

单词 carrying
释义 carrying 动词变化: "to carry"Present Participle: carrying本页中: carrying, carryWordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文carrying adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (moving, transporting)运输的   运载的  The carrying capacity of the bus is 35 passengers.carrying adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (supporting)支撑的 zhī chēng de   支持的 zhī chí de  The carrying beams support the upper floor of the house.  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文carry⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (move)搬 bān  抱 bào  抱 bào Could you carry this table from the kitchen to the dining room? 您能把这张桌子从厨房搬到餐厅吗?carry [sth]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (move, carry)搬运 bān yùn  运送 yùn sòng Could you carry this table from the kitchen to the dining room?carry, carry [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (stock)有(某商品)出售 yǒu ( mǒu shāng pǐn ) chū shòu This shop doesn't carry all brands of clothes. 这家商店只出售部分品牌的服装。carry [sth]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (conduct)传送,传输(水、电等)  This pipe carries water. 这一管道是输水的。carry [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (support)支撑,承载  The steel beams can carry a lot of weight. 铁梁能承重。carry [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (transmit)传播(疾病) chuán bō jí bìng Mosquitoes carry malaria. 蚊子传播疟疾。carry [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (keep with you)带 dài  携带 xié dài He always carries a knife for protection.carry⇒ viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (sound: travel) (声音)传,传送  In the canyon, voices carry far. 在山谷中,声音传得很远。 其他翻译英语中文carry nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. US (football) (橄榄球运动)携带球 xié dài qiú The running back averages twenty yards a carry.carry viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (reach an audience) (消息等)传达下去 chuán dá xià qù The Minister's message will carry.carry viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (gain adoption)被采纳 bèi cǎi nà  获得通过 huò dé tōng guò The motion will carry in Congress.carry, carry [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (involve, entail)导致(某种结果) dǎo zhì mǒu zhǒng jié guǒ  带来(某种后果) dài lái mǒu zhǒng hòu guǒ  承担(某种责任) chéng dān mǒu zhǒng zé rèn Robbery carries a ten-year prison term in some countries.carry, carry [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (communicate, convey)传达(某种信息) chuán dá mǒu chóng xìn xī Commercials carry an obvious message.carry [sb]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (be pregnant with) (身孕、孩子等)怀有 huái yǒu Melinda is carrying twins. 梅琳达怀着一对双胞胎。carry, carry [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (continue, extend)使…扩大 shǐ kuò dà  把…闹大 bǎ nào dà We don't want to carry things too far.carry, carry [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." figurative (win, take) (比喻)赢得…,获得…,得胜  We hope that our team will carry the day.carry, carry [sb] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." figurative (cause success of) (比喻)带领…赢得胜利 dài lǐng yíng dé shèng lì The star player carried the team to victory.carry, carry [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (broadcast) (通讯、广播等)有(信号),传输  My telephone carries a signal.carry⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (mathematics) (数学)使进位 shǐ jìn wèi Don't forget to carry the two.carry vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (golf) (高尔夫球等)将(球)击过 jiāng qiú jī guò Alan is hoping to carry this sandtrap.carry yourself vtr + refltransitive verb and reflexive pronoun: Transitive verb with reflexive pronoun--for example, "Enjoy yourself." "They behaved themselves." (posture: hold yourself)使(自己)保持某种姿态(神态)  The ballerina carries herself well. 那位芭蕾舞演员姿态优美。 WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:carrying | carry英语中文card-carrying member nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. literal ([sb] with official membership of a group) (本义)持会员证的会员,正式成员  I'm a card-carrying member of the garden club.card-carrying member nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. figurative (self-proclaimed supporter of a cause) (比喻)某项事业自发的支持者  Chris was a card-carrying member of the anti-nuclear movement.carrying amount nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (finance: book value)账面价值 zhàng miàn jià zhí Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:carry ['k[+ae]rI]I vt 1 [+ person] 抱 bào (by hand with the arm down) 提 tí (on one's back) 背(揹) bēi (by hand) 拿 ná She carried her son to the car.她把儿(兒)子抱到车(車)上。 Tā bǎ érzi bào dào chē shang.2 (=take) [+ message] 传(傳)递(遞) chuándì He was carrying a message of thanks to the President.他代人向(總)总统(統)表达(達)了谢(謝)意。 Tā dài rén xiàng zǒngtǒng biǎodále xièyì.3 (=have on person) 带(帶)着(著) dàizhe He always carried a gun.他总(總)是带(帶)着(著)枪(槍)。 Tā zǒngshì dàizhe qiāng.4 (=transport) [ship, plane] 运(運)载(載) yùnzài The ship could carry seventy passengers.这(這)只船能载(載)70名乘客。 Zhè zhī chuán néng zài qīshí míng chéngkè.5 (=pass) [+ motion, bill] 通过(過) tōngguò The motion was carried by 259 votes to 162.这(這)项(項)提案以259对(對)162票通过(過)。 Zhè xiàng tí’àn yǐ èrbǎi wǔshíjiǔ duì yībǎi liùshíèr piào tōngguò.6 (=involve) [+ risk, responsibility, penalty] 带(帶)来(來) dàilái7 (Med) [+ disease, virus] 传(傳)染 chuánrǎn Rats carry nasty diseases.老鼠传(傳)染严(嚴)重的疾病。 Lǎoshǔ chuánrǎn yánzhòng de jíbìng.8 (=have) [+ picture, slogan] 刊登 kāndēngII vi [sound] 传(傳)播 chuánbō Sound seems to carry better in the evening air.声(聲)音好像在傍晚空气(氣)中传(傳)播得远(遠)些。 Shēngyīn hǎoxiàng zài bàngwǎn kōngqì zhōng chuánbō de yuǎn xiē. to get carried away (by enthusiasm, idea) 失去自制力 shīqù zìzhìlì to carry sth further/to extremes 进(進)一步做某事/把某事做到极(極)至 jìnyībù zuò mǒushì/bà mǒushì zuò dào jízhìcarry forward vt (in book-keeping) [+ balance] 结(結)转(轉) jiézhuǎncarry off vt ▶ to carry it off (=succeed) 顺(順)利完成 shùnlì wánchéngcarry onI vi 1 (=continue) 继(繼)续(續) jìxù2 (inf: make a fuss) 吵吵闹(鬧)闹(鬧) chǎochǎo-nàonàoII vt 1 (=conduct) [+ conversation, research] 继(繼)续(續)进(進)行 jìxù jìnxíng2 (=continue) [+ work, tradition]▶ to carry on with sth 继(繼)续(續)做某事 jìxù zuò mǒushì to carry on doing sth 继(繼)续(續)做某事 jìxù zuò mǒushìcarry out vt [+ order, instruction] 执(執)行 zhíxíng [+ investigation, attack] 进(進)行 jìnxíng [+ plan, threat] 实(實)行 shíxíngcarry over vt 延续(續) yánxùcarry through vt 成功地完成 chénggōng de wánchéng在这些条目还发现'carrying':在英文解释里:afferent - armed - baby carrier - banana boat - bike rack - briefcase - bring off - cargo carrier - cargo transport - cigar case - coin purse - conducting - continuation - creel - death - efferent - elevator - empty-handed - enactment - garment bag - golf bag - hip flask - hod - instrumentality - keister - lancer - lanyard - leather flask - live wire - loaded - messenger - pack animal - pack horse - packsaddle - performance - perpetration - pestiferous - picnic basket - porterage - pregnant - slave ship - smuggling - sports page - strap - superconducting - supply ship - tea tray - torchbearer - transport ship - tsetse fly中文:扁担carryingˈkærɪɪŋadj.① (聲音)傳送得很好的a carrying voice傳送得很好的聲音新世纪英汉大☞carry详细释义 adj.运送的,运输的 They were not licensed to use the hoist to get Phil off the bed and into their carrying equipment. 他们没有得到允许用升降机把菲尔从床上转到到他们的运送设备上。 v.carry的现在分词;携带 He was carrying a briefcase. 他提着公文包。 The official number of people carrying the AIDS virus is low. 艾滋病病毒携带者的官方数字并不高。词形变化名词复数: carries动词过去式: carried动词过去分词: carried动词现在分词: carrying动词第三人称单数: carriescarrying搭Words2. 搭包 [da1bao0], n., waistband outside jacket, used for carrying things (also wr. 褡包 63C.40).擔N.扁擔,擔桿 carrying pole.扶V.i. & t.扶老攜幼 supporting the old and carrying the young, come in a throng;挾Words7. 挾嫌 [xie2xian2], v.i. & adv., carrying a grudge against s.o.提Words26. 提盒(兒) [ti2he2]([er0]), n., carrying case (for food, presents).