

单词 coll
释义 新世纪新世纪★◀▶coll/kɒl/vt.拥抱新世纪☞col详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vt /kɒl/拥抱coll寸Adj.(2)  (Coll.) just right, right moment: 他來得真寸 he comes just at the right time.索Words6. 索落 [suo3luo4], v.t., (coll.) to berate (person).紮Words1. 紮裹 [zha2guo0], v.i., (coll.) adjust girdle and shoes; tidy up.十Words7. 十個頭兒 [shi2ge0tou2er0], adv., (coll.) very, extremely: 天氣十個頭兒的冷 bitterly cold.本Words5. 本工兒 [ben3gong1er0], n., (coll.) what is one's duty.靠Words3. 靠常兒 [kao4chang2er0], adj., (coll.) long lasting, wearing well.青Words28. 青兒 [qing1er0], n., (1) green pasture, green fields: 逛青兒 take a walk in the countryside; 放青兒 to pasture cows, sheep; (2) seedlings in field: 看青兒 watch seedlings against birds; (3) (coll.) egg white.52. 青皮 [qing1pi2], n., (1) a tree, Ilex macropoda; (2) orange peel, used in medicine; (3) (coll.) a ne'er-do-well, an eccentric or impertinent fellow.支Words12. 支招兒 [zhi1zhao1er0], v.i., (coll.) to help to plan.15. 支樁 [zhi1zhuang1], v.i., (coll.) to stall an argument, to give non-commital reply.打Words72. 打耙 [da3pa2], v.i., (coll) to change one's mind.摽V.i. & t.(2)  (*[biao4]) (Coll.) lock together: 他們倆摽著骼髆走 they walk locked arm in arm;(coll.) snuggle close.掉V.i. & t.掉魂兒 (coll.) lose one's wits;擇 54A10  10A.10-4/64 ㄗㄜˊ [ze2] (*ㄓㄞˊ [zhai2], coll.).摔Words12. 摔贊兒 [shuai1tzaher0], v.i., (coll.) to grumble.撞Words7. 撞木鐘 [zhuang4mu4zhong1], phr., (coll.) to swindle.拚 58C50  10A.20-9/64 ㄆㄢˋ [pan4] (coll, also ㄆㄢ [pan1]). [Dist.拼 10A.20]插Words1. 插板 [cha1ban3], n., formerly, plank to double-secure city gate; door bar; 插板兒 (coll.) close up business (“board up”shop).掛Words9. 掛火(兒) [gua4huo3]([er0]), v.i., (coll.) be furious.撕V.t.(2)  (Coll.) to cut a piece of material at a shop: 到布舖撕半匹綢子來 please go and buy (“cut”) half a bolt of silk for me.掃Words21. 掃營兒 [sao3ying2er0], adv., (coll.) see [sao3shu4]↑.扯Words6. 扯票 [che3piao4], phr., (1) destroy (a ballot, ticket); (2) (coll) kill kidnapped person when ransom is not paid.拉Words12. 拉倒 [la1dao3], v.t., (1) pull down; (2) (coll.) forget about it: 這件事我看還是拉倒罷!19. 拉饑荒 [la1ji1huang1], v.t., (coll.) run short or money.38. 拉稀 [la1xi1], v.i., (1) have loose bowels; (2) (coll.) acknowledge defeat.扣V.t.扣底子 (coll.) ditto;撂V.t.(2)  (Coll.) die, pop.撂了.招V.i. & t.(7) To infect: 這病可招人 (coll.) this disease is infectious.Words13. 招呼 [zhao1hu1], v.i., (1) to invite (able men at court); (2) [zhao1hu0], (a) to acknowledge acquaintance on the road: 打招呼 say “hello”; (b) look after, take care of (child in public square, etc.); (c) get into a fight: 他們倆招呼上了 (coll.) they have started fighting; (d) call: 有人招呼你 s.o. is calling you; (e) instruct s.o. to do s.t.; (f) take care lest: 招呼頭上的磚頭掉下來 take care lest the brick overhead drops down.23. 招兒 [zhao1er0], n., (1) (coll.) plan or strategy: 你出的好招兒 you have suggested a good plan; (2) posted bill, a signboard: 招貼,招牌 [zhao1tie1], [zhao1pai0]↓.舍Words4. 舍哥兒 [she3ge0er0], n., (coll.) a hapless and friendless person.拍Words6. 拍馬(屁) [pai1ma3] ([pi4]), v.t., (coll., vulgar) to flatter (person): 拍他的馬屁 flatter him.捎V.i. & t.(2)  (Coll.) to bring along, carry: 捎信,捎個信兒來 bring along a message or letter;捅V.t.(coll.) To poke, stir up, shove: 捅馬蜂窩 stir up a hornets'nest;捅樓子 (coll.) stir up trouble;Words1. 捅球 [tong3qiu2], v.i. & n., (coll.) (to play) billiard.搰Words1. 搰摟 [hu2lu0], V.i. & t., (coll.) to rub tenderly (baby's skin, etc., also wr. 胡嚕).摀V.t.(1)  (Coll.) to cover up: 摀耳朵 cover one's ears;(2)  (Coll.) wrap up (tea, pickles, etc.) air-tight for preserving flavor: 豆鼓摀起來 keep preserved black beans tightly in jar.Words1. 摀蓋 [wu3gai4], v.t., (coll.) to cover up, to keep secret.拗Words1. 拗別 [ao4bie0], v.i., (coll.) to get into a quarrel.撈V.t.撈一把 (coll.) to reap some profit;拎V.t.(Coll.) to lift or carry by hand, esp. by bent fingers: 提拎菜籃 carry a basket in one's hand;扎Words3. 扎乎 [zha1hu0], v.i., (coll.) to show off: 剛剛有幾個錢就札乎起來了 (he) has just made a little money and immediately begins to show off.8. 扎猛子 [zha1meng3zi0], v.i., (coll.) to swim fast head under water.9. 扎蓬棵 [zha1peng0ke1], phr., (coll.) wear dishevelled hair.擺V.t.