

单词 break dance
释义 break dance 跳霹雳舞[亦作 break] 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 break dancebreak dancebreak dancesbreak dancingbreak dancedbreak dancedvi.① 跳霹靂舞break dancen.霹雳舞(源于20世纪80年代)详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n霹雳舞(源于20世纪80年代)英英释义n.a form of solo dancing that involves rapid acrobatic moves in which different parts of the body touch the ground; normally performed to the rhythm of rap musicv.do a break dance同反义词同义词:breakbreak-dancebreak dancingBREAK DANCE霹雳舞BREAK DANCE霹靂舞舞蹈名詞




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