绋 fúa heavy rope, esp. one used to tow a coffin (执绋)绋fúheavy roperope of a bier绋 n. <书>thick rope执绋 take part in a funeral procession绋 fú 名 (书) (大绳; 特指牵引灵柩的大绳) a long, thick rope; a long cord guiding the hearse: 执绋 follow the co
bacterium fluorescens--bacillus fluorescens
bacterium fluorescens convexus
bacterium gallinarum
bacterium gallinarum -- pasteurlla aviseptica
bacterium gallinarum ; pasteurlla aviseptica
bacterium gingivae pyogenes
bacterium glischrogens
bacterium haemorrhagicum
bacterium haemorrhagicus septicus
bacterium hibisci nakata et takimoto
bacterium hibisci nakata et takimoto; pseudomonas syringae van hall; bacterial leaf spot of the hibiscus root
bacterium ictergenes
bacterium influenzae
bacterium influenzae pfeif
bacterium influenzae pfeif--influeza bacillus
bacterium lachrymans smith et bryan
bacterium lachrymans smith et bryan-- angular leaf spot of cucumber-- pseudomonas lachrymans (smith et bryan) carsner
bacterium lactis aerogenes
bacterium lactis erythrogenes
bacterium lactis innocuus
bacterium leucaemiae canis
bacterium maculicolum mcculloch
bacterium maculicolum mcculloch; pseudomonas maculicola (mcculloch) stevens; becterial leaf spot of the rape
bacterium maculicolum mcculloch; pseudomonas maculicola stevens; becterial leaf spot of the rape
bacterium malvacearum smith xanthomonas malvacearum dowson; angular leaf spot or bacterial blight of the cotton
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