擺龍門陣 (Szechuan coll.) make leisurely conversation;擺請兒 (coll.) give dinner to settle disputes;把 88B55  10A.70-5/64 ㄅㄚˇ [ba3] (coll. also *ㄅㄞˇ [bai3], *ㄅㄚˋ [ba4]).Prep.(Coll. also *[bai3]) used before direct object, followed by v.t. (把+object+v.t.): 把門關上 close the door;拖Words6. 拖露 [tuo1lu4], (also [tu1lu0] in Peking coll.), v.i., hang down.抱V.t.抱粗腿 (coll.) be hanger-on of the rich and powerful;Words8. 抱火盆的 [bao4huo3pen2de0], n., (coll.) beggar.16. 抱腰 [bao4yao1], v.t., (coll.) support, assist, usu. with money.摸V.i. & t.(coll. *[mao1]) 混水摸魚 fish in troubled waters.提Words2. 提拔 [ti2ba2], v.t., (1) specially promote to office, promote as a special consideration; (2) ([ti2ba0]) (coll.) remind: 如我忘了,請提拔我一聲 please remind me in case I forget (=[ti2xing3]↓).抓V.t.抓破臉兒 (coll.) openly break relations (lit., “scratch face till it bleeds” or “come to blows”);抓工夫 (coll.) steal time for idling.挺Adv.(1)  (Coll.) rather, pretty: 挺好 quite good;村V.t.(coll.) To scold, berate: 村了幾句 give a little scolding;棒Adj.(Coll.) smart, handsome, good to look at (of acrobatic skill), excellent (of class work, health): 他的身體真棒 he is physically very strong, in tiptop form.橫Words4. 橫反 [heng2fan3], v.i., (coll. of children) too mischievous.6. 橫兒 [heng2er0], n., (coll.) see [heng2pi0]↓.杈 141B20  10B.82-3/75 ㄔㄚ [cha1] (also coll. ㄔㄚˋ [cha4]). [Cf.叉]犢Words2. 犢子 [du2zi0], n., calf; also (coll.) little child.轉Words35. 轉彎 [zhuan3wan1], (coll. *[zhuan4wan1]), v.i., to turn a corner (of road) (also 轉彎兒 [zhuan4wa1er0]) to turn (right, left): 轉個彎兒 make a turn; v.i., 轉彎抹角 or 轉彎子 beat about the bush, deviously; 不要轉彎子罵人 don't make oblique remarks.鵓Words1. 鵓鴿 [bo2ge1], n., (coll.) pigeon (pop. wr. 白鴿).耗Words3. 耗子 [hao4zi0], n., (coll.) a rat, mouse.乾V.t.(1)  (Coll.) to scold: 我又乾了他一頓 I gave him a scolding.顛Words5. 顛兒 [dian1er0], v.i., (coll.) run away, escape, decamp.故N.故故由兒 (coll.) what is taking place: 他們鬧甚麼故故由兒哪 what are they fussing about?老Words17. 老搶兒 [lao2qiang3er0], n., (coll.) a robber, bandit, also 老千 (dial.) a swindler.72. 老命 [lao3ming4], n., (coll.) one’s life: 拚了這條老命 I'll fight with all my life; 要你老命 I'll finish you off.80. 老婆 [lao3po0], n., (coll.) wife: 老婆孩子 wife and children; 討老婆 marry a wife; n., 老婆兒 [lao3po2er0], n., (a) an elderly woman; n., (b) one's wife; (c) a maidservant.101. 老太太 [lao3tai4tai0], n., (1) the mother of one's employer; (2) one's own mother or the mother of another person; (3) a term of respect for an old lady; (4) an old woman: 老太婆 (coll.) an old woman.遠Words30. 遠遠(兒)的 [yUan2yUan3]([yUan3yuaaer0])[de0],(coll. also) [yUan3yUan1]), adv., from a distance.趔Words1. 趔趄 [lie4jU1], (1) n. & v.i., tumble: 打的那丫頭一個趔趄 hit the maid until she fell backward; (2) adj., (coll.) awkward, inexperienced in handling.起Words16. 起鍋伙(兒) [qi3guo1huo0]([er0]), v.i., (coll.) to have mess together with fellow workers (also wr. 夥兒).34. 起開 [qi3kai1], v.i., (coll.) go away: 你起開這里 get away from here!63. 起土 [qi2tu3], v.i., (coll.) to take private profit: 經理辦事不要起土 a manager should not take private profit in business.款Words12. 款兒 [kuan3er0], n., (1) see [kuan3zhi4]↑; (2) manner: 小姐款兒 (coll.) manner of a young lady.報Words25. 報屁股 [bao4pi4gu0], n., (coll.) supplement of newspaper; back page of papers.有Words16. 有分 [you3fen4], phr., have a proper share (of benefit, responsibility): 他很有分兒 (coll.) he has powerful connections.28. 有酒 [you2jiu3], phr., (coll.) gotten drunk.大N.(1)  (Coll.) a penny: 不值一個大 not worth a penny.Words16. 大蟲 [da4chong2], n., (coll.) a tiger.39. 大亨 [da4heng1], n., (coll.) (slightly derog.) a big merchant.雄V.t.(Coll.) to shout or threaten with words: 拿話雄人 to intimidate with words.革N.老革 (coll.) an aged soldier;其Words5. 其他 [qi2ta1] (coll. [qi2tuo1]), phr., and others, often 及其他 and others; the other (persons, things): 其他作品 and other works.黃Words38. 黃歷 [huang2li0], n., (coll.) almanac.薄 248A45  20A.00-6/140 ㄅㄛˊ [bo2] (coll. *ㄅㄠˊ [bao2]). [Dist,簿 92A.00]茸Words1. 茸兒 [rong2er0], n., (coll.) an embryonic egg.莊Words3. 莊稼 [zhuang1jia4] ([zhuang1jia0]), n., farm goods, crops, farm work: 種莊稼 plant different grains, beans for food, 莊稼地 farmland; 莊稼活 farm work; 莊稼老兒 (coll.) old farmer; 莊稼漢 (coll.) farmer.6. 