

单词 branches
释义 文馨英漢☞branchbranches攀Words4. 攀析 [pan1zhe2], v.t., break branches: 不準攀折 do not pick flowers, break branches.支Words23. 支庶 [zhi1shu4], n., the collateral branches of family.24. 支屬 [zhi1shu3], n., relatives from branches of family.摧V.t.1 To smash, destroy: 摧枯拉朽 smash (enemy) easily like breaking dry branches:摧殘,摧陷,摧毀 [cui1can2], [cui1xian4], [cui1hui3]↓.搖Words7. 搖撼 [yao2han0], v.t., to shake (branches), to cause displacement.掐Words2. 掐尖兒 [qia1jiaeer0], v.i., (1) to nip off young branches for better growth of plants; (2) 掐尖兒,掐尖落鈔 make illegal profit, nip off profits for oneself.掃N.(2)  Special bags of willow branches, framed by bamboo, for building dykes;折V.i. & t.攀折花木 to break off flowers and branches;Words19. 折枝 [zhe2zhi1], v.i., (1) to paint only two or three branches in a painting; (2)為長者折枝 (allu.) s.t. very easy to do.拉Words4. 拉叉 [la1cha1] (sp. pr. [la1cha4]), v.i., (of limbs, branches) extend in all directions.招Words16. 招展 [zhao1zhan3], v.i., to float in the wind (as a flag): 花枝招展 flower branches move, or a lady's hair decorations move as she passes by.拗V.t.(1)  (*[ao3]) To break (branches).扎Words7. 扎勒扎煞 [zha1le0zha1sha1], adj., widespread: 這棵樹扎勒扎煞的不好搬運 this tree, with its branches stretching out in all directions, is not easy to move.撼V.t.To shake (branches, mountains): 撼天地,山河 (powerful enough) to shake the skies and land.樹Words2. 樹杈(兒)(子) [shu4cha4]([er0]) ([zi0]), n., branches.13. 樹枝 [shu4zhi1]2, n., tree branches, boughs.枒N.Forked branches: 枒杈.柳Words2. 柳線 [liu3xian4], n., the long, swaying branches of willows (“threads”).5. 柳條 [liu3tiao2], n., willow branch; 柳條包,柳條箱 basket made of willow branches.枯Words4. 枯乾 [ku1gan1], adj., dry (branches, fruit).橫Adj. & adv.橫斜 (flower branches) leaning across and downward;枝N.枝頭,枝梢 top of branches;Words4. 枝條 [ji1tiao2], n., soft, overhanging branches.6. 枝葉 [zhi1ye4], n., branches and leaves, describing growth of tress, and of families, also gen. look of trees: 枝葉扶疏 trees with branches spread out gracefully.梗N.(1)  The stem of a plant: 枝梗 stem and branches;杈N.(1)  Forked branches: ([cha1zi0], [er0]) logs or spikes stacked together to block roads, chevalde1frise;樹杈子 forked branches.Words2. 杈枒 [cha1ya2], n., forked branches.枚N.(1)  (AC) stem: 伐其條枚 cut down its branches and stems.松Words7. 松活 [song1huo2], n., artificial men, deer, pavilion, etc., made with pine branches, burned for the dead.斬V.t.(1)  To cut off (branches, etc.), cut in two: 斬斷 cut in two;棘Words2. 棘針 [ji2zhen1], n., thorny branches; thorns干N.枝干 trunk and branches;五Words6. 五權憲法 [wu3qUan2xian4fa3], n., the five branches of government in mod n. Chin. constitution: legislative, executive, judicial, censorate and civil service.琪N.琪樹 jade tree, also described as a tree whose branches hang down like willows and bear berries.聯Words23. 聯宗 [lian2zong1], v.i., combined branches of clan.叉Words6. 叉牙 [cha1ya2], (1) v.i., to fork; (2) adj., (branches) forking out (also wr.杈枒).咭Adj.Descriptive of whispering or giggling sounds: 咭吱咯吱 ([ji1zhi1ge1zhi1]) 的響 crackling as of dry branches.咯Words3. 咯吱 [ge2zhi0], adj., descriptive of creaking sound (of dry branches, etc).吱Adj.Imitation of hissing sounds: 吱嘍嘍 (of doors) grating, (of leaves, branches of trees) rustling, sighing;屈Words9. 屈蟠 [qU1pan2], adj., twisted, entwining (tree trunks, branches).清Words88. 清通 [qing1tong1], adj., conversant with (branches of knowledge).丫Words2. 丫叉 [ya1cha1], n., forked junction of branches, of hands.兼Adj.(1)  Both: 兼嗣兩房 be heir to two branches of a family.Words12. 兼祧 [jian1tiao1], v.i., be heir to two branches of family.剪Words4. 剪伐 [jian3fa2], v.t., (AC) (of trees) to prune or cut, lop off (branches).爻Adj.Intertwined: 爻錯 intercrossing (branches);延V.i. & t.(1)  To spread about, to wind across or about (like vine): 蔓延 spread about, (vines, branches) ramify;盤V.t.盤根錯節 (of trees) with twisting roots and intercrossing branches.Words16. 盤結 [pan2jie2], adj., intertwining (of branches).傲V.t.To defy: 傲霜枝 (of chrysanthemum) branches that defy the frost.節N.(1)  (Bot.) knots, joints: 枝節 branches and joints: 枝節橫生 bristling with complications and difficulties;branches分枝双向☞ brochiolis--branches詞目:Branches 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Branches1the 12 Branches十二枝2Branches of a tree,樹枝3the earthly Branches地枝4Branches and leaves,枝葉p 47 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆branches分枝海洋地質學




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