

单词 brings
释义 文馨英漢☞bringbrings探V.t.探驪得珠 writing which brings out important points from a mass of facts.插V.t.插柳成蔭 do s.t. which brings results without effort and easily;殃V.t.殃及池魚 (a fire on city wall) brings disaster to the fish in the moat;景Words3. 景光 [jing3guang1], n., (1) light that brings good fortune; (2) condition, appearance, circumstance (=光景).敗Words7. 敗火 [bai4huo3], adj., (of medicine which) brings down fever.齊Adj.舉案齊眉 (allu.) wife brings lunch tray to the height of her eyebrow as polite form -- used to refer to husband and wife keeping up politeness between each other (夫婦相敬如賓).錢Words16. 錢樹子 [qian2shu4zi0], n., a pop. singsong girl who brings in a lot of money to the madam.




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