概N.(2)  Manner of carrying and conducting oneself: 氣概 bearing, deportment;杠N.(2)  A carrying pole, a wooden or iron bar: 杠子 [gang4zi0]↓;Words6. 杠子 [gang4zi0], n., (1) a carrying-pole; (2) (gymnatics) an iron or wooden bar: 盤杠子 take gymnastic exercises on bars.大Words48. 大靜脈 [da4jing4mo4], n., the great vein carrying blood of the body to the heart.小Words46. 小工(兒) [xiao3gong1]2([er0]), n., a labor hand (carrying gravel, soil in construction work, etc.).背V.i & t.背著麻袋 carrying a hemp sack on back.Words26. 背子 [bei4zi0], n., (1) stiffening material at back as 紙背子 card board stiffening; (2) (*[bei1zi0]) stack for carrying burden on back.懷V.i. & t.(2)  To carry concealed: 身懷利刃 carrying concealed a sharp knife;帕Words3. 帕子 [pa4zi0], n., a kerchief, often used for carrying a package: 手帕子 handkerchief.順Words6. 順當 [shun4dang0], adj., carrying on smoothly.碰Words5. 碰瓷兒 [peng4ci2er0], n., racketeer who claims damage by carrying broken porcelain and dropping it on encounter; one who tries to create an accident.鼎Adj.Weighty, carrying weight, important: 鼎力,鼎言 [ding3li4], [ding3yan2]↓;膊N.轉膊 change shoulders when carrying a load.腰Words12. 腰里硬 [yao1li0ying4], n., broad trousers belt or hard braid girdle, oft. used for carrying things.施V.i. & t.措施 measures for carrying out policy, etc.;瘧Words3. 瘧蚊 [nUe4wen2], n., (med.) malaria-carrying mosquito, Anopheles sinensis.寥Words4. 寥戾 [liao2li4], adj., (of sound, music) carrying far (嘹唳 preferred).窩Words3. 窩脖兒(子) [wo1bo2er0] ([zi0]), (1) n., wharf laborer, carrying heavy load on bent back and shoulders; (2) adj., oppressed, chafed and angry.清Words101. 清越 [qing1yUe4], adj., (of song, voice) clear and carrying far.鴻Words10. 鴻雁 [hong2yan4], n., the wild goose, reputed in literary tradition as messenger carrying letters (see also 雁 51A.11); mail.扁Words2. 扁擔 [bian3dan1], n., carrying pole, with flat face resting on shoulders.催Words14. 催促 [cui1cu4], v.t., to press for, ask for quick carrying out.信Words19. 信局(子) [xin4jU2]([zi0]), n., formerly, private firm for carrying mail before post office system was established.銜Words1. 銜璧 [xian2bi4], phr., (AC) to surrender by carrying a piece of jade in mouth as pledge.魄Words1. 魄力 [po4li4], n., great vitality, energy (of man), force of character in carrying through.簣N.A basket for carrying earth, pebbles: see 功虧一簣 21S.50.嫡Adj.(in political parties) the rightful, correct successor, considered carrying on the orthodox policy;繃V.i. & t.(1)  To strap: 繃孩子 strap baby on back as way of carrying.car·ry·ing/`kærɪɪŋ; ˈkæriiŋ/形容词响亮的< 声音> a ~ voice响亮的声音carrying搬运双向☞capacity-- carrying双向☞ carrying--agent双向☞hook-- carrying詞目:CARRYING 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階CARRYING1CARRYING beam担竿1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 28 1866-69羅存德英華字典Carrying1担、抬、挑、負、𧴯2carrying-pole擔杆3apt to break in carrying噲摙爛1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 325 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Carrying1Carrying beam,担竿1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 62 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Carryingppr.1担、抬、挑、負2carrying-pole𧴯3apt to break in carrying擔杆4carrying beam噲摙爛5Low, fertile land, adjacent to a river担樑1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 206 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Carryingn.1A bearing, conveying, removing, or transporting, 攜帶, 傳遞, 搬運; Carrying trade, transport of goods, specially by water, 漕運, 水運, 運載業; Carrying wind, said when a horse tosses his nose as high as his ears, 馬舉鼻攜帶、傳遞、搬運、漕運、水運、運載業、馬舉鼻p 313 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶担竿carrying carrying pole a pole for carrying things on 擔杆carrying apt to break in carrying the carrying beam 担樑carrying carrying beam 英華☞prompt英華☞convey英華☞BRING英華☞carry英華☞BEAT英華☞SHIP英華☞tote英華☞bear英華☞HEM英華☞duecarrying搬運機械工程




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