 學究 [xUe2jiu4], n., (contempt.) a man of limited knowledge, a type bred by the civil examinations confined to rigmarole knowledge of the Confucian classics: 老學究,村學究 a village schoolmaster.秀Words12. 秀才 [xiu4cai2], n., formerly, a bachelor of arts or graduate of first degree: 秀才人情 gift by scholars, which are not expensive, but consist of some scroll of writing or painting; 窮秀才,不通秀才 (contempt.) a poor schoar (usu. a village teacher who does not know much except a rigmarole knowledge of a few Confucian classics).私Words73. 私慾 [si1yU4], n., human passions, desires; (neo-Confucian) sinful desires, sin.集N.(1)  A collection of writings: 經史子集 Confucian classics, history, philosophy, and literature;儒N.(1)  A scholar, a Confucianist: 儒者 a Confucian scholar;儒士 a student, one well versed in one of the Confucian classics;儒術 the way of the Confucian scholar;儒典 the Confucian classics;儒行 the conduct of a Confucian scholar;儒素 the character of a Confucian scholar;Words10. 儒生 [ru2sheng1], n., (1) a young scholar; (2) a scholar well versed in one of the Confucian classics.11. 儒學 [ru2xUe2], n., (1) Confucian scholarship (also 儒學兒); (2) formerly, official instructors appointed by local governments.修Words37. 修身 [xiu1shen1], v.i. & n., cultivate oneself or improvement of the individual-Confucian basis of all social order.術Words2. 術士 [shu4shi4], n., (AC) magician; political critics; Taoist, also (AC) confucian scholar.行Words11. 行道 [xing2dao4], phr., promote teachings (usu. Confucian); (2) practise medicine (=行醫) (euphem. used by physicians); (3) go around the image of Buddha during worship.獨N.(2)  Solitude: 慎獨 a Confucian concept of being careful in thought when one is alone.危Adj.正襟危坐 sit solemnly, dress well buttoned (Confucian ethics).經N.五經,十三經 the Five, Thirteen Confucian Classics;讀經 study the Confucian classics.Words10. 經解 [jing1jie3], n., exegesis of the Confucian classics.16. 經籍 [jing1ji2], n., (1) the Confucian classics; (2) books in gen.17. 經傳 [jing1zhuan4], n., the Confucian classics and commentaries on them.31. 經書 [jing1shu1], n., the Confucian classics.40. 經筵 [jing1yan2], n., a hall or assembly where, formerly, the emperor listened to lectures on the Confucian classics.41. 經意 [jing1yi4]1, (1) v. t., see [jing1xin1]↑; (2) n., the meaning (of passages) of the Confucian classics.英汉大英汉大英汉大★◀▶孔子Confucian Confucius K'ung Fu tse 儒学Confucian Confucianism 儒教Confucian Confucianism Con·fu·cian/kən`fjuʃən; kənˈfju:ʃjən, -ʃn/《Confucius 的形容词》形容词孔子的; 儒家的可数名词儒者Confuciann.(名詞 noun)儒家學者a.(形容詞 adjective)孔子的;儒學的document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:Confucian 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Confuciann.1A disciple of Confucius, a Chinese sage, 孔教之徒孔教之徒a.1Belonging to Confucius, 屬孔子的屬孔子的1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 451 1913商務書館英華新字典Confuciana.1屬孔子的n.孔子之徒、賢人p 107 1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆英華字典資料庫同義詞☞perilla




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