

单词 concubine
释义 concubine  [ˈkɒnkjʊbaɪn]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文concubine nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (woman kept for sex)妾 qiè  小老婆 xiǎo lǎo pó The king kept seven wives and ten concubines.  在这些条目还发现'concubine':中文:庶 concubine ['kɔnkjubain] n. 妾,姨太太,小老婆 姘妇,情妇 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 concubineˈkɑŋkjʊˌbaɪnconcubineconcubinesn.① 姘婦;妾,小老婆,姨太太派生詞concubinage n. 蓄妾(的習俗);為妾concubine/ˈkɒŋkjʊˌbaɪn; ˈkɒn-/n.1.【社】(secondary wife)妾;小老婆2.【律】(cohabitee)姘妇;情妇详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社专四 n. /ˈkɒnkjʊˌbaɪn;ˈkɒŋkjʊˌbaɪn/妾;小老婆【社会学】姘妇;情妇【法律】英英释义n.a woman who cohabits with an important man同反义词同义词:cohabitee词形变化源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社复数: concubinesconcubine扶Words2. 扶正 [fu2zheng4], v.t., recognize as wife proper (e.g., concubine after wife's death).櫛N.A fine-toothed comb: 侍執巾櫛 serve as a wife or concubine (attend to bath and hairdress).夫Words8. 夫人 [fu1ren2] ([fu1ren0]), n., madam, Mrs., gen. term of reference for wife in polished society: 張夫人 Mrs. Chang; n., 如夫人 concubine; 竹夫人 bamaoo footrest, “Dutch wife.”孽N.(2)  Son born of a concubine: 孤臣孽子 a minister without support at court and a concubine-born prince fallen from grace, sometimes used of s.o. nobly espousing a lost cause.薦Words4. 薦枕席 [jian4zhen3xi2], phr., (of woman) to sleep with, become a wife or concubine to (a man).N.One born of concubine.小Words11. 小妻 [xiao3qi1], n., concubine.37. 小夫人 [xiao3fu1ren2], n., concubine.70. 小老婆 [xiao2lao3po0], n., (coll.) concubine.104. 小星 [xiao3xing1], n., (LL) concubine.巾Words1. 巾 [jin1jie2], n., towel and comb: 侍奉巾 (of woman) wait on with towels and comb--serve as wife or concubine.貴Words3. 貴妃 [gui4fei1], n., (AC) title of a lady-in-waiting, an imperial concubine.二Words11. 二房 [er4fang2], n., concubine.副Words8. 副室 [fu4shi4], n., (LL) concubine.正N.(2)  Wife in 令正 your wife (from 正室, dist. 副室 concubine);扶正 make the concubine wife after wife is dead;兩N. & adj.兩頭兒大 a marriage where wife and concubine are treated as equal;孤Adj.孤臣孽子 (Ac) a son born of a concubine and out of imperial favor, also (LL) a supporter of a lost dynasty or cause;跟Words3. 跟前 [gen1qian2], n., (1) the front of s. t. (also 跟前兒): 走到講臺跟前 come to the front of the platform; (2) ([gen1qian0]) presence: 在他跟前別亂說 don't talk too freely in his presence; (3) ([gen1qian0]) children in relation to their parents: 你跟前有幾位少爺 how many sons do you have with you (now)? (4) (coll.) 跟前人 a concubine.賤Words1. 賤妾 [jian4qie4], n., (1) a concubine of inferior rank; (2) (of a woman referring to herself in speaking to her husband)“I, your unworthy wife.”冊V.t.(1)  To confer title of prince (親王): imperial concubine (妃).服N.服內納妾 take concubine during mourning, an offense;媵N.(2)  A concubine: 媵妾.嬖Words1. 嬖妾 [bi4qie4], n., favorite concubine.屋Words4. 屋里人 [wu1li0ren2], n., (coll.) concubine.旁Words5. 旁妻 [pang2qi1], n., “side wife,” i.e., concubine.妾N.(1)  Concubine: 立妾,置妾,納妾 take a concubine.親Words22. 親母 [qin1mu3], n., one's own mother, as dist. stepmother; child of concubine referring to her own mother as dist. the mother of the family.庶Adj.(3)  Born of concubine, pertaining to concubine: 庶母,庶出,庶子 [shu4mu3], [shu4chu1], [shu4zi3]↓.Words1. 庶出 [shu4chu1], adj., born of concubine (but bearing father's name).10. 