

单词 box number
释义 box number WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文box number nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (number used as mailing address)邮箱号码  Use a box number if you want something to be delivered to your local post office rather than to your home.  box number 信箱号码 (报纸广告上的)回信用号码 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 box numberbox numberbox numbersn.① (報紙廣告所用的)信箱號碼The ad didn't give the address, just a box number.那廣告沒有提供地址,只有信箱號碼。② (私人郵件的)信箱號碼box numbern.1.(in newspaper)(报纸广告中为读者回信而设的)信箱号Other members of the family advertise themselves, usually hiding their identity under a box number.家中其他成员在报纸上登广告时, 一般都用信箱号来隐去身份。2.(at post office)(邮局的)信箱号The letter was addressed to a box number in Whitehorse.这封信的收信地址是怀特霍斯的一个信箱号。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n(报纸广告中为读者回信而设的)信箱号 Other members of the family advertise themselves, usually hiding their identity under a box number. 家中其他成员在报纸上登广告时,一般都用信箱号来隐去身份。(邮局的)信箱号 The letter was addressed to a box number in Whitehorse. 这封信的收信地址是怀特霍斯的一个信箱号。英英释义n.the number of a letter box at the post office where mail is collecteda mailing address to which answers to a newspaper ad can be sentbox number可数名词1 (邮政) 信箱号码2 (报纸广告上所用的) 信箱号码((用以代替住址))box number n C英 信箱号码 box numbern.(名詞 noun)【郵】信箱號碼;(報社寄給登廣告者意見徵詢表時代替收件人姓名住址的)報紙廣告號碼document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');




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