

单词 confu
释义 confu出Words19. 出處 [chu1chu4], n., (1) (Confu.) some moral principle by which a Confu. scholar joins or resigns from an office; (2) (also [chu1chu0]) source for litr. allusion or reference.世Words14. 世界 [shi4jie4], n., the universe, the world: 世界大戰 world war; 世界和平 world peace; 世界大同 the world a commonwealth (Confu. ideal); 世界觀 Weltanschauung; 科學世界 the scientific world; 兒童世界 the children's world; 滿世界 (*[man3shi4jie0]) the whole world; 世界衛生組織 World Health Organization (WHO); 世界糧食方案 World Food Program (UN); 世界人權宣言 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).中Words103. 中庸 [zhong1yong2], n., the Doctrine of the Golden Mean, name of a chapter in 禮記 and one of the Four Books in Confu. school.常N.(1)  Norms of conduct: 綱常,倫常 (Confu.) basic human relationships.悟Words1. 悟性 [wu4xing4], n., (1) power of understanding, of insight; (2) (Neo-Confu.) to realize man's true nature, to find the soul.慎Words4. 慎終 [shen4zhong1], phr., (Confu.) take great care in making funeral arrangements (including sacrifices), esp. for one's parents.三Words24. 三綱 [san1gang1], n., (Confu.) the three mainstays (“hawsers”) of social order: the relationships of 君臣,父子,夫妻 ruler-subject, father-child and husband-wife; 三綱五常 the main principles of social order ( 五常 plus two other relations: between brothers and friends).73. 三從 [san1cong2], phr., (Confu. 儀禮 ) the three “obeys” for women:-obey father at home, obey husband when married, and obey son when husband dies (cf. 四德 41.41).可Aux.vb.無可無不可 (of Confu.) may or may not do a thing (keep an open mind);至Words18. 至圣 [zhi4sheng4], adj., Most Sage Master (Confu.); 至圣先師.圣Words6. 圣經 [sheng4jing1], n., the Holy Scripture, Holy Bible; Confu. sacred classics.10. 圣廟 [sheng4miao4], n., Confu. temple.五Words27. 五倫 [wu3lun2], n., (Confu.) the five cardinal relationships: between ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, between brothers and between friends.正Words39. 正名 [zheng4ming2], n., as in 正名主義 (Confu.) the doctrine of calling a thing by its right name.49. 正心 [zheng4xin1], v.i., (Confu.) to set the heart in the right place, one of the steps of self-cultivation.57. 正學 [zheng4xUe2], n., (Confu.) orthodox school or opinions, opp. 曲學,異端 heresy, heterodoxy, not orthodox opinions.迂Words19. 迂儒 [yU1ru2], n., encrusted Confu. scholar.碩Words7. 碩儒 [shi2ru2], n., a great Confu. scholar.殆Adj.思而不學則殆 (Confu.) thinking without reading makes one flighty (學而不思則罔 reading without thinking makes one muddled).巧Adj.巧言令色鮮矣仁 (Confu.) artful speech and flashy manners seldom indicate a real man;適V.i. & t.(4)  (*[di4]) (AC) to insist: 無適也,無莫也 (of Confu.) never insisted on doing or on not doing, also interpreted as without prejudice for or against person.人Words39. 人治 [ren2zhi4], n., (Confu.) government by men, the rule of men (opp. 法治 government by law, the rule of law).仁N.(Confu.) a true man as an ideal.Words12. 仁人 [ren2ren2], n., a kindhearted (compassionate) person: 仁人君子 men of goodwill, philanthropists; (Confu.) ideal of true man.多Adj. & adv.多聞闕疑 (Confu.) be well-informed and suspend judgment on things in doubt;名Words9. 名分 [ming2fen4], n., (Confu.) a person's obligations, duties and respect due; a person's social status.色Words16. 色養 [se4yang3], n., (Confu.) serve parents with a smile.




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