莊口 [zhuang1kou3], n., (coll.) market for goods.苦Words26. 苦水 [ku2shui3], n., “hard” water; water in some wells not fit for drinking (cf. 甜水 90S.21); 苦水子 (coll.) medicinal potion.蘑V.t. & t.(Coll.) occa. var. of 磨 61.40 in the sense of wearing out person by persistent annoying.落 268A20  20A.40-6/140 ㄌㄨㄛˋ [luo4] (*ㄌㄠˋ [lao4] in many coll. usages).V.i. & t.(7)  To stay, stop over: 落棧 (coll.) stop at an inn for the night;落腳兒 (coll.) stop for a rest;花Words30. 花咕朵(兒) [hua1gu1duo0]([er0]), n., (coll.) flower bud.81. 花稍 [hua1shao0], adj., (1) (coll.) pretty; (2) romantic; fond of opposite sex.101. 花子 [hua1zi0], n., (coll.) beggar (also 叫化子).藏Words13. 藏掖(兒) [cang2ye1] ([cang2ye1er0]), n., (coll.) s.t.. hidden; hiding place.芯N.蛇芯子 (coll.) snake's tongue;歡Words5. 歡虎兒 [huan1hu3er0], n., (coll.) “happy cub” (of children jumping about): 這個小孩子歡虎兒似的 this child is as happy and gay as a puppy.7. 歡龍 [huan1long2], n., (coll.) “happy dragon”--frolicsome child, see [huan1hu3er0]↑.散Words26. 散攤子 [san4tan1zi0], v.i., (coll.) break up, see [san4huo3]↑.山Words27. 山根 [shan1gen1], n., (1) foothill; (2) (coll.) back of one's neck; (3) (fortunetelling) the bridge of the nose.28. 山公 [shan1gong1], n., (coll.) monkey.44. 山君 [shan1jUn1], n., (coll.) the tiger, “King of the forests.”出Words23. 出倒 [chu1dao3], v.i., (coll.) see [chu1rang4]↓.43. 出活 [chu1huo2], v.i., (coll.) produce a great deal (of goods).51. 出尖(兒) [chu1jian1]([chu1jia1er0]), v.i. & adj., (coll.) well-known (bandit, rascal): 出尖任事 (MC) to take up a difficult or dangerous task.炭Words10. 炭簍子 [tan4lou3zi0], n., (coll.) as in 給他一個炭簍子 give him a high (empty) title (=戴高帽子).虛Words40. 虛頭 [xU1tou2], n., (coll.) empty talk.虔Words5. 虔婆 [qian2po2], n., (coll., abusive) vixen, old hag, procuress.步Words2. 步步高 [bu4bu4gao1], n., (coll.) ladder, many-tiered shelf.床N.(3)  (Coll.) coffin before laying-in of body.Words1. 床鋪 [chuang2pu4], n., (coll.) bed.4. 床頭人 [chuang2tou2ren2], n., (coll.) wife.雌V.t.To chide, rebuke: 挨雌 (coll.) be rebuked.Words4. 雌兒 [ci2er2], (1) n., (coll.) a young lass, young thing; (2) ([ci2er0]) v.t., to chide (person).狀Words6. 狀頭 [zhuang4tou2], n., (1) (Yuan Dyn.) plaintiff; (2) coll. for 狀元 [zhuang4yUan2]↓.疑Words11. 疑相 [yi2xiang0], n., misunderstanding or mistake: 弄疑相 (coll.) do s.t. questionable.小Words70. 小老婆 [xiao2lao3po0], n., (coll.) concubine.85. 小妮子 [xiao3ni2zi0], n., (1) (coll.) a small girl, girl of teenage; 小妮兒 ditto; (2) a maidservant.117. 小蹄子 [xiao3ti2zi0], n., (coll., abusive) little wench.130. 小么兒 [xiao3yao1er0], n., (coll.) (contempt.) a servant.水Words98. 水龍 [shui3long2], n., (1) (coll.) fire engine and its hose; (2) (bot.) Jussieua repens; n., 水龍頭 [shui3long2tou0], n., water tap, hydrant.120. 水皮兒 [shui3pierer0], n., (coll.) water surface.半Words4. 半邊人 [ban4bian1ren2], n., (coll.) widow or widower.坐Words28. 坐兒 [zuo4er0], n., (1) a seat (in a theater, teahouse); (2) (coll.) patrons of saloons, bars, teahouses.堂Words14. 堂頭 [tang2tou2], n., abbot: (coll.) 堂頭和尚 usu. called 方丈 [fang1zhang4].串Words1. 串氣 [chuan4qi4], n., (coll.) asthma.當Words11. 當家 [dang1jia1], v.i., take charge of household affairs; v.i., 當家的 n., master or mistress of house; v.i., (coll.) wife's reference to husband; business manager of monastery; 當家婆婆,媳歸 mother-, daughter-in-law in charge of household; 當家(兒)(子) *[dang4jia1]([er0])([zi0]), person of same clan.30. 當頭人 [dang1tou2ren2], n., (coll.) wife's reference to husband as head of family.由Words4. 由兒 [you2er0], n., (coll.) reason (=源由).劣Words1. 劣巴 [lie4ba0], adj., (coll.) green, amateur, inexperienced (also wr. 力巴,劣把), 劣巴頭 a green horn.憋Words3. 憋扭 [bie4niu0], (also wr. 憋拗,別扭), v.i., (coll.) be of contrary opinion; v.i., 鬧憋扭 getting quarrelsome; ungainly, not smooth (of performance, writing).皮Words28. 皮桶子 [pi2tong3zi0], n., (Peip. coll.) fur goods.少Adj. & adv.少回 (coll.) please don't turn back (to avoid collision).怵Words1. 怵場 [chu4chang3], adj., (coll.) shy to meet people.悚Adj. & adv.(2)  (*[song2]) (Coll.) chicken-hearted(ly), soft(ly).怕V.i. & t.怕老婆 (coll.) be henpecked;愣Words2. 愣蔥 [leng4cong1], n., (coll.) a rash fellow.慎N. & adj.(2)  (Coll.) frightened: 真慎得慌 was greatly frightened (by tiger's roar, etc.).