

单词 chased
释义 chased 本页中: chased, chaseWordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文chased adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (metal: engraved) (金属)雕刻的 diāo kè de Ian bought the chased silver bowl in an antiques shop.  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文chase⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (pursue)追逐,追捕   追求 zhuī qiú The dogs chased the rabbit. 狗在追兔子。 ⓘThis sentence is not a translation of the original sentence. 他以四处追求女孩为乐。chase nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (literal pursuit)追捕 zhuī bǔ  追赶 zhuī gǎnchase [sb/sth]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." figurative (strive for) (比喻)追求,争取 chase nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. figurative (pursuit) (比喻)追求,追逐  The team is in a chase for the championship.chase [sth]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (metal: engrave) (在金属上)镂刻,雕刻  Yvonne is chasing the beautiful silver ring she is making. Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:chase [t$eIs]I vt 1 (=pursue) 追赶(趕) zhuīgǎn2▶ to chase sb off one's land/away from a place 将(將)某人赶(趕)出某人的土地/从(從)某处(處)赶(趕)走 jiāng mǒurén gǎnchū mǒurén de tǔdì/cóng mǒuchù gǎnzǒu3 (=seek) [+ job, money, opportunity] 寻(尋)找 xúnzhǎoII n [c] (=pursuit) 追逐 zhuīzhú [阵 zhèn]chase down vt 1 (US) (=run after) 追上 zhuīshàng2 (=track down) [+ person] 寻(尋)觅(覓)到 xúnmì dào [+ information] 设(設)法寻(尋)找 shèfǎ xúnzhǎochase up vt [+ person] 催 cuī [+ information] 寻(尋)找 xúnzhǎo在这些条目还发现'chased':在英文解释里:fox hunting chased vt. chase1的变形 chase2的变形 chase3的变形 chase3[tʃeis] n. 槽;沟;壕 炮前身 (炮耳的前部分);炮筒 【印刷】 (活字版的) 版框,铁框 【建筑工程】 管子槽;暗管;竖管vt.在…上开槽 (或沟等) 把…刻成锯齿形,使成犬牙状 用螺纹梳刀刻 (螺纹)变形:vt. chased . chasing chase1[tʃeis] vt.追,追赶:The children are chasing one another among the bushes.孩子们在树丛中互相追逐。 追捕;追踪;追击;猎取:The huntsmen chased the deer silently.猎人们悄悄地追踪那只鹿。 追求;向…求爱:He's always chasing women.他总在不断地追逐女人。 赶出,驱逐;消除;催促:He chased the dog out of the garden.他把狗从花园中赶了出去。First of all we should chase these fears from his mind.首先我们应当消除他心中的恐惧。 追寻;寻找:The police tried to chase the dead man's brother up but they had no idea where he lived.警方试图找到死者的兄弟,但是他们不知道他住在何处。 [chase oneself]使闪过;使出现:Suspicion chased itself across his face.他的脸上露出怀疑的神色。vi.追逐,追赶;追寻;追求 (常与after连用):Those children are always chasing about, making a terrible noise.那些孩子总是追来追去,吵得不得了。The huntsmen rode fast,chasing after the fox.猎人们纵马飞奔,追捕狐狸。 [口语] 奔跑;快走:She is always chasing from one store to another.她总是匆匆地从这家商店跑到那家商店。 闪现;出现 (常与across 或through 连用):Some unusual phenomena are chasing through my mind.一些奇奇怪怪的现象浮现于我的脑海。n.追赶,追捕;追击;追踪;追求 打猎,狩猎 (与 the 连用) 猎物 (指鸟兽等);追求物;被追逐的人(或物) [总称] 猎人 [英国英语] 狩猎区,猎场;狩猎权 (指在一特定区域内打猎或放养的特许权) 越野赛,障碍赛(如赛马、赛跑)短语:chase the dragon[俚语] “追龙”式服用海洛因,腾云般服用海洛因(指吸毒者将海洛因放在锡箔上加热,然后抽吸烟雾,其飘浮形状宛如龙尾)cut to the chase提到关键问题,转入(或切入)正题give chase to追赶;追逐;追击go (and) chase oneself[美国俚语] 别捣乱,走开,滚开in chase of追求;追赶;追击lead someone a (fine,hard,merry,lively) chase诱使某人尽力追赶(或徒劳追逐)stern chase(在前船后面的)尾追;追击 变形:vt. chased . chasing chase2[tʃeis] vt.雕镂,镂刻 用雕镂来装饰(金属);在…上镶嵌宝石变形:vt. chased . chasing  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 文馨英漢☞chasechased嫦Words1. 嫦娥 [chang2e2], n., name of the Lady in the Moon: 嫦娥奔月 (myth.) [chang2e2] flew to the moon with the elixir of life, chased by her famous archerhusband (orig. 姮娥 [heng2e2], changed because of taboo in name of 漢文帝).詞目:Chased 1866-69羅存德英華字典Chased1pursued追過、趕過、獵過2driven追走過1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 364 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Chasedpp. or a.1Pursued追過、趕過2driven獵過3A hunter追走過p 233 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆英華英華英華★◀▶追過Tracked Followed Traced Prosecuted Hunted Chased 趕過chased overtake 獵過hunted chased




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