庶母 [shu4mu3], n., concubine-mother.11. 庶孽 [shu4nie4], n., (AC) son born of concubine.15. 庶室 [shu4shi4]2, n., (LL) a concubine (vern. 姨太太) .17. 庶子 [shu4zi3], n., concubine's son.宗Words4. 宗弟 [zong1di4], n., (1) a younger clan brother; (2) (AC) a younger brother born of the wife in relation to an elder one born of a concubine.13. 宗主 [zong1zhu3], n., (1) a memorial ancestral tablet in ancestral shrine; (2) the eldest son born of one's wife (cf. 庶子 a son born of one's concubine); 宗主權 sovereignty, sovereign rights.27. 宗兄 [zong1xiong1], n., (1) an elder clan brother; (2) (AC) an elder brother born of the wife in relation to one born of the concubine.32. 宗子 [zong1zi3], n., the eldest son born of one's wife (opp. 庶子 a son born of one's concubine).室N.正室,側室 wife, concubine;寵N.A favorite, mistress: 納寵 take a concubine.冷Words11. 冷宮 [leng3gong1], n., palace where a queen or an imperial concubine fallen into disgrace lived: 打入冷宮 (fig.) fallen into disfavor.內N.內嬖 a concubine, a court favorite;人Words44. 人兒 [re2er0], n., (1) a person; (2) a concubine; (3) a human figure or picture; (4) a person's looks and conduct.身Words1. 身邊 [shen1bian1], adv., at hand: 身邊沒錢 have no money on hand; nearby: 身邊沒人 no one nearby--living alone; adv., 身邊人 (coll.) a mistress, i.e., concubine who attends to comfort.側Words9. 側室 [ce4shi4], n., (1) concubine; (2) (AC) lineage of s.o. other than the eldest son.偏Words8. 偏房 [pian1fang2], n., concubine (in gen. use).做Words25. 做小 [zuo4xiao3], v.i., be s.o.’s concubine.無Words40. 無後 [wu2hou4], phr., to have no sons-permission for taking concubine.簉N.簉室 [zao4shi4], (LL) a concubine.姬N.寵姬 a concubine in high favor;姑Words12. 姑娘 [gu1niang0], n., (1) an unmarried woman; (2) one's daughter; (3) the daughter of a friend; (4) a concubine; (5) formerly, a prostitute; (6) [gu1niang2], a married sister of father.如Words6. 如夫人 [ru2fu1ren2] ([ru2fu1ren0]), n., a concubine.嫡N.Legal wife (opp. 妾 concubine): 嫡妻,嫡配 [di2qi1], [di2pei4]↓.妃N.(1)  (AC) Imperial concubine, next to 后 queen or empress;姨N.(3)  Concubine: 姨太太 [yi2tai4tai0]↓.Words11. 姨奶奶 [yi2nai3nai0], n., (formerly, respectful address to) concubine, mistress.12. 姨娘 [yi2](')[niang2], n., (1) concubine; (2) stepmother.17. 姨太太 [yi2tai4tai0], n., (coll.) concubine.18. 姨姨 [yi2yi2], n., (1) maternal aunt; (2) formerly, children’s address of father's concubine.細Words18. 細人 [xi4ren2], n., (1) common people; (2) the mean and vulgar persons; (3) (MC) concubine: 叫我討個細人 asked me to find a concubine for him.納V.t.納妾 take a concubine;英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大★◀▶英汉大☞hetaera英汉大☞bedmate英汉大☞spare英汉大☞doxycon·cu·bine/`kɑŋkjʊˌbaɪn, `kɑn-; ˈkɔŋkjubain, ˈkɔnk-/可数名词1 姘妇2 (一夫多妻制度下之) 元配以外的妻子, 妾, 姨太太concubinecon•cu•bine /'kɒŋkjʊbaɪn/ n C1. 情妇 2. 妾,小老婆 concubinen.