怯Words2. 怯癥 [qie4zheng4], n., (coll.) tuberculosis.糠N.Chaff (of grain): 糠蘿卜 (coll.) dry and puffy turnip;精Words24. 精兒 [jing1er0], n., (coll.) an onrush of mother's milk fed to baby: 一個精兒.蛤Words4. 蛤蟆 *[ha2mo0], n., (zoo.) frogs (also wr. 蝦蟆): 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉 (coll. phr.) ugly man hopes to marry a pretty girl.一Words32. 一弄兒 [yi2long4er0], adv., (coll.) the whole lot; altogether.二Words2. 二把刀 [er4ba3dao1], n., (coll.) second-rate (knowledge of subject).4. 二百五 [er4bai2wu3], n.,(coll.) a stupid person.17. 二婚兒 [er4hueer0], n., (coll.) woman who marries twice, also 二婚頭.18. 二混子 [er4hun4zi0], n., (coll. contempt.) a ne'er-do-well, who finds jobs either too high or too low for him.三Adj.三六九等 (coll.) make fine distinctions, calculate costs;頭Words17. 頭尖 [tou2jian1], n., (coll.) the very best.耳Words1. 耳報神 [er3bao4shen2], n., (coll.) spy who reports on person's doings.圣Words11. 圣明 [sheng4ming2], (1) adj., (of ruler) of divine intelligence: 圣明之主 an extraordinary, enlightened ruler; (2) ([sheng4ming0]) v.i., (coll.) understand: 沒有你不圣明的 nothing that you cannot understand.雨Words21. 雨水 [yU2shui3] (coll. [yU2shui0]), n., (1) rain water; (2) volume of rain (of locality); (3) a solar season (Feb.19-Mar.4).死Words10. 死活 [si3huo2], phr., (不管)死活拉他來 bring him in regardless; 不知死活 have no news of person, dead or alive; (coll.) have no idea of death or danger.天N.used coll. like Eng. “God”: 天啊,天哪 O God! good heavens! 我的天 oh, my God! 老天爺 oh, God! 天曉得 God knows (nobody knows);耍Words19. 耍嘴皮子 [shua2zui3pi2zi0], n., (coll.) professional clown or joker.琉Words2. 琉璃 [liu2li0], n., (1) glass; (2) glazed color tile: 琉璃瓦; (3) coll. for dragonfly; 琉璃球兒 [liu2li0qiu2er0], chandelier, also a very smart person, a slippery fellow; 琉璃廠 section in Peking, formerly, famous for book shops.碴N.(2)  (Coll.) thing: 提起那個碴兒 in regard to that thing.炮N.(1)  Cannon, gun, ballista: 開炮 open gunfire, (coll.) attack;磁Words10. 磁實 [ci2shi0], adj., (coll.) substantial, well-built, solid (house).醒Words1. 醒腔 [xing3qiang1], v.i., (coll.) come to realize: 他總是不醒腔 (coll.) he would never come to realize his mistake, see [xing3wu4]↓.酪 506B55  31C.40-9/164 ㄌㄨㄛˋ [luo4] (ㄌㄠˋ [lao4] in coll.).霧Words3. 霧淞 [wu4song1], n., (MC) icicles formed on trees (modn., coll. 樹掛).豬Words9. 豬頭三 [zhu1tou2san1], n., (Shanghai coll.) fool, “pig head.”功Words10. 功力 [gong1li4]2, n., (1) merits, efficacy; (2) (coll.) force and skill, esp. in regard to training.了V.t.(3)  (Coll.) to put in, take away: 誰把一塊石頭了到井里了 who threw a rock into the well? 皮襖也讓他了去了 consider the fur jacket as also taken away;Words9. 了賬 [liao3zhang4], v.i., settle account; (coll.) pass away.叉Words1. 叉股子話 [cha1gu3zi0hua4], n., (coll.) contradictory statements.發Words67. 發生 [fa1sheng1], v.i. & t., (1) arise, cause to happen: 發生事件,問題 cause events, problems to arise; 事件,問題發生 events, problems arise; 發生誤會,爭執 cause misunderstanding, dispute (also difficulties, suspicion, obstruction, doubt, etc.); (2) pr. [fa4sheng0], (Peking coll.) prosper.通Words23. 通關 [tong1guan1], v.i. & n., (1) 通關節 bribe those in power; (2) (Chin. med.) open up blocked circulation; (3) (coll.) person with high nose bridge; (4) palmistry) long, extended horizontal lines on palm.阿Words9. 阿堵物 *[a4du3wu4], n., (1) (anc. coll., contempt.) that thing; n., (2) (LL allu.) money.10. 阿父 *[a4fu4], n., (anc. coll.) father, also (AC) uncle (=伯父,叔父).62. 阿耶 (爺) *[a4ye2], n., (AC, coll.) papa, also grandpa.陳Words22. 陳已 [chen2yi3], adv., (coll.) formerly: 他陳已在這兒住過 he lived here once.險Words3. 險道神 [xian3dao4shen2], n., (1) (coll.) a paper image opening the way for a funeral procession; (2) (fig.) a very tall person.口Words42. 口條 [kou3tiao2], n., (coll.) pig's tongue, used as food.嚼Words2. 嚼裹兒 *[jiao2guo0er0], n., (coll.) food and clothing.5. 嚼用 *[jiao2yong4], n., (coll.) a family's daily expenses.嘻Words1. 嘻和 (兒) [xi1he0]([er0]), n., (coll.) as in 遞嘻和兒 do s.t. to make everybody happy.咯Words1. 咯噠 *[ge1da0], n., (coll.) (bot.) mustard (=芥菜): 咯噠頭,咯噠纓兒 mustard head, leaves.4. 咯菜 *[ge1cai4], n., coll. for mustard.唱V.i. & t.唱唱咧咧 (coll.) descriptive of sining freely.