

单词 compp
释义 compp屯Adj.(*[zhun1]) (In AC compp. only) 屯剝 ([tun2bo1]), 屯否 ([tun2pi3]), 屯難 ([zhun1nan4]), 屯質 ([tun2zhi4]), 屯坎 ([tun2kan3]),all meaning encountering hard knocks in life, buffeted.掎V.t.Drag, pull: see compp.↓.打V.i. & t.see compp. & phrr.拴V.i. & t.see compp.↓;摒V.t.cast aside: 摒開 move away, see compp.↓.捃V.t.(LL) choose, select, see compp.↓.撟V.i. & t.(2)  (*[jiao4]) To lift up, raise, curl up: see compp.↓.搧V.i. & t.To fan up (see compp. under 扇 63D.50 and 煽 91D.50).擴V.i. & t.To enlarge, expand, see compp.↓.抉V.t.(1)  Choose (between), select (from): see compp.↓.樸Words2. 樸硝 *[po4xiao1], n., (chem.) sodium sulfate or Glauber's salt; n., for other compp., see 撲 10B.81.杞N.see compp.↓.核V.t.核辦 officially consider and carry out, see many compp.↓.特Adj.特稿 special write-up, see many compp.↓;軫V.i.To turn about in mind, to think about constantly, esp. in compassion: 軫念時艱 to bear in mind the troubles of the country, see compp.↓.乾N.see compp.↓.顛V.i.(1)  To totter, fall, tumble (see compp.);土Adj.forming many compp. meaning local, native, aboriginal, like 土風,土豪,土人,土布 see [tu3feng1]2, [tu3hao2], [tu3ren2], [tu3bu4], etc↓.臺N.道臺 intendant of circuit. (See also 臺 compp. 93.40).超Adj.see many compp.↓.坤Adj.see compp.↓.眷V.t.see many compp.↓.失V.i. & t.see many compp.: 失傳,失名,失時,失業 [shi1chuan2], [shi1ming2]2, [shi1shi2]1, [shi1ye4], etc.↓.昔Adj.Past (days, years), ancient, see compp.↓.茫Adj.see compp.↓.蕭Adj.Desolate, dejected, disconsolate, see most compp.↓: 蕭晨 a gloomy morning.蕃Adj.(1)  Used as var. of 番 “foreign” in 番椒,番薯,番國, see 90.41 adj. & compp.蒐V.t.(1)  To collect (related 搜): see compp.↓.嶄Adj.(2)  Var. of 巉 (also *[chan2]), see compp.↓.岑Adj.Suggestive of hill regions, see compp.↓;督N. & v.t.(1)  Supervise, oversee, direct: 監督 direct, -tor, see many compp.↓;虔Adj.Devout, sincere, see compp.↓.步N.(1)  Step: part of many compp. in 快步 quick step;蠱N. & v.t.Poison, witchcraft, see compp.↓.書N.see compp.↓.忠Adj. & adv.see compp.↓.逃V.i.hide away, keep out of sight, see many compp.↓.悖Adj.see compp.↓.悵Adj.see compp.↓憐V.t.see compp.↓.恬Adj.Quiet and contented, calm, tranquil, see compp.↓: 恬不為怪,恬不知恥 phr., devoid of all sense of shame, regard calmly s.t. reprehensible.惝Adj.Disappointed, feeling lost, see compp.↓.憔Adj.Weary, worried, see compp.↓.恢Adj.see compp.↓蟾N.(2)  Dark shadows on the moon, hence the moon, see compp.↓蠣N.The oyster: see compp. 蠣螗 a pond for oyster culture.輝Adj.Splendid, see compp.↓.于Prep.indistinguishable from 於 60S.63, except anc. usage has confirmed the following compp.↓.可Adj.see compp.↓.五Adj.also see many compp.↓;恐V.i. & t.Fear: (esp. vern.) 恐怕 [kong3pa4], see other compp.↓;憨Adj. & adv.(1)  Pleasant and silly, rapt in love, see compp.↓.霽V.i.(2)  Calm down after a fit of anger: see compp.↓.霸Adj.Arrogant, tyrannical, belonging to tyrants, see compp.↓.電N. & adj.forming many compp. connected with electricity and some merely imagined to be so: see 電瓶 [dian4ping2], 電棒 [dian4bang4], 電驢子 [dian4lU2zi0]↓;殉V.i. & t.(2)  Be martyr for, to die for: see compp.↓.甄V.t.(LL) to select, discriminate, see compp.↓.承V.(2)  To take over (in vb. compp., 承+vb.--having the connotation of “takig over” “on the receiving end”): 承繼,承租,承包 [cheng2ji4], [cheng2zu1], [cheng2bao1]↓;發V.i. & t.發狂,瘋,憤 [fa1kuang2], [fa1feng1], [fa1fen4]2 and many compp.↓.阿Pron.(*[a4]) (Also in varying accents) prefix to familiar address (to father, mother, sister, etc.) in gen., a mother oft. employs term of address used by her child, as addressing husband's father as 阿翁 grandfather (from point of view of family), see compp.↓.陪V.t.(3)  As prefix, meaning “assisting at,” “be company for,” “assistant,” see compp.↓.豫Adv.in advance, be forehand, see 預 32S.80 compp.叮V.t.(2)  To question or instruct repeatedly: 叮問 see compp.↓.喋V.i. & t.Twitter, chatter, see compp.↓;唾N.Saliva, spittle, see compp.