

单词 brothers
释义 文馨英漢☞brotherbrothers契Words13. 契兄弟 [qi4xiong1di4], n., sworn brothers.排Words8. 排行 [pai2hang2], n., seniority among brothers, sisters: 排行第五 No.5.換Words2. 換帖 [huan4tie3], v.i., be sworn brothers by exchange of papers bearing name, surname, year of birth, horoscope, etc.棣N.(2)  (LL) used as elegant var. of 弟: 學棣,仁棣 (from allu. to 唐棣 Duke Jou's poem to his brothers).Words2. 棣鄂(萼) [di4e4], n., love of brothers, from allu. to ancient poem 唐棣之華 celebrating brothers’ reunion.析Words1. 析產 [xi1chan3], vi., (brothers) divide common property.3. 析居 [xi1jU1], v.i., (brothers, husband and wife) to live separately.乾Adj.乾兄弟,乾姊妹 adopted brothers, sisters;煮V.t.煮豆燃箕 (allu.) boil beans with beanstalks--reference to fight among brothers;老Adj.老二 (of brothers, sisters, or close friends) the number two;Words118. 老么 [lao3yao1], n., (of brothers, sisters or close friends) the youngest one.塤N.塤箎 (allu.) harmony of brothers, see 箎 92A.70.夫N.夫兄弟 husband's brothers;友Words1. 友愛 [you3ai4], (1) v.t., to be good friends with; to be kind to (brothers); (2) adj., kind, amiable.蘭Words11. 蘭譜 [lan2pu3], n., (1) books on orchidology or the painting of orchids; (2) the genealogical records of sworn brothers, each of whom keeps a copy.落Words3. 落地 [luo4di4]1, (1) be born: 落地為兄弟 are born brothers; [luo4di4]1, (2) (*[lao4di4]) touching the ground: 落地燈 floor lamp; 落地窗 French window; 落地式收音機 cabinet or console type radio set (as against desk type).蔦Words1. 蔦蘿 [niao3luo2], (1) n., (bot.) Quamoclit vulgaris; (2) n., 蔦與女蘿 Ribes ambiguum and Usnea plicata; (fig.) brothers, sisters, and other relatives interrelated and dependent upon one another.難Adj.難兄難弟 (of brothers) equally brilliant or talented;皆Pron.四海之內皆兄弟也 within the four seas all men are brothers.叔Adj.(1)  Number 3 in sequence of brothers: 伯1, 仲2, 叔 or 季3.情N.情同手足 (the two) are close like brothers;二Words40. 二難 [er4nan2], n., (complim.) unusual brothers (難兄難弟);sometimes also unique host and guest.三Words24. 三綱 [san1gang1], n., (Confu.) the three mainstays (“hawsers”) of social order: the relationships of 君臣,父子,夫妻 ruler-subject, father-child and husband-wife; 三綱五常 the main principles of social order ( 五常 plus two other relations: between brothers and friends).76. 三族 [san1zu2], n., (AC) with various interpretations: (1) parents, brothers and wife and children; (2) relatives of father, of mother and of wife (誅三族 all killed in crime against the throne); (3) three generations of grandfather, father and son; (4) brothers of father, of self and of son.哥Words2. 哥兒 [ge1er0], n., (1) collective name for all brothers, (vocative) my elder brother, used among close friends: 幾個哥兒 several brothers or close friends; 哥兒倆 the two brothers; 哥兒們 the good fellows; a boy, usu. from a rich family: 公子哥兒 a playboy; 哥兒大爺 a dandy, a coxcomb.6. 哥們兒 [ge1me0er0], n., (1) brothers: 老哥們兒 my good old brothers; 哥們兒倆 those two brothers; (2) (term of endearment) my dear brothers.平Words4. 平輩(兒) [ping2bei4] ([ping2beher0]), n., of same generation (as between brothers, cousins).五Words13. 五服 [wu3fu2]1, n., the five degrees of mourning: (a) 斬衰 with cut and unhemmed hempen cloth, worn for parents and husbands for 27 months; (b) 齊衰 with cut and hemmed hempen cloth, worn for grandparents, etc. for one year; n., (c) 大功 for brothers, sisters, etc., worn for 9 months; n., (d) 小功 for uncles, aunts, etc., for 5 months; n., (e) 緦麻 for distant relatives for 3 months.27. 五倫 [wu3lun2], n., (Confu.) the five cardinal relationships: between ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, between brothers and between friends.子Words7. 子弟 [zi3di4], n., (1) children in relation to elders; sons and younger brothers of a family (opp. 父兄 father and elder brother); able-bodied men (opp. 父老 elders); (2) patron of prostitutes; n., 子弟書 [zi3di4shu1], n., songs sung to the accompaniment of a drum, as originated by Manchu boys.孟Adj.(LL) First in series 孟,仲,季,oft. in brothers’ names, esp. in seasons’ names: 孟春,孟夏,孟秋,孟冬 first month of spring, summer, autumn, winter.乃Pron.乃兄乃弟 your (his) elder and younger brothers;通Words49. 通譜 [tong1pu3], adj., be sworn brothers; regarded as same clan.孔Words5. 孔懷 [kong3huai2], n., (AC) 兄弟孔懷 the brothers think very much of each other, hence (LL) n., brothers.單Words9. 單丁 [dan1ding1], n., one without brothers, only son.兄Words1. 