啃V.t.(2)  (*[ken4]) (Coll.) to eat, nibble.嘴Words28. 嘴皮子 [zui3pi2zi0], n., (coll.) a ready tongue.Adj.(North Chian coll.) (of person's speech) foreign in accent.吃Words14. 吃糧 [chi1liang2], v.i., (coll.) to get government rations, i.e., serve as soldier.吵Words5. 吵喜 [chao2xi3], v.i., (coll.) to announce big good news (such as passing of degrees, official promotion) at the house door.跟Words2. 跟包(的) [gen1bao1]([de0]), n., (coll.) a footman, servant of an official, attendant, entourage.3. 跟前 [gen1qian2], n., (1) the front of s. t. (also 跟前兒): 走到講臺跟前 come to the front of the platform; (2) ([gen1qian0]) presence: 在他跟前別亂說 don't talk too freely in his presence; (3) ([gen1qian0]) children in relation to their parents: 你跟前有幾位少爺 how many sons do you have with you (now)? (4) (coll.) 跟前人 a concubine.7. 跟主兒 [gen1zhu3er0], phr., (coll.) be s. o.’s servant.12. 跟頭 [gen1tou0], (1) n., a fall, somersault: 栽跟頭 get a fall; n., 翻跟頭 turn a somersault; 他摔了一個跟頭 he had a fall; (2) adj., (coll.) frustrated: 咱們跟頭啦 we are faced with failure.蹦Adv.(Coll.) brightly: 蹦兒亮 shining bright.跨Words4. 跨子 [kua4zi0], n., a long narrow boat for negotiating the Yangtze Gorges; 跨子車 (coll.) motorbike with sidecar.跳V.i.(3)  跳牛,跳馬 (coll.) to cover a cow, a mare.累Words12. 累懇 *[lei4ken3], v.i., (coll.) please be so glad as to (also 累肯).13. 累掯 *[lei4ken0], v.t., (coll.) force (s.o.) to do (s.t.); restrain (s.o.) from doing (s.t.).暴Words17. 暴躁 [bao4zao4], adj., irascible, unruly; (coll.) feverish.星Words12. 星主 [xing1zhu3], n., (MC coll.) upright prime minister or head of political group to pull country out of chaos.四Words13. 四地 [si4di4]1, (1) adv., see [si4chu4]↑; (2) adj., neat: 這個人好四地 (coll.) this person is very neat and tidy.16. 四海 [si4hai3], (1) adv., “the four seas”-the whole world: 四海一家 the whole world is one family; adv., 四海之內,皆兄弟也(子夏) all the people of the world are brothers; (2) ([si4hai0]) adj., (coll.) generous: 為人很四海 is very generous to people.38. 四明兒 [si4ming2er0], adv., (coll.) all around: 四明兒都是籬笆 hedges all around.黑Words27. 黑人 [hei1ren2], n., (1) the Negro; (2) (coll.) one who lives in hiding: 作了三年黑人 lived in hiding for three years.28. 黑上 [hei1shang0], v.t., (Peking coll.) to love and want: 黑上這所房子 want very much this house.暗Words16. 暗間兒 [an4jia1er0], n., (Peking coll.) comparatively darker rooms in house, opp. 明間兒 bright or front rooms.晌N.(1)  A moment: 一晌,半晌 (coll.) a short moment, a stretch of time;曬Words1. 曬臺 [shai4tai2], (1) n., sun terrace; (2) V.i., (coll.) to drop out on a project.晚Words27. 晚走 [wan2zou3], v.i., (coll. of woman) to remarry.瞄Words2. 瞄頭 [miao2tou2], n., (coll.) sign: 我看不出有甚麼瞄頭 I can't see anything special.盼Words7. 盼頭 [pan4tou2], n., (coll.) hope: 這可有了盼頭 there is hope then.瞜V.t.(Coll.) glance, look at: 瞜他一眼 give him a glance.野Adv.(Coll.) extremely: 風大野了 storm is mounting fast;鴨Words11. 鴨子 [ya1zi0], n., (1) duck; (2)(coll.) the foot (also called 腳丫子).用Words26. 用頭 [yong4tou0], n., (coll.) some specific use.胖Words3. 胖子 [pang4zi0], n., (coll.) fatty, a fat person, also 大胖子:打腫臉充胖子 stretch one's means to put up a big front (lit., “beat up face and pretend being plump”).膗Adj.(Coll.) fat, fatty: 他身子很膗 he is very fat;腳Words4. 腳步鴨(兒)(子) [jiao3bu4ya1] ([er0]) ([zi0]), n., (coll.) the foot.22. 腳鴨(子)(兒) [jiao3ya1] ([zi0]) ([er0]), n., (coll.) the foot.胯Words1. 胯骨 [kua4gu0], n., the pelvic bones; 胯骨軸兒 the hip joint; (coll.) 胯骨軸兒上的親戚 a remote relative.腮Words1. 腮幫子 [sai1bang1zi0], n., (coll.) the cheek.朘N.(*[zui1]) (Coll.) a child's penis.尋Words3. 尋趁 [xUn2chen4], v.i. & t., (coll.) (1) to run about, hustle for trade or profit; (2) to quarrel; (3) to pick fault and scold.9. 尋溜 *[xUe2liu0], v.t., (coll.) to run hands over body.15. 尋休兒 [xin2xiu1er0], phr., (coll.) look for lodging (also wr. 尋宿兒).吊V.i. & t.(3)  (Peking coll.) 吊皮襖 fix cover on fur coat.Words1. 吊膀子 [diao4bang4zi0], v.i., (Shanghai coll.) to accost a passing girl one doesn't know, go out with girl “arm in arm.”丑Words3. 丑婆子 [chou3po2zi0], n., (coll.) a hag on stage, see [chou3dan4]↑.司Words12. 司命 [si1ming4], n., an arbiter of human destiny; (coll.) kitchen god.兔Words5. 