↓.唯Adv. & prep.see 惟一 and other compp. under 惟 22A.11.哂V.i.To smile, oft. smilingly, see compp.↓.嘎Adj.Descriptive of sounds, see compp.↓, also used to translate foreign names with ga-, ca-, sounds.嘰Adj. & adv.Imitating a variety of sounds, see compp.↓.咿Adj.Used in compp. only, descriptive of creaking sound.蹉V.i.To err, slip, see compp.↓蹌Adv.(Running) fast: see compp.↓;困Adj. & adv.see many compp.↓.賭V.i. & t.see compp.↓.罷V.i. & t.see other compp.↓.肌N.Muscles of flesh, meat on the bones: see compp.↓;肥Adj.(1)  Fat, greasy, well-bred, see compp.↓.臆V.i.To conjecture: see compp.↓.刪V.t.see compp. ↓.刁Adj.Artful, knavish, rascally, see compp.↓: 刁棍 rascal;驟Adv.Suddenly, unexpectedly: see compp.↓.馳V.i.奔馳 run around on errands, see compp.↓.Adv.Forming compp. with vbb. of thinking, remembering, indicating “far off”: 馳思,馳念 [chi2si1], [chi2nian4]↓.閑Adj.(1)  (Interch. 閑 52B.00) leisurely, free, quiet, having not much to do: 閑坐,閑談 [xian2zuo4], [xian2tan2] and many compp.↓;豪Adj.see compp.↓.裹V.t.see compp.↓;亡Adj.see 無 92.63 for other compp.游V.i. & t.(5)  To play: see esp. compp. of 游 63A.00.譎Adj. & adv.Cunning, artful, see compp.↓.譙N.(2)  A tower, see compp.↓.訊V.t.To try at court, see compp.↓.辦V.i. & t.(4)  As second part of many compp.: 幫辦 [bang1ban4], n., official assistant;廁V.t.To occupy a humble place, see compp↓.賡V.t.Continue, go on doing (s.t.), see compp.↓.痞N.Chronic hardening of the spleen, cf. compp.↓;寰 919C15  62.02-4/40 ㄏㄨㄢˊ [huan2]. [In compp. only; cf.環 31A.02]宸Adj.Imperial: see compp.↓.寂Adj.Still, silent: see compp.↓.定Adj.see many compp.姿N.(1)  Gesture, one's bearing or carriage: See compp. ↓;婆N.(1)  Woman, dame, crone, (coll. or contempt. as in “that woman”), always in compp. (婆子 [po2zi0]);淅Adj.See compp.↓.凋Adj.Withered, withering, see compp.↓.澆Adj.Degenerate, decadent: see compp.↓.扈N.(2)  Retinue, see compp.↓;遒Adj.(1)  Forceful, see compp.↓.令 1095B05  81.63/9 ㄌㄧㄥˋ [ling4] (*ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2]). [Var. ; all compp. with令, are treated as令 .63]企V.i.企禱 (court. in letters) I pray, see compp.↓舍V.i. & t.(2)  To abandon (interch. 舍): 舍身=舍身, see 舍 10A.40 and its compp.倉N.米倉 granary for rice, see compp.↓.令 1095B05  81.63/9 ㄌㄧㄥˋ [ling4] (*ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2]). [Var. ; all compp. with令, are treated as令 .63]Adj.(1)  (Court.) your (forming compp. as follows): 令尊 your father;鉗V.t.see compp.↓.鐵N.鐵器 ironware (see compp.);余Adj.Remaining, leftover, spreadover, carried over: 余音 lingering sound, tone, see compp.↓.餞V.i.See compp.↓.垂Adv.(1)  Down, downward, forming court. compp. with the idea of “graciously,” “condescend”: 垂詢 you condescended to ask me;和Adj.see many compp.↓;秕Adj.Riffraff, see compp.↓辭N.(1)  A word, mono- or polysyllabic, see compp. of 詞 60A.50;白Adj.part of many compp., as 白糖 [bai2tang2], 白面 [bai2mian4]↓.保V.t.(1)  To keep, maintain in good condition with special meanings in compp.: 保持,保養 [bao3chi2], [bao3yang3]↓;估V.t.Estimate, assess the value, see compp.↓;倘Conj.oft. used in bisyllabic compp. in spoken Chinese↓.偏Adj.see 偏心,偏愛,偏頗,偏見 [pian1xin1], [pian1ai4], [pian1po1], [pian1jian4] and many common compp.↓.伶Adj.See compp.↓.佻Adj.Frivolous, unsteady, see compp.↓.偵V.t.To detect, spy, do espionage work, see compp.↓.猗Adj.(1)  See compp.↓.狡Adj.see compp.↓;炮N.artillery, see 炮 31B.70 for compp.繁Adj.Complicated, difficult, numerous, in many compp.↓: 繁星 an array of stars;籌V.i. & t.(1)  (In compp., 籌+vb.) to plan: 籌備,籌畫 [chou2bei4], [chou2hua4]↓.箝V.t.To compress or hold closed by force: see compp.↓.畿N.see compp.↓.巡V.i. & t.Mostly in compp.媟Adj.Indecent, see compp.↓.紬V.t.(*[chou1]) To select, draw out, (related 抽, see compp.↓).終Adv.see compp. 終久,終究,終極 [zhong1jiu3], [zhong1jiu4], [zhong1ji2]↓.




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