

单词 clouds
释义 文馨英漢☞cloudclouds青Words81. 青云 [qing1yUn2], n., the region of clouds: (a) symbolic of great official career or literary rank; 直上青云 hit the highest literary honors; and (b) symbolic of retirement to nature.抹V.t.山抹微云 (*[mo4]) the hills touched with a wisp of clouds.揚Adj.Loud, showy: 趾高氣揚 strut about, head in the clouds, give oneself airs;撥V.t.(2)  To dispel, push aside (curtain): 撥開云霧見青天 (or 撥云見日) clear the clouds and see the sky, (fig.) remove cloud of suspicion, redress wrong and restore justice;薈Words2. 薈蔚 [hui4wei4], adj., abundant (vegetation), massive (clouds).英Words21. 英英 [ying1ying1], adj., (LL) brilliant (clouds, family), resounding (voice).蔽V.t.(2)  Block, cloud, hide from view: 蔽月 (clouds) hide the moon;萋Adj.(2)  Rumbling (clouds).散V.i & t.(1)  ([san4] or *[san3]) Spread out, scatter: 散開 (clouds, crowd) disperse;冉Words1. 冉冉 [ran2ran3], adj. & adv., (1) gradual(ly), imperceptible(ly): 老冉冉其將至兮 it seems old age is slowly catching up with me; (2) (of trees) drooping, hanging downwards; (3) (of clouds) floating about.碧Adj.碧云 bluish clouds;雱Adj.Immense (of clouds).霞N.彩霞 roseate clouds.云N.(1)  Cloud(s): 浮云 floating clouds;彩云 clouds of many colors;祥云 clouds that are lucky omens;Words7. 云端 [yUn2duan1], phr., high in the clouds.8. 云海 [yUn2hai3], n., a sea of clouds.12. 云際 [yUn2ji4]1, phr., high in the clouds.15. 云羅 [yUn2lou2]1, n., sheets of clouds.19. 云泥 [yUn2ni2]1, phr., great difference in status (clouds and mud).20. 云霓 [yUn2ni2]2, n., (AC) clouds presaging rainstorm.24. 云霞 [yUn2xia2], n., beautiful clouds; 云霞之交 (LL) high-minded friendship.25. 云霄 [yUn2xiao1], n., the sky, the region of clouds.28. 云天 [yUn2tian1], n., high regions of the clouds.29. 云頭 [yUn2tou2], phr., the clouds; 云頭兒 wavy cloud pattern.30. 云彩 [yUn2cai0], n., clouds, beautiful clouds.37. 云雨 [yUn2yU3], n., (1) favors, blessings from on high; n., (2) (euphem.) sexul intercourse (from allu., a fairy maiden in the Szechuan Gorges who commanded the clouds and rains).飄Words10. 飄然 [piao1ran2], adj., ditto: 飄然欲仙 walking on clouds almost like a fairy.靉Words1. 靉靉 [ai4ai4], adj., luxuriant (forest), brilliant (clouds).吹Words21. 吹云 [chui1yUn2], phr., to paint clouds by blowing white spots of powder over wet silk.趾N.趾高氣揚 proud manner of one with head in the clouds;景Words17. 景云 [jing3yUn2], n., bright colored clouds regarded as harbingers of good fortune.遏Words9. 遏云 [e4yUn2], phr., (singer's voice) pierce the clouds.晚Words22. 晚霞 [wan3xia2], n., sunset clouds.眠N. & V.i.眠云 live like hermits, “sleep on clouds”;野Words21. 野馬 [ye3ma3], n., (1) a mustang; (fig.) uncontrollable person; (2) (AC) mirage (images in clouds).風N.(2)  A prolific term, associated with clouds, rain, moon, frost, water: 風云,風雨,風月,風霜,風水 [feng1yUn2], [feng1yU3], [feng1yUe4], [feng1shuang1], [feng1shui0]↓;Words88. 風云 [feng1yUn2], n., winds and clouds; high position; austere heights: 風云際會 riding the crest of fortune; 叱風云 (of great spirit) can command the sea and waves; 風云不測 sudden change of fortune; disaster; 風云人物 men in the news, headlines.過Words74. 