

单词 comrades
释义 文馨英漢☞comrade新世纪新世纪★◀▶Comrades/ˈkɒmreɪdz/n.the Comrades<南非>=Comrades Marathon新世纪☞comrade详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /ˈkɒmreɪdz/the Comradescomrades同Words27. 同袍 [tong2pao2], n., comrades in the same army: 同袍同澤 ditto.澤N.(5)  Underwear: 與子同澤 (AC) I will share my shirts with you, hence 袍澤 comrades at arms.Words3. 澤袍 [ze2pao2], n., comrades at arms.弟Words2. 弟兄 [di4xiong1], n., brother (i.e., without specifying elder or youger), dist. 兄弟 (coll.) strictly younger brother; n., comrades in arms.




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