(名詞 noun)姘婦,情婦妾,小老婆,姨太太(實行多妻制國家中男子在妻子以外娶的女子)document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:CONCUBINE 1822馬禮遜英華字典CONCUBINE1妾、妾氏、妾子2familiarly小老婆3Your concubine, politely令寵、如夫人4Urh-yay loves you, and wants to ask Laou tae-tae for you to be his concubine二爺愛上了你要和老太太討了你做小老婆5He who takes concubines after his wife has had a son, for each (concubine whom he takes) he is criminal fifty degrees妻已生子復置寵妾一人五十過1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆p 81 p 82 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階CONCUBINE1妾侍、如夫人2CONCUBINE,father's庶母1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 44 1847-48麥都思英華字典CONCUBINE1妾、庶、如夫人、小老婆、側室、邉居、嬬、妾氏、婜、𡛞、姫2a royal concubine妃、女媓、姫、偏房3imperial concubine皇妃、妃嬪、貴人4a lot of concubines羣小5to place a concubine in a family置妾6the children of concubines庶子7your concubine令寵1847-48麥都思英華字典 1筆p 283 1866-69羅存德英華字典Concubine1a kept mistress契家婆(註1)、老契2a grisette鹹水妹(註2)、鹹貨3a lawful, but inferior wife妾、妾氏、庶、庶室、側室、副室、如夫人、小老婆、邊居、𡛞4imperial concubine后妃、皇貴妃、皇妃、妃、女媓、姬、偏房、妃嬪、東宮、西宮5a concubine's son庶子、亞奶子、插燒仔6children of a concubine側出7a father's concubine庶母、阿姐、亞奶8to bring in a concubine立妾、納妾、納寵、攞亞奶9my concubine小妾10my young concubine少妾、嫩妾11your concubine愛妾、令寵1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆註1:Name of a kept mistress of a person abroad, having a family at home.註2:Salt-water sister.p 458 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Concubine1妾、妾侍、如夫人、令寵2Imperial Concubine皇妃、妃嬪3Concubine is not equal to a wife,妾不當妻4one's father's Concubine庶母1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 89 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Concubinea.1A kept mistress契家婆(註1)註1:Name of a kept mistress of a person abroad, having a family at home.n.1老契2a grisette鹹水妹(註2)、鹹貨3a lawful, but inferior wife妾、妾氏、庶、庶室、側室、副室、如夫人、小老婆、邊居、𡛞4imperial concubine后妃、皇貴妃、皇妃、妃、女媓、姬、偏房、妃嬪、東宮、西宮5a concubine's son庶子、亞奶子、插燒仔6children of a concubine側出7a father's concubine庶母、阿姐、亞奶8to bring in a concubine立妾、納妾、納寵、攞亞奶9my concubine小妾10my young concubine少妾、嫩妾11your concubine愛妾、令寵1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆註1:Salt-water sister.p 291 p 292 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Concubine1妾1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆p 73 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Concubinen.1A kept mistress, 姘識之婦, 妾; a woman who cohabits with a man without a legal marriage, 未經正娶之婦; a wife who does not take rank with her husband, 偏房, 側室; as, imperial concubine, 皇妃, 妃嬪; to bring in a concubine, 納妾, 納寵姘識之婦、妾、未經正娶之婦、偏房、側室、皇妃、妃嬪、納妾、納寵1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 444 1913商務書館英華新字典Concubinen.1姘識之婦、妾、側室2imperial concubine嬪妃3father's concubine庶母1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆p 104 1916赫美玲官話Concubinen.1secondary wife妾、小妾、姨奶奶、側室、側房、偏房2of an official姨太太3mistress嬖女人、外家4Children of a ~ (secondary wife)庶出、側出(文)5Imperial ~妃、妃嬪、妃子、嬪妃6To take as a ~收…作妾p 270 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶如夫人lady-like concubine keptmistress your concubine your concubine, politely 妃嬪concubine maid、maiden a female officer imperial concubine a maid of honor 皇妃concubine imperial concubine august honorable ladies august honourable ladies 契家婆concubine adulteress kept-mistress wife in water colors 納寵concubine to bring in a concubine to take a concubine 令寵concubine your concubine your concubine, politely 姫concubine a wedded consort a royal concubine 鹹水妹concubine kept-mistress salt-water-girl 小妾concubine my concubine secondary wife 納妾concubine to bring in a concubine 姨太太concubine secondary wife 姨奶奶concubine secondary wife 英華☞mistress英華☞handsome英華☞by-room英華☞mother英華☞child英華☞side英華☞wife英華☞weak英華☞fat英華☞son英華☞i




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