

单词 boric acid
释义 boric acid 【化学】 硼酸[亦作 orthoboric acid] 含硼的酸 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 boric acidn.① 【化】硼酸(作用消毒或防腐劑)boric acidn.1.(H₃BO₃)硼酸2.(other acid containing boron)含硼的酸详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n硼酸含硼的酸英英释义n.a white or colorless slightly acid solid that is soluble in water and ethanol; used in the manufacture of glass and paper and adhesives and in detergents and as a flux in welding; also used as an antiseptic and food preservativeany of various acids containing boron and oxygen同反义词同义词:boracic acidorthoboric acidboric acid不可数名词‘化学’硼酸boric acid硼酸boric acidn.(名詞 noun)【化】硼酸document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');𥑢酸boracic acid boric (boracic) acid boric acid boric acid硼酸藥學boric acid硼酸電機工程boric acid硼酸兩岸對照名詞—醫學boric acid硼酸核能名詞boric acid硼酸測量學boric acid硼酸材料科學名詞—金屬材料boric acid硼酸醫學名詞boric acid硼酸礦冶工程名詞boric acid硼酸物理學名詞boric acid硼酸化學名詞—無機化合物boric acid硼酸礦物學名詞boric acid硼酸獸醫學boric acid硼酸食品科技boric acid硼酸化學名詞—化學術語boric acid硼酸海洋科學名詞—水下工程boric acid硼酸兩岸對照名詞—化學化工boric acid硼酸鑄造學boric acid硼酸化學名詞—有機化合物boric acid硼酸畜牧學




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