单词 | characters |
释义 | 文馨英漢☞charactercharacters聱Words1. 聱牙 [ao2ya2], phr., (1) in 詰屈聱牙 (of ancient writings) full of characters that are difficult to make out and pronounce, descriptive of foreign sounds, unpronounceable, crotchety writing; (2) twisting (old trunke); rough (experience).鏨V.t.鏨字 engrave characters.真Words23. 真書 [zhen1shu1], n., another name for 楷書 the formal script of characters.搭N.Linking stroke in same character or adjacent characters in calligraphy.描Words4. 描寫 [miao2xie3], v.t. & n., describe, description: 描寫人物 delineation of characters in fiction.指Words28. 指事 [zhi3shi4]2, n., one of the six principles (see 六書 60.80) of formation of Chin. characters--a compound pictograph, as 上下 “above”below.”椽N.a brush for writing big characters.檢Words11. 檢字 [jian3zi4], (1) v.i., find a character in a dictionary; (2) n., list of characters arranged for ready indentification: 檢字表 such a table, index.隸N.隸字 characters written in such style;切Words20. 切韻 [qie4yUn4], n., syllabary or rhyme classification of characters; name of rhyme book around 600 A.D. used as dictionary.遠V.t.(*[yUan4]) To keep away from: 遠小人 keep away from the mean and selfish characters;布Words8. 布置 (also 布) [bu4zhi4], v.t. & n., to arrange, -ment; interior decor, garden arrangement; placing of troops in strategic places of characters and plot in play, etc.上Words75. 上下 [shang4xia4], (1) prep., (after a number) or thereabouts: 三十上下 about thirty; (2) v.i., to differ: 不相上下 match equally; v.i., 上下其手 change wording in legal document to alter meaning slightly by changing emphasis; 上上下下 to go up and down, both high and low; (3) adj., high and low, above and below; adj., up and down; (4) first and second characters in inquiring or mentioning name of ancestor or monk.貞N. & v.t.Divination, to divine: 貞卜文字 oracle characters. 328B20 [pu1]. [One of the radicals, modern from , appearing on right side of character, usually pertaining to some form of action, in characters like收 receive,放 let go,考 examine,數 count, etc.]劇N.劇中人 dramatic characters;乩N.Planchette as in 扶乩 a traditional form of divination whereby the spirit, when invoked, writes characters on a sand pan by means of a stick attached to a horizontal piece supported by two persons serving as mediums.小Adj.小楷 fine regular characters in small size;幛N.幛光兒 paper cut-out containing characters on such scrolls.蠅Words4. 蠅頭 [ying2tou2], adj., petty, very small (profits): 蠅頭小字 very small characters.干N.(2) Short for 天干 (甲,乙,丙,丁,戊,己,庚,辛,壬,癸) the decimal cycle of ten characters by which the Chinese reckon their years, see Appendix A;Words7. 干支 [gan1zhi1], n., short for 天干 and 地支(子,丑,寅,卯,辰,巳,午,未,申,酉,戌,亥),the twelve characters by which the Chinese reckon the hours of a day; the combination of one character from 天干 and another from 地支 forms a term by which a year or date is known; the orderly series of such possible combinations yield sixty different terms to designate a cycle of sixty years; when one cycle ends, another begins all over again; see Appendix A.五Words28. 五律 [wu3lU4], n., a prescribed verse form of eight lines of five characters each.正Words61. 正體 [zheng4ti3], n., standard way of writing (characters).敢Words3. 敢當 [gan3dang1], v.t. & adj., (be) deserving (of): 那怎敢當 how can I possibly deserve it? 不敢當 thank you, but really I don't deserve it, a phr. for replying to praise, “I am unworthy”; 泰山石敢當 a stone tablet inscribed with these characters and erected on the roadside supposedly as a charm to ward off evil influences.形Words11. 形聲 [xing2sheng1], n., one of six principles of formation of Chin. characters, (see 六書 60.80) by use of a component for phonetic value--the most prolific principle, e. g., the use of 青 in 清,情,請,etc. (also called 諧聲).通Words32. 通假 [tong1jia3], n., (of Chin. characters) interchangeable with other characters.陽Words15. 陽識 [yang2zhi4], n., characters cut in relief, opp. 陰識 characters cut below surface.陰Words36. 陰識 [yin1zhi4]1, n., inscription in intaglio, with characters below surface.61. 陰文 [yin1wen2], n., inscription in intaglio, with characters below surface.