兄弟 [xiong1di4], n., (1) brothers: 兄弟之國 allied states, usu. related by royal marriage; (2) ([xiong1di0]) (a) my younger brother; (b) a younger person of same generation; n., (c) a usu. polite term “I (myself)”: 兄弟不敢推辭 your younger brother (i. e., I) dare not decline; n., used also in public address meaning “I.”喚V.t.呼兄喚弟 address each other as brothers;四Words16. 四海 [si4hai3], (1) adv., “the four seas”-the whole world: 四海一家 the whole world is one family; adv., 四海之內,皆兄弟也(子夏) all the people of the world are brothers; (2) ([si4hai0]) adj., (coll.) generous: 為人很四海 is very generous to people.昆Words3. 昆季 [kun1ji4], n., brothers.異Words34. 異爨 [yi4cuan4], phr., (of brothers, close relations) live separately (“separate kitchens”).罡N.(3)  Also for the heroes of All Men are Brothers (水滸傳).同Words4. 同胞 [tong2bao1], n., brothers of the same mother; term for compatriot.胞N.(4)  Abbr. for 同胞 (lit.) “same womb,” term emphasizing consanguinity: 胞兄,胞弟 brothers of the same mother;胞伯,胞叔 father's brothers of the same mother;服Words3. 服制 [fu2zhi4], n., (1) dress regulations; (2) elaborate system of prescribed mourning dress and periods; 斬衰 27 months for parents (3 times period of pregnancy); 齊衰,期服 1 year for grandparents and certain others; 大功 9 months for brothers, sisters, etc; 小功 5 months for uncles, aunts, etc.; 緦麻 3 months for distant relatives.賢Adj.賢昆仲 your brothers;雁Words2. 雁行 [yan4hang2], n., geese flying in formation: used as symbol of orderly life of brothers: 雁行折翼 death of a brother.民N.民胞物與 from “民吾同胞,物吾與焉”of 張載 the people are my brothers, the creation is part of me;鬩Words1. 鬩墻 [xi4qiang2], phr., from 兄弟鬩於墻 brothers fight among themselves -- internal strife.六Words3. 六親 [liu4qin1], n., the six relations, brothers, wife and children, i.c., (a) 父,母,兄,弟,妻,子; n., (b) 父,子,兄,弟,夫,婦; 六親不認 not to recognize one's own closest relatives.讓Words9. 讓梨 [rang4li2], v.i., show fraternal affection among brothers (“let one's elder brother have the bigger pear,” allu. to the story of 孔融).親Adj.親兄弟,親姊妹 brothers, sisters of same mother;族Words11. 族兄 [zu2xiong1], n., an older clan cousin: 族兄弟 (1) brothers born of the great-great-grand-father; (2) clan cousins.襟N.(2)  A brother-in-law: 連襟,襟兄弟 brothers-in-law whose wives are sisters;弟N.弟兄 brothers;分V.i. & t.分爨 have separate kitchens, live separately among brothers;手Words68. 手足 [shou3zu2], n., (litr.) brothers.香Words25. 香火 [xiang1huo3], n., (1) public worship at Buddhist temples: 香火盛 good attendance at temple (“many incense sticks and candles burning”); (2) the burning of candles and incense in an oath before spirits: 香火誓 such an oath; 香火弟兄 sworn brothers; 香火情 sworn love between man and woman.與V.i. & t.(3)  (LL) to share: 民胞物與 the people are my brothers and I share the life of all creation.爨N.(1)  An earthern kitchen stove: 分爨 (of brothers) have separate kitchens, live separately.和Words15. 和睦 [he2mu4], adj., friendly (relations between countries, brothers).拜V.i. & t.拜把子,結拜,拜兄弟 be sworn brothers.仲N.(2)  昆仲 brothers.作Words75. 作外 [zuo4wai4], v.i., stand on ceremony (as “with outsiders”): 弟兄休作外 brothers don't need to stand on ceremony.伯N.(2)  (AC) first of brothers in 伯-仲-叔-季 series, now oft. used in personal names.Words4. 伯仲 [bo2zhong4], n., brothers, elder and younger: 不相伯仲 about equal.倫N.五倫 the five cardinal relationships king-subject, father-son, husband-wife, between brothers, between friends.行N.兄弟行 status of brothers;排行 sequence among brothers and sisters: 排列第二 number two.從Adj.從兄弟 first cousin brothers;燃V.t.燃萁 discord between brothers leading to mutual destruction;孿Words1. 孿生 [luan2sheng1], n., twin: 孿生子 twin children; 孿生兄弟 twin brothers.參Words16. 參商 *[shen1shang1], phr., the two stars Orion and Lucifer which never see each other; (fig.) (a) parting of friends for a long time; (b) (allu.) strife between brothers.如V.t.如兄如弟 act towards one another like brothers and sisters;妯Words1. 妯娌 [zhou2li0], n., wives of brothers: 姊妹做妯娌 two sisters marry two brothers.結Words2. 結拜 [jie2bai4], v. i., become sworn brothers or sisters.Brothers布拉瑟斯詞目:BROTHERS 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階BROTHERS1BROTHERS,own同胞兄弟1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 22 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Brothers1衆兄弟、兄弟們、列位弟兄、衆弟兄2Brothers and sisters, older and younger,兄弟姊妹3Brothers by the same mother,同胞兄弟p 51 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞brethren英華☞you英華☞ownBrothers布拉瑟斯外國地名譯名Brothers, The兄弟群島外國地名譯名Brothers, The兄弟山外國地名譯名




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