

单词 botany
释义 botany  [ˈbɒtəni]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文botany nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (study of plants)植物学 zhí wù xué  Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:botany ['b%t&nI] n [u] 植物学(學) zhíwùxué在这些条目还发现'botany':在英文解释里:acer - achene - angiosperm - argan - arnica - axillary - axis - blade - borage - botanical - bract - buckthorn - burnet - calyx - cambial - cambium - campion - canal - cardoon - carpel - cep - chanterelle - cloudberry - comfrey - compound - connective - convolute - convolvulus - corona - cortex - cotyledon - dicotyledon - dipterous - down - ear - eelgrass - fennel - feverfew - fibril - fruit - grass - gymnosperm - hackberry - hair - heart - herb - hold fast - hornbeam - ilex - imbricate中文:植物学大英汉大英汉★◀▶botany['bɔtəni]n.1.■植物学2.■(某地区或某时期的)植物生态3.■(某地区的)植物4.■某种(或某群)植物的生物特征5.■植物学论著(或专著);研究植物的书6.■植物学专著,独特的植物学系统Botany['bɔtəni]n.1.■博坦尼羊毛,澳洲细羊毛adj.1.■博坦尼羊毛的,澳洲细羊毛的 Botany ['bɔtəni] n. 博坦尼羊毛,澳洲细羊毛adj. 博坦尼羊毛的,澳洲细羊毛的 botany ['bɔtəni] n. 植物学 (某地区或某时期的)植物生态 (某地区的)植物 某种(或某群)植物的生物特征 植物学论著(或专著);研究植物的书 植物学专著,独特的植物学系统  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 botanyˈbɑtṇɪn.① 植物學;(一地方的)植物(集合稱);植物的生態geographical botany植物分布學We should spend a little while on the botany of grasses.我們應該花點時間來研究草的生態。botany/ˈbɒtənɪ/缩写为bot.n.( 复botanies)1.(study of plants)植物学2.(plant life of region or time )(某地区或某时间段的)植物3.(biological characteristics)(特定植物群的)生物特征详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社六级专四 n. /ˈbɒtənɪ/植物学(某地区或某时间段的)植物(特定植物群的)生物特征英英释义n.all the plant life in a particular region or periodthe branch of biology that studies plants词形变化源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社名词复数: botaniescollins_plural: botaniesbotany植Words2. 植物 [zhi2wu4], n., plants; 植物學 botany; 植物園 botanical garden.英汉大英汉大英汉大★◀▶博坦尼羊毛Botany Botany wool 澳洲细羊毛Botany Botany wool 植物学botanical Botany bot·a·ny/`bɑtnɪ; ˈbɔtəni/不可数名词1 植物学2 一地方植物的总称; 植物的生态geographical ~植物分布学botany博塔尼精纺毛纱Botany巴塔尼botany植物学双向☞botany--phytologybotanybot•a•ny /'bɒtənɪ/ n U 植物学 botanyn.(名詞 noun)植物學;(一地方的)植物;植物生態;植物學論著geographical botany 植物地理學.博坦尼細羊毛( Botany)(產於澳洲的一種品質極高的美麗諾羊毛)document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:BOTANY 1822馬禮遜英華字典BOTANY1BOTANY may be expressed by 樹草花之總理樹草花之總理2In the Pun-tsaou-kang-mŭh 本草目 (the best Pharmacopoeia and Botanical book in China), the following are the division of plants. The word 部 is used for class or order, 類 for genius, and 種, for species, or variety. Of the Poo, or larger divisions, there are five本草目、部、類、種3Ⅰ. 草部, which includes under shrubs and herbsⅠ、草部4Ⅱ. 穀部, Gramina, or grains that serve for foodⅡ、穀部5Ⅲ. 菜部, edible herbaceous plantsⅢ、菜部6Ⅳ. 果部, fruitsⅣ、果部7Ⅴ. 木部, trees. These general terms must be understood with a good deal of latitude. Of the 類 divisions, or genera, there are but 32 promised, and of these only 30 are given. Of the 種 division, or the species, there are 1094. Under the I classⅤ、木部81, 山草 hill or mountain plants, such as grow wild or without cultivation; including Liquorice, ginseng, narcissus, &c1、山草92, 芳草 Odoriferous or fragrant plants; the same idea seems expressed by 香草. This division includes Mow-tan, pœony, tumeric, and other species of Amomum, Daphne odora, mint, and some varieties of Epidendrum2、芳草、香草103, 隰草 plants growing in marshy wet places. In Du Halde called Field plants. This division includes Chrysanthemum; cockscomb, plantain, varieties of hibiscus, plantago, canna, &c3、隰草114, 毒草 poisonous or noxious plants; plants, the use of which is attended with danger. The English edition of Du Halde, calls them venomous plants. This division includes rhubarb, hemerocallis, impatiens (balsam), &c4、毒草125, 蔓草 scandent plants that want support. Included are some species of convolvulus and rose, cucumber, china root, and honeysuckle, &c5、蔓草136, 水草 water plants; acorus calamus, &c6、水草147, 石草 plants growing on stones or rocks; as saxifraga sarmentosa; sedum; and some ferns7、石草158, 苔類 the moss genus, including lichens8、苔類169, 雜草 miscellaneous, or plants of a mixed kind; to which are added 153 plants not used in medicine9、雜草17Ⅱ. Class1810, 麻麥稻類 hemp, wheat, &c10、麻麥稻類1911, 稷粟類 millet, maize, &c. Absolute certainty respecting these grains is not possessed11、稷粟類2012, 菽豆類 Leguminous plants12、菽豆類2113, 造釀類 Grains capable of fermentation; or plants of whose grain is made wine and other drinks13、造釀類22Ⅲ. Class, herbaceous