兔兒爺 [tu4er0ye2] n., (1) clay rabbit at Mid-Autumn Festival; (2) (coll.) a pederast.忌Words4. 忌諱 [ji4hui4] ([ji4hui0]), n., (1) taboos; (2) (northern coll.) another name for vinegar.忍V.i. & t.(3)  V.i., (coll.) live in seclusion, cut oneself off from the outside world.(4)  (Coll.) take a nap.那Words6. 那咱喒 [na4zan0], n., (coll.) at that time.牙Words15. 牙花子 [ya2hao1zi0], n., (coll.) dirt accumulated on teeth.29. 牙疼咒(兒) [ya2teng2zhou4] ([er0]), n., (coll.) a worthless oath, swearing only a toothache as punishment.長Words11. 長蟲 [chang2chong0], n., (coll.) snake.馬Words36. 馬牢子 [ma3lao2zi0], n., (coll.) stable boy.壓Words9. 壓根兒 [ya1ge1er0], adv., (Peking coll. also [ya4ge1er0]) in the first place, to start with (did not like study, etc.).20. 壓派 [ya1pai0], v.t., (coll.) to blame (others).騎Words8. 騎馬布 [qi2ma3bu4], n., (coll.) woman's sanitary tissue.邪Words16. 邪行 (1) [xie2xing4], n., immoral conduct; (2) [xie2xing0], (a) adv., (coll.) very, terribly: 天氣冷得邪行 the weather is horribly cold; adv., 脾氣壞的邪行 has a very bad temper; (b) adj., odd: 這話問的有點邪行 it's a rather odd question (what a strange question!).襞Words2. 襞 [bi4ji1], v.t., to fold (clothing) (coll. 打褶兒).民N.(3)  Freely used in LL in place of coll. 百姓:民害 evils to the common people;孱Words4. 孱頭 [chan4tou0], n., (coll.) a coward.屪N.(Coll.) male genital organ.屋Words4. 屋里人 [wu1li0ren2], n., (coll.) concubine.屌N.(Coll.) male genital organ.N.(Coll.) semen.開Words33. 開化 [kai1hua4], v.i. & adj., civilized (country): 未開化國家 uncivilized country; 半開化 semi-civilized; 開化(兒) thaw; (coll. of plants, [hua0]), thrive.板N.老板 [lao2ban3], (coll.) shop owner, boss;闖Words4. 闖子 [chuang3zi0], n., (coll.) a ruffian.閃Words9. 閃下 [shan3xia4], v.i., (coll.) to end up with, leave behind.牽V.t.(3)  (Coll.) to sew up (pieces, dress).望Words5. 望門 (兒) 寡 [wang4men2]([wang4merer0])-[gua3], n., (coll.) widow who remains unmarried after fianc* dies; 望門兒妨 (coll.) man who remains unmarried after fianc dies.產Words15. 產業 [chan3ye4], (coll. [chan3ye0]), n., (1) property; (2) industry.齊Words7. 齊整 [qi2zheng3], adj. & adv., neat, -ly, well arranged (also 整齊); (coll.) good-looking (cake, candlesticks, etc.)言Words11. 言語 [yan2yU3], (1) n., spoken language, speech; (2) ([yan2yU0]) v.i., speak: (coll.) 怎麼不言語呢 why don't you say s.t.? 言語學 [yan2yU3xUe2], n., philology.高Words31. 高樁兒 [gao1zhuang1er0], n., (coll.) anything of more than normal height: 高樁兒饅頭 a steamed bread of unusual thickness; 高樁兒柿子 such a persimmon.方Words33. 方勝 [fang1sheng4], (Peking coll. [fang1sheng0]), n., a woman's headdress, with sides sliding up.旁Adv.旁插花 (coll.) make irrelevant remarks;烹V.t.(3)  (Coll.) to frighten by a hoax: 把他烹走了 frightened him away;熟 825C15  60.63/86 ㄕㄨˊ [shu2] (*ㄕㄡˊ [shou2], **ㄕㄨˊ [shu2] or ㄕㄡˊ [shou2], the latter in coll.).毫N.(3)  (Coll.) a dime.這Pron. & adj.這廝 (coll.) this fellow;請Words10. 請兒 [qing3er0], n., (coll.) dinner, party given by s.o.: 吃飯聽戲都是我的請兒 the dinner and theater party will all be on me.說Words20. 說古 [shuo1gu3], v.i., (coll.) tell old tales, of anc. custom, etc.議Words4. 議合 [yi4he2]1, v.i., (coll.) to discuss together: 等我們議合議合再說 wait till we have a chance to discuss it together.新Words32. 新媳婦兒 [xin1xi2fu0er0], n., (coll.) the bride.韶Words1. 韶刀 [shao2dao0], adj., (coll. of speaker) garrulous; flippant.龍Words19. 龍頭 [long2tou2], n., (1) water faucet (usu. 水龍頭); (2) (coll.) head of any group, esp. of gangsters.親Words14. 親家 *[qing4jia0], n., (1) relatives by marriage; (2) families related by marriage, also used as address to each other; (3) added to term of relation, in mutual address (used more broadly than Eng. "in-law," extending to whole related family): 親家哥哥,親家兒子,親家女兒 brother, son, daughter of the r. f. (related family); 親爹,親家老兒 father, uncle of r. f.; 親爺爺 grandfather and granduncle of r. f.; 親奶奶,親娘 mother, aunt of r. f.; 親家娘 *[qing4jia0niang2], bride's or groom's mother; 親家太太 *[qing4jia0tai4tai4], grandmother, grandaunt of r.f.; 親家老爺 master of r. f.; (4) 親家兒 (Peip. coll.) mistress, lover: 靠親家兒 taken as mistress.應Words5. 應典 [ying4dian3], v.i., to do as promised: (coll.) 說話不應典 fail to carry out promise.瘧Words2. 瘧子 *[yao4zi0], n., (coll. for) malaria: 發瘧子 have an attack of malaria.