單Words28. 單字 [dan1zi4], n., whole character, individual characters; new words to be learned.凹Words1. 凹版 [ao1ban3], n., a die cut with designs or characters in intaglio.咒N.magic formula for exorcizing demons: 畫符念咒 (of Taoists) draw magic characters and make incantations;蹚V.i.蹚渾水(兒) go about with bad characters;跨V.i. & t.旁邊又跨上一行小字兒 carry an insertion beside the line, insert a line of small-type characters.甲N.(1) (Also *[jia4]) the first of the ten characters in 天干 decimal cycle, see Appendix A;國Words50. 國書 [guo2shu1], n., (1) (diplomacy) a letter of credence: 呈遞國書 to present credentials; (2) (diplomacy) notes exchanged between governments; (3) formerly, the national characters used by the Tartars, Mongols, and Manchus.四Words33. 四六 [shi1liu4], n., a euphuistic style of parallel constructions, known esp. for pairs of sentences of four and six characters.59. 四言時 [si4yan2shi1], n., a poem with lines of four characters each esp. in 詩經 Book of Poetry.懸Words22. 懸肘 [xUan2zhou3], adv., “with raised elbow” (not resting on table)-for writing characters over a foot big.貝N.hence (3) as radical in characters referring to money or property (as 財 wealth, 寶 treasure, 賦 tax, 貨 goods, etc.): 寶貝 treasure.風Words43. 風流 [feng1liu2], adj., (1) romantic: 風流人物 a romantic person; (2) distinguished, handsome, lovable: 風流可愛,風流蘊藉,倜儻 ditto; (AC) =流風余韻 surviving influence of poets, high characters.腕Words2. 腕法 [wan4fa3], n., (callig.) method of holding wrist: (a) 枕腕 resting wrist on table, (b) 提腕 lifting wrist, (c) 懸腕 keeping wrist and elbow suspended in air--in writing characters of progressively bigger sizes.脫Words35. 脫體 [tuo1ti3], v.i., (1) shake off disease and get well; (2) (of Chin. characters) be written out of shape.雁N.雁字 line of flying geese resembling the characters 人 and 一.仄N.仄聲 The second, third, and fourth tones of a character (opp. 平聲 the first tone): 仄韻 poems rhyming with such characters;平仄 versification with the use of characters of different tones according to certain generally recognized rules (serving as verse rhythm as “accent”in Eng. verse)-uneven tone.驊Words1. 驊騮 [hua2liu2], n., (AC) name of a famous horse; characters now used chiefly in personal names.駢Words6. 駢四儷六 [pian2si4li4liu4], n., a euphuistic style consisting of antithetical or parallel constructions of four and six characters, also known usu. as 駢體文 [pian2ti3wen2].齊Words9. 齊截 [qi2jie0], adj., neat; 字寫得很齊截 characters are well-formed; 東西都準備齊截了 all have been arranged.方Words25. 方塊 [fang1kuai4], n., square block; 方塊字 Chin. characters; such cards for practice; 方塊新聞 news in box; 方塊舞 square dance; 方塊阿哥哥 square * gogo.44. 方字 [fang1zi4], n., square cards for learning characters.譯Words2. 譯電 [yi4dian4], v.t., translate telegraphic code into regular characters.諧Words8. 諧聲 [xie2sheng1], n., one of the six principles of formation of characters, by having one part serve as “phonetic” and the other as “radical” (thus: 可 is “phonetic” in 河,何,柯)--the most prolific principle, see 六書 60.80.說Words54. 說文 [shuo1wen2], n., name of the famous anc. dictionary by 許慎--a study of principles of composition of Chin. characters.訛Words3. 訛奪 [e2duo2], n., missing characters in text.雜Words26. 雜字 [za2zi4], n., rhymed phrases of individual characters for easy memory.韻Words5. 韻書 [yUn4shu1], n., a Chinese dictionary in which characters are arranged by syllabary minus initial consonant (thus [pian1] under ian), as in 切韻,廣韻,集韻.庚N.(1) The seventh character in the 天干 series of ten characters used for numbering years or itemizing persons or things, see Appendix A.字N.(1) Characters, words: 字兒 [zi4er0]↓;字例 principles governing the formation and derivation of characters;字部 the radicals of Chinese characters;認字 learn the written characters;識字 know the characters;Words2. 字號 [zi4hao4], n., (1) characters used to designate particular groups of persons or things: 各有字號 each group (division, class, compartment) designated by a special character; (2) ([zi4hao0]) shop sign, a signboard; (3) ([zi4hao0]) good name, reputation, prestige: 字號人物 personages and their reputation; 字號舖兒 reputable firms.6. 