

单词 complim
释义 complim慧Words4. 慧眼 [hui4yan3], n., (Budd.) the eye of wisdom, religious insight; (complim.) your penetrating insight.者Pron.能者 (or 賢者) 多勞 (complim.) the able ones are always busy;蘭Words4. 蘭桂 [lan2gui4], n., orchids and cassia; (fig.) (complim.) beautiful descendants, progeny, offspring.二Words40. 二難 [er4nan2], n., (complim.) unusual brothers (難兄難弟);sometimes also unique host and guest.百N. & adj.百尺竿頭,更進一步 (Complim. phr.), make further progress;員N.Person with definite duties, member of staff (oft. complim. as 生員 for 學生,雇員 for 雇人): 教員 teacher;嚴Words23. 嚴師 [yan2shi1], n., stern teacher, disciplinarian (traditionally in complim. sense).明Words2. 明白 [ming0bai0], (1) V.t., understand: 我明白你的意思 I understand what you mean; v.t., 明白嗎 do you understand? (2) adj., clear: 明白得很 it is very clear; adj., 明白人,你是明白人 (complim.) you understand (I don't need to explain more).騰V.i.騰蛟起鳳 (complim.) a rapidly rising talent;犀Words4. 犀照 [xi3zhao4], phr., (allu.) orig. oil torch from rhinoceros horn which penetrated into a dark pool - now complim. of person's penetrating insight into right and wrong.高Adj.高瞻遠矚 transcendent views (complim.).麟Words1. 麟兒 [lin2er2], n., (complim.) a good son.宇N.德宇,仁宇 (lit. & complim.) your gracious generosity.尊Words26. 尊容 [zun1rong2]1, n., (1) your looks (appearance), generally used in complim. sense but also occasionally to show contempt. 看你那副尊容 see what a spectacle you are! (2) the dignified appearance of the Buddha.善Adj.善菩薩,善佛爺兒 (complim.) good, kind sir;仙Words3. 仙丹 [xian1dan1], n., (1) pill of immortality; (2) (complim.) very excellent medicine.雛Words1. 雛鳳 [chu2feng4], n., (LL, complim.) nice children.




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