病Words1. 病包兒 [bing4bao1er0], n., (coll.) a man always ill.2. 病病歪歪 [bing4bing4wai1wai1], 病病殃殃[bing4bing4yang1yang1], adj., (coll.) weak with old sickness, sickly in appearance.癟V. i.(Coll.) to dry up, to become hollow or sunk down: 癟下去了 to shrink down (as of deflated balloon);Words2. 癟螺痧 [bie3luo2sha1], n., (coll.). cholera.家Words9. 家的 [jia1de0], n., (MC coll.) wife.牢Words10. 牢什子 [lao2shi2zi0], n., (coll.) an eyesore, anything disagreeable or abominable.11. 牢頭 [lao2tou2], n., (coll.) prison warden, jailer (=牢頭禁子).宣Adj.(1)  (Coll.) fluffy: 這饅頭真宣 this bread is quite fluffy and light;官Words46. 官所兒 [guan1suo3er0], n., (coll.) government offices.寫Words9. 寫字 [xie3zi4], v.i. & n., learn to write characters; calligraphy; 寫字兒 (coll.) make a contract in writing.窟Words2. 窟窿 [ku1long0], n., (1) a hole (in wall, clothing, etc.); 窟窿洞,窟窿眼兒 a hole; (2) a deficit: 掏窟窿 (coll.) borrow money.瑤N.(4)  (Coll.) ([yao2zi0]) a brothel: 逛瑤子 visit brothel.Words3. 瑤姐兒 [yao2jie3er0], n., (coll.) prostitute.空Words44. 空子 *[kong4zi0], n., (1) a free time for doing s.t.; (2) an opening, opportunity; (3) (coll.) deficit, debts.Words3. 兒上的 [zao4er0shang0de0], n., (coll.) the cook in a restaurant.準Words12. 準落兒 [zhun3lao4er0], n., a (coll.) dependable way of living: 他總算有準落兒了 at last he has a dependable job.15. 準人 [zhun3ren2], n., (1) (AC) one who carries out the law; (2) (coll.) assigned person.16. 準舌頭 [zhun3she2tou0], phr., 沒準舌頭 (coll.) one's words are not dependable, trustworthy.21. 準頭 [zhun3tou2], n., (fortuneteller) tip of the nose; (2) ([zhun3tou0]) (coll.) standard.婆N.(1)  Woman, dame, crone, (coll. or contempt. as in “that woman”), always in compp. (婆子 [po2zi0]);老婆 old woman, (coll.) wife;浮V.i.(3)  (*[fu4]) (Coll.) to swim: 浮水.凍V.t.凍硬了 (coll.) freeze hard;冰Words23. 冰排子 [bing1pai2zi0], n., (coll.)sled, sledge.溫Adj.(4)  (Coll.) over-cautious (person), dull, flat (play, writing).沿N.(2)  (*[yan4]) (Coll.) 河沿 river bank;油Words63. 油子 [you2zi0], n., (coll.) old blackguard, an old fox.溜N.(2)  (Coll.) lot, place: 這一溜房屋 this lot of houses;Words8. 溜號 [liu1hao4], v.i., (coll.) slink away when one should not.清Words31. 清和 [qing1he2], adj., (1) peaceful (times); (2) (coll.) lunar fourth month (about May).85. 清頭 [qing1tou2], n., (coll.) as in 弄個清頭make things clear, clear up mess.潮Adj.(2)  (Coll.) inferior: 銀子成色潮 low content of silver;滿Words15. 滿子 [man3zi3], n., (coll.) youngest child.消Words22. 消息 [xiao1xi2], n., (1) (LL) growth and decay; (2) ([xiao1xi2] or [xiao1xi0]) news, news report (from battlefields, Paris, etc.); n., 消息兒 [xiao1xie1er0], n., (coll.) a floor trap.湯Words12. 湯水(兒) [tang1shui3] ([tang1shueer0]), n., (1) drinks; light food like vegetable soup; (2) (MC) financial means: 戲子有多大湯水 an actor cannot afford much; (3) (coll.) n. & adj., trouble, -some: 這件事太湯水 this matter is too troublesome.淹v.i. & t.(3)  (*[yan4]) (coll.) to cover with water, to soak: 腌菜時,要讓水淹過菜來 immerse the vegetable (to be pickled) completely under water.沈V.i.(2)  (Coll.) to take a short nap, rest: 沈了一個盹兒 take a nap;Words29. 沈心 [chen2xin1], adj., (coll.) get angry, offended (=嗔心).漢Words7. 漢子 [han4zi0], n., (1) A male, (coll.) a man with implied masculine qualities: 夠得上是個漢子 a real masculine person; (2) (Vulg.) husband: 偷漢子 (of woman) commit adultery.次Adj.人頭太次 (coll.) has too few friends or social contacts.凄Words8. 凄心 [qi1xin1], adj., (coll.) discomfort in stomach.補Words9. 補靪 (釘) [bu3ding0], n., (coll.) as in 打補釘 mend shoes, clothes, etc.房Words9. 房下 [fang2xia4], n., (MC coll.) wife.成Words64. 成文 [cheng2wen2], (1) n., clear statement (letter) of the law; (2) n., (coll.) presentable: 沒有一件成文的東西 not one presentable thing; (3) adj., written in black and white: 成文法 written laws; adj., 不成文法 customs and conventions.羊Words17. 羊肉床子 [yang2rou0chuang2zi0], n., (coll.) mutton shop.弟Words2. 弟兄 [di4xiong1], n., brother (i.e., without specifying elder or youger), dist. 兄弟 (coll.) strictly younger brother; n., comrades in arms.爺N.(1)  (Coll.) father: 爺娘 father and mother.Words6. 爺爺 [ye2ye0], n., (coll.) grandpa; also used of elderly person in clan or village.爹N.爹媽 (coll.) father and mother.