

单词 changes
释义 文馨英漢☞change详细释义 n.change的名词复数 v.change的第三人称单数形式词形变化动词过去式: changed动词过去分词: changed动词现在分词: changing动词第三人称单数: changeschanges十N. & adj.女大十八變 a growing girl changes a great deal, how a teenage girl changes from year to year;推V.t.寒暑相推 the seasonal changes hurry on.熱Adj.(1)  Hot (opp. 冷 cold): 冷熱 (無常) (lit.) (of weather) marked by sudden changes in temperature, (fig.) (blowing) hot and cold, 炎熱 sweltering;泰N.(1)  Name of a trigram in 八卦 [ba1gua4] 80.80. [WEdit: Should read "Name of a hexagram in The Book of Changes"]豐N.(1)  Name of a trigram in 八卦 [ba1gua4], 80.80. [WEdit: Should read "Name of a hexagram in The Book of Changes"]五Words22. 五經 [wu3jing1], n., the Five Classics: 詩,書,易,禮,春秋 the Book of Poetry, Book of History, Book of Changes, Book of Li (social forms and ceremonies) and the Annals.更V.t.變更 make changes in;遷V.i.(2)  To change, esp. slowly, to shift: 茍不教,性乃遷 a man's nature changes for the worse if not properly taught.Words16. 遷次 [qian1ci4], (1) (LL) change of lodgings on journey; [qian1ci4], (2) promotion to higher post; (3) seasonal changes; (4) adv., hurriedly, disorderly.礎N.礎潤知雨 certain stones show changes of weather by their wet color.云N.云譎波詭 sudden and perplexing changes, also changing kaleidoscopically;陵N.陵谷易處 “hill and valley change places”--great changes between periods.日N.日新月異 never-ending changes and improvements;易N.(2)  易經 the Book of Changes (“Yi King”).V.i. & t.also (policy, etc.) changes: 更易,變易 ditto;數易寒暑 go through many changes of seasons, i.e., years;時Words2. 時變 [shi2bian4], n., (1) political changes; (2) the change of seasons.5. 時差 [shi2cha1], n., (1) difference in hours between different longitudes; (2) seasonal changes in length of day.24. 時節 [shi2jie2], n., (1) festival; (2) (AC) seasonal changes; (3) ([shi2jie0]) see [shi2hou1]([er0])↑.36. 時令 [shi2ling4], n., (1) (AC) seasonal regulation; (2) seasonal changes; (3) ([shi2ling0]) epidemic (also 時令病 [shi2ling0bing4]).周Words34. 周易 [zhou1yi4], n., Book of Changes, one of the “Six Confucian Classics,” (also called 易經 [yi4jing1]).臉N.轉臉,變臉,翻臉 face changes, become angry;改V.t.改頭換面 make only superficial changes: 改弦更張 cut loose from the past and make a new start;Words8. 改換 [gai3huan4], v.t., to exchange or substitute one for another, make changes in (words, titles, fashions, etc.).六Words10. 六經 [liu4jing1], n., the “Six Classics”: The Book of Poetry (詩), Book of History (書), Book of Changes (易), Book of Rites (禮), Book of Music (樂), Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋) (actually Book of Music is missing, so the term “Five Classics” is more common).新Adj.日新月異 incessant changes (in fashion, ideas, improved products).窮Words20. 窮通 [qiong2tong1], n., fortune and misfortune, success and failure: 窮通有命 success and failure are predestined; 窮則變,變則通 (phr.) when all means are exhausted, changes become necessary; once changed, a solution emerges.滄Words1. 滄海 [cang1hai3], n., the wide, blue sea (related 蒼): 滄海桑田 what was the sea is now mulberry fields--(fig.) evanescence of worldly affairs, great changes in the course of time; 滄海一粟 a droplet in the vast ocean--(fig.) very small portion of s.t. vast.波N.波譎云詭 (LL) phr., beautiful turns of thought, fast, unexpected, exciting changes.禍V.旦夕禍福 sudden changes of fortune: (病從口入) 禍從口出 disaster emanates from careless talk;爻N.(In Book of Changes) the basic continuous line (--) and broken line (-- --);代Words11. 代謝 [dai4xie4], n., esp. in 新陳代謝 or 代謝作用 metabolism; 春秋代謝 seasonal changes, change from spring to autumn.狐N.狐貍狐搰 suspicious and indecisive like a fox, constantly change plans-as fox changes holes;象Words16. 象數 [xiang4shu4], n., the study of the eight diagrams (八卦) in Book of Changes (易經); 象 the diagrams, and 數 position of strokes (upper, lower, etc.); see [xiang4ci2]↓.17. 象辭 [xiang4ci2], n., one of the Comments in the Book of Changes, explaining meaning of combination of diagrams forming an oracle.乍Adv.乍晴乍雨 sudden changes from rain to shine;節Words3. 節氣 [jie2qi4], n., (1) the 24 periods into which a year is divided; (2) seasonal changes, see Appendix B.10. 節令 [jie2ling4], n., (1) the 24 periods into which a year is divided; (2) seasonal changes; (3) a festive day, see Appendix B.態N.動態 a state of flux, recent changes: 人口動態 population movements.變N.變亂不測 sudden disaster rises out of nowhere, changes unpredicated;Words3. 變動 [bian4dong4], n. & v.i., upset, fluid or drastic change, as 時代的變動 changes in the times; 變動權 right or alteration.9. 變化 [bian4hua4], n. & v.i., changes in form or character, vicissitudes: 變化無常 constantly changing (tides and fortunes); 千變萬化 unending changes.28. 變造 [bian4zao4], n., (law) change in value of property (checks) owing to alterations; v.i., to make such changes.changes修正表詞目:CHANGES 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階CHANGES1反覆1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 32 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Changes1反覆2the weather constantly Changes天氣常變3numerous Changes千變萬化4Changes of the moon,月有消長5Changes of times,時運不一p 68 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華☞crankchanges修正表海事




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