茶枪 cháqiāngtopo. tea bud
like a celestial female,
like a charm
like a chicken on a june bug
like a clock
like a cork
like a demon
like a dog's dinner
like a dog with two tails
like a donkey between two bundles of hay
like a dose of salts
like a dragon
like a dream
like a drowned mouse
like a drowned rat
like a duck in a thunderstorm
like a duck takes to water
like a duck(takes) to water
like a duck to water
like a (dying) duck in a thunderstorm
like a dying duck in a thunderstorm
like a fish out of water
like a gentleman
like a hen on a hot girdle
like a hen with one chick
like a hen with one chicken
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更新时间:2024/11/10 15:22:25