or kitchen plants2314, 葷辛類 Alliaceous pungent and bitter plants. Du Halde says such as have strong smell and taste, such as leeks, onions, garlic, mustard, ginger, &c14、葷辛類2415, 柔滑類 Soft and slippery plants, Mucilaginous. This genus is omitted in Du Halde, it includes Lilium condidum, and tigrinum, bamboo roots, &c15、柔滑類2516, 蓏菜 plants producing fruit upon the ground; includes solanum; gourds; melons, &c16、蓏菜2617, 水菜 Water edible plants. Fuci17、水菜2718, 芝栭 Fungi, such as agaric; clavaria; peziza18、芝栭28Ⅳ. Class2919, 五果 `The five fruits, cultivated or garden fruits, peach; apricot; rhamnus, and diffent sorts of plums19、五果3020, 山果 hill or mountain fruits. Uncultivated fruits, such as pear, quince, diospyrus, pomegranate, oranges, citron, salisburia, &c20、山果3121, 夷果 foreign fruits, such as Le-che, longan, China olive, carambola; betel or areca nut, cocoa, jack, fig21、夷果3222, 味類 aromatics, pepper, &c22、味類3323, 蓏類 plants producing their fruit on the ground. In this division are included the water melon, grapes, and strange enough, the sugar cane23、蓏類3424, 水果 water fruits, such as the water lily, root and seeds. Trapa bicornis, scirpus tuberosus, &c24、水果35Ⅴ. Class3625, 香木類 odoriferous woods, as the pine, larch, cassia, rose, magnolia, myrrh, cloves, sandal wood, cedar, camphor, benjamin, assafœtida, aloes, &c25、香木類3726, 喬木 tall stemmed trees, as varnish trees, sterculia, hyperanthera, sapindus, willow, tamarix, &c26、喬木3827, 灌木 luxuriant or free growing trees; mulberry, gardinia, cercis, calycanthus, hibiscus, bombax27、灌木3928, 寓木 parasitic plants? Pavetta parasitica, and amber28、寓木4029, 包木 flexible plants; bamboo and tabasheer: from this and the preceeding genus, it would seem that the supposed production of the plant is sometimes arranged under the general head29、包木4130, 雜木 seven miscellaneous species, and short notices of twenty more30、雜木42Extracted from an Index to the Pun-tsaou, drawn up by Mr Reeves, China, May, 18211822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆p 48 p 49 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階BOTANY1百芔總論1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 19 1847-48麥都思英華字典BOTANY1花草之學、花草總理2a work on botany本草1847-48麥都思英華字典 1筆p 151 1866-69羅存德英華字典Botany1the science of the structure of plants and their classification草木總理(註1)、草木之學、博學草木1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆註1:0227草木總理p 227 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Botany1花草總理、百草總論、花草之學2native work on Botany本草1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 46 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Botanyn.1The science of the structure of plants and their classification草木總理、草木之學、博學草木、花草之學、花草總理、百花總論2the native work on botany本草1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 143 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Botany1花草之學1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆p 39 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Botanyn.1The science which treats of plants, 草木學, 植物學, 本草學草木學、植物學、本草學1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 234 1913商務書館英華新字典Botanyn.1花草學、植物學1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆p 54 1916赫美玲官話Botanyn.1植物學(部定)、草木學(新)2Physiological ~植物生理學(部定)p 147 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶植物學Phytological Phytographical Botanik Pflanzenkunde BOTANY Phytology Phytogenesis、Phytogeny Vegetable KINGDOM 香草FRAGRANT Patchouli AMBROSIA Spike-lavender BOTANY Fragrant HERB fragrant herbs fragrant plants 毒草noxious hemlock cockle mandrake dog's-mercury botany noxious herbs noxious plants 水菜Aquatic、Aquatical AQUATIC BOTANY AQUATIC PLANTS Senecio, chinesischer Aquatic plants, Sinapis chinensis 草部blotter waste-book botany a merchant's journal a waste book foul paper the vegetable kingdom 芳草fragrant fragrance botany fragrant herb fragrant herbs fragrant herbs, 苔類Liverwort Lebermoos BOTANY MOSSES 山果cultivated botany uncultivated or wild fruits 夷果botany exotic fruits foreign fruit 寓木parasite parasitic botany 本草學botanik botany acology 百草總論phytography botany 五果cultivated botany 蓏菜vegetable botany 英華☞FRUIT英華☞HEATH英華☞FUNGI英華☞MARSH英華☞creed英華☞spice英華☞grain英華☞cheat英華☞WEED英華☞high英華☞tree英華☞bush英華☞copy英華☞BOG英華☞EGG英華☞set学术学术★◀▶botany植物學動物學名詞botany植物學生物學名詞—植物—兩岸植物學名詞botany植物學食品科技botany植物學生物學名詞—植物botany植物學生物學名詞—植物botany博塔尼精紡毛紗紡織科技Botany巴塔尼外國地名譯名




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