過眼 [guo4yan3], adj., (1) (of anything wr.) that is read over; (2) passing: 過眼煙云 (lit.) like floating smoke and passing clouds, (fig.) fleeting, ephemeral, transient; (3) pleasant to the sight: 過不得眼 unsightly.彤Adj.(2)  (MC) 彤云 dark clouds.層Adj. & adv.層云 multiple layers of clouds.望V.i.&t.(2)  To look up (at moon), look over or gaze into distance, to glance at (valley, clouds, the sea) sentimentally: 仰望 look up in hope;望云 gaze at the clouds and think of distant friends;Words14. 望云 [wang4yUn2], phr., (1) to gaze at clouds (and think of s.o.); (2) (allu.) to think of parents.慶Words7. 慶云 [qing4yUn2], n., auspicious clouds.浮Words33. 浮云 [fu2yUn2], n., passing clouds, symbol of insubstantial glory: 浮云朝露 passing clouds and morning dew, not lasting.濃Adj.濃云密布 (of sky) overcast with heavy clouds;沖V.i. & t.(1)  To soar: 沖天,沖入云霄,沖霄 to soar to the skies, the clouds.彌Words1. 彌漫 [mi2man4], v.t. & adj., to flood, overflow: 戰云彌漫 war clouds hang over the horizon, also wr. 彌漫 50A.42.滃Adj.(2)  Rising, dispersing (clouds).海N.云海 a sea of clouds.泱Adj.(2)  (AC) massive (clouds).漫Words5. 漫漫 [man4man4], adj., descriptive of long stretch of (clouds, night); 漫漫長夜 all the long, dark night, also (fig.) long, dark period without hope or enlightenment; 漫漫地 adv., (pr. [man4man1de1]) slowly.祥Words4. 祥云 [xiang2yUn2], n., beautiful, auspicious clouds, used esp. in describing the skies accompanying appearances of Buddha.舒Words7. 舒卷 [shu1jUan3], v.i., roll and unroll (as) clouds).稠Adj.Dense (population, clouds), thick (gruel): 稠人廣眾 a dense crowd.卿Words1. 卿云 [qing1yUn2], n., (LL) auspicious clouds: 卿云歌 an ancient song of glory and peace.彩N.云彩 brilliance of clouds;片N. adjunct.Descriptive of things on a stretch, such as clouds, light, pervasive atmosphere: 一片好話 a stretch of sincere talk;一片彩云,月亮 a stretch of colored clouds, moonlight;白Adj.白云親舍 phr., remembrance of parents (home) “from sight of white clouds”;駕V.t.駕云歸 to ride the clouds and come home.烏Adj.烏云 dark clouds;Words31. 烏云 [wu1yUn2], n., (1) dark clouds; (2) woman's black hair.行V.i. & t.行云流水 “floating clouds and flowing style of writing, casual, masterly, unconstrained.煙Words2. 煙波 [yan1bo1], n., the clouds and water, symbol of lake area or of fisherman's life.23. 煙霞 [yan1xia2], n., clouds and mist: 煙霞癖 love of natural scenery; (facet.) habit of smoking opium.34. 煙云 [yan1yUn2], n., clouds and mist; (fig.) a passing scene.烘Words4. 烘托 [hong1tuo1], v.t., to set off in contrast: 烘托作用 serve as contrast: 烘云托月 “set off the moon with clouds”-litr. art of using contrasting effect.魚Words37. 魚鱗 [yU2lin2], n., fish scales, used as figure for serried roof tops; 魚鱗兒 scaly patterns; 魚鱗癬 fish-skin disease, ichthyosis, or xeroderma, a skin disease with dry, hardened scabs; 魚鱗天兒 sky with clouds in scattered clusters, or of cirro-cumulus type.縵Adj.縵縵 Slow-moving (clouds);詞目:Clouds 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Clouds1雲、雲彩、霞2the great army gathers like Clouds大兵雲集3Clouds obscuring the sky,雲掩日光4assembled in Clouds雲集5Clouds and mist,雲霞p 78 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華英華★◀▶英華☞CLOUD英華☞SKY




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