(2)  Part of coll. word for uncle: 姨爹 uncle on mother's side;首Words32. 首尾 [shou2wei3], n., the story (“beginning and end”) of an affair; also (coll.) s.o.’s business: 不是賈珍的首尾 has nothing to do with 賈珍.貧Adj.(1)  Poor (usu. in more litr. phrr.=coll. 窮 62A.50): 赤貧 in stark poverty;道Words28. 道行 [dao4xing4](coll. [dao4xing0], [dao4hang0]), n., moral conduct, spiritual character.公N.(b) (MC, coll.) a common young scholar;食Words25. 食嗓 [shi2](')[sang3], n., (coll.) the alimentary canal.全Adj.全靠人兒 (coll.) a family intact with parents and children together;合Words12. 合符字兒 [he2fu2ze4er0], n., (coll.) contract (=合同).肉Adj.(1)  Spongy: 這西瓜瓤兒太肉 (coll.) the pulp of this water-melon is too flabby.(2)  Slow moving: 肉得慌 (coll.) so slow as to make you despair.Words34. 肉棗 [rou4zao3], n., (bot.) dog wood (also called 山茱萸); 肉棗兒 (a) hardened formation in animals; (b) (coll.) a person who moves awkwardly and clumsily.念Words12. 念秧 [nian4yang1], n., (coll. north China) a fraud or deception.N.Coll. name for cymbals.鉗Words5. 鉗子 [qian2zi0], n., (1) pincers; (2) (Peking coll.) earrings.銅N.銅斗兒家私 (coll.) family of great means;飯N.炒冷飯 (coll.) piping on an old theme, old talk;Words11. 飯落兒 [fan4luo4er0], n., (coll.) means of living, where meals come from.12. 飯票 [fan4piao4], n., food ration: 這下子你可有長期飯票了 now you have a permanent job (means of living); (coll. usu. of girl) getting married as a means of security.舖Words7. 舖眼兒 [pu4ya3er0], n., (coll.) shop.殺Words17. 殺威棒 [sha1wei1bang4], n., (coll.) a torture to break prisoner's resistance.千Words5. 千金 [qian1jin1], n., (1) (coll. & litr.) your daughter: 三千金 three daughters; (2) a thousand ounces of gold -- a heavy price or extremely precious: 千金一笑 a million-dollar smile (“one smile is worth a thousand ounces of gold”); 千金之體 your precious health; 一擲千金 gamble at high stakes.8. 千里 [qian1li3], n., (lit.) a thousand [li1], a long distance: 千里鏡 a telescope, a field glass; 千里馬 a good thoroughbred; n., 千里駒 a fine race pony, usu., (court.) your brilliant son; n., 千里眼 (myth.) one who can see several hundred miles away, sometimes (coll.) a field glass.香N.吃香 (coll.) very popular.Adj.(3)  (Coll.) fond: 他們原來很香 they were very fond of each other.(4)  Popular: (coll.) 這種貨很吃香 these goods are very popular now.舅Words5. 舅老爺 [jiu4lao3ye0], n., (1) father’s or mother's maternal uncle; (2) s.o.’s wife's maternal uncle; (3) (court.) wife's brother (coll.) ditto.為Words8. 為項 *[wei4xiang1], n., (coll.) reason: 你們打架,究竟有甚麼為項呢 what is the reason for your fighting?熏V.t.(5)  (Coll.) to berate (person): 今天他熏了我一頓 he gave me a scolding today.兒Part.(1)  A particle, oft. attached to n.or pron., adding coll. touch to LL form without it: 盤兒,梨兒 (cf. LL 盤,梨),玩兒,戲兒,這兒,那兒;毛Adj.(6)  Very young, not grown-up: 毛孩子 (coll.) little child;毛丫頭 (coll.) young maid before puberty;Words37. 毛子 [mao2zi0], n., (1) (coll. in times of Boxer Rebellion) foreigner, white man; 大毛子 white man; 二毛子 Chinese converts, employees of white men; (2) tuff of hair on child's head; (3) used in place of [mao2er0], in some cases, like fine hair on peach (桃毛子).興V.t.(2)  (Coll.) allow: 我不興你說話 I don't permit you to talk.Words19. 興許 [xing1xU3], adv., (coll.) perhaps: 今天他興許 (=也許) 不來了 perhaps he will not show up today.受Words1. 受 [shou4bie3], v.i., (coll.) be discomfited, get oneself into a bad fix.乏Adj.(3)  (Derog. & coll.) useless: 乏桶,乏貨,乏人 useless person;和Conj.([her; coll. *han0], *[hai2]) And: 我和他兩人 I and he, we two.Words18. 和泥兒 *[huo4ni2er0], v.i., (coll.) to mediate: 給雙方和泥兒 mediate between the two parties.積Words13. 積儹 [ji1zan1], n., (coll.) also wr. 積攢 [ji1xU4]↑.棱Words3. 棱角 [leng2jiao3], n., a raised or sharp angle; (coll.) person difficult to deal with.私Words19. 私房 [si1fang0] ([si1fang0]), n., (1) private rooms; (2) (coll.) woman's private savings.刮V.t.刮胡子 shave one's whiskers, (coll.) rebuff, snub, criticize mercilessly;辭Words6. 辭活 [ci2huo2], v.i., (coll. of servants) resign from job.雞Words1. 雞巴 [ji1ba0], n., (coll.) the penis.身Words1. 身邊 [shen1bian1], adv., at hand: 身邊沒錢 have no money on hand; nearby: 身邊沒人 no one nearby--living alone; adv., 身邊人




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