字紙 [zi4zhi3], n., a piece of paper written on with characters: 字紙簍兒 a wastepaper basket.7. 字塊(兒) [zi4kuai4]([zi4kua4er0]), n., characters separately pinted on small pieces of square paper for use in teaching pupils.9. 字謎 [zi4mi2], n., a riddle standing for one or more characters.寫Words9. 寫字 [xie3zi4], v.i. & n., learn to write characters; calligraphy; 寫字兒 (coll.) make a contract in writing.之N.不識之無 do not know even the simplest characters;涅V.t.(3) To tattoo: 涅字 tattoo body with characters.泐V.i. & t.(1) (LL) v.t., carve, write, inscribe: 泐石 inscribe characters on a stone tablet;減Words1. 減筆字 [jian2bi3zi4], n., characters written in a simplified form.漢Words9. 漢字 [han4zi4], n., the Chinese characters or script.襯Words12. 襯托 [chen4tuo1], v.i., to serve for contrast (colors in painting, characters in novel).成Words19. 成個兒 [cheng2ge4er0], (1) v.i., have formed shapes: 果子已經成個兒了 the fruits are being formed; v.i., 他的字不成個兒 his characters still lack shape; (2) n., the whole piece.孳Words2. 孳乳 [zi1ru3], v.i., (of cells) to grow, multiply; (of words, characters, meaning) grow or acquire new derived forms or meanings.八Words22. 八字 [ba1zi4], n., the horoscope; eight cyclical characters giving year, month, day and hour of birth: 問八字 to consult horoscope; 八字帖兒 card of horoscope presented by candidate for betrothal; 八字不合 horoscopes (of proposed couple) do not agree.銷Words11. 銷字 [xiao1zi4], n., characters which are cut and pasted on scrolls of congratulation or condolence.手Words62. 手頭 [shou3tou2], (1) adj., on hand: 不在手頭 not available for the moment; (2) n., financial condition (緊 tight or 寬 easy); n., (3) personal experience: 從手頭經歷過來 learned from personal experience; 手頭字 simplified forms of characters in current use.反Words7. 反切 [fan3qie4] ([fan1qie4]), n., exact but cumbersome system of giving pronunciation of character by two other characters, first giving consonant, second giving vowel formations: thus 反 is indicated by 甫晚切 [fu1] and [wan1], giving pronunciation [fan1], [fan1].烏N.書經三寫,烏焉成馬 (anc. proverb) when a book is copied thrice, the characters 烏 and 焉 become 馬;雙Words18. 雙名 [shuang1ming2], n., (MC) personal name with two characters.倡V.t.提倡 to promote (simplified characters, Esperanto, etc.).偏Words15. 偏諱 [pian1hui4], n., taboo against either of two characters in parent’s or emperor's name.行N.八行書 standard letter-paper size for eight columns of characters;缶N.(2) A radical, meaning earthenware, appearing in characters like 缸,罐,罋 (earthen pots and jars).名Words35. 名實 [ming2shi2], n., (AC) name and solid accomplishments or characters; name and reality (agree, do not correspond).符N.(3) Taoist magic formulas, charms, curses, written in conglommerate and peculiar characters: 符籙,符咒 [fu2lu4], [fu2zhou4]↓;畫符 to draw Taoist magic characters;篆Words3. 篆字 [zhuan4zi4], n., characters in [zhuan4] script.如Words31. 如字 [ru2zi4], adv., (of Chin. characters) according to the basic pronunciation: 讀如字 to be so read.綜Words4. 綜金字 [zong4jin1zi4], n., characters cut out from wrinkled golden-colored paper.絕N.A poem with four lines to a stanza: 五絕(七絕)such a poem with five (or seven) characters to one line;Words22. 絕句 [jUe2jU4], n., a poem with four lines to a stanza, each line consisting of five or seven characters.詞目:Characters 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Characters1to write Characters寫字2eight Characters八字3they are all very good Characters均屬良善4to look for Characters找字5recognize Characters認字6to copy Characters抄寫7there are not many Characters沒有什麽字8six classes of Chinese (1) Arbitrary, 指事. (2) Bearing a resemblance to the object, 象形. (3) Inverted and explained, 變而為轉注. (4) Whose sense arises from component parts, 會意. (5) Joined to another part to acquire sound, 諧聲. (6) Borrowed metaphorically, 假借. Characters指事、象形、變而為轉注、會意、諧聲、假借p 68 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶指事Characters They divide the character into six classes, 1, Arbitrary characters 英華☞CHARACTER英華☞ACCORD英華☞trope英華☞tip |
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