

单词 cf
释义 CF if (document.getElementById('headerTabs')) { document.getElementById('headerTabs').style.display = 'none'; }Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:cf. abbr =confer 比较(較) bǐjiào大英汉大英汉★◀▶ CF abbr. carried forward 转下页,过次页 center fire 【军械】中心发火,中央击发 centrifugal force certainty factor 确定性因素 christian female coefficient of friction 【物理学】摩擦系数 cost and freight 成本加运费价格 [亦作 cf] cubic foot, cubic feet cystic fibrosis Cf 【化学】元素锎 (Californium) 的符号 cf. abbr.【装订】calf center field center fielder [拉丁语]confer c.f. abbr.carried forward center field center fielder [亦作 cf.]cost and freight  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 Cf1.■【化学】元素锎 (Californium) 的符号CFabbr.1.■carried forward 转下页,过次页2.■center fire 【军械】中心发火,中央击发3.■centrifugal force4.■certainty factor 确定性因素5.■christian female6.■coefficient of friction 【物理学】摩擦系数7.■cost and freight 成本加运费价格8.■[亦作 cf] cubic foot, cubic feet9.■cystic fibrosis文馨文馨★◀▶c.f.abbr.① =center field; center fieldercf.abbr.① 參數;比較;參照[L; confer(=compare)之略]cf.abbr.① =c.f.Cfabbr.① 【化】=californium新世纪新世纪新世纪新世纪新世纪★◀▶CF¹/ˌsiːˈef/n.1.【军】<主英>=Chaplain to the Forces随军牧师2.=cf¹cf¹/ˌsiːˈef/n.【商】=cost and freight货价加运费cf²abbr.(Internet domain name)=Central African Republic(中非共和国因特网域名)Cfsymbol【化】元素锎(californium)的符号CF²abbr.=Central African Republic沪江沪江沪江★◀▶详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n. /ˌsiːˈef/=cost and freight 货价加运费【商业】 abbr. /ˌsiːˈef/=Central African Republic (中非共和国因特网域名)英英释义n.a radioactive transuranic element; discovered by bombarding curium with alpha particlesthe most common congenital disease; the child's lungs and intestines and pancreas become clogged with thick mucus; caused by defect in a single gene; there is no cureadv.compare (used in texts to point the reader to another location in the text)详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n. /ˌsiːˈef/=Chaplain to the Forces 随军牧师【军事】<英国>= cf abbr. /ˌsiːˈef/=Central African Republic详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 symb.元素锎(californium)的符号【化学】cf寸N.An inch (cf. 寸 English inch): 三寸丁 a three-inch nail, (fig.) a pint-sized person;系 12B15  10.01/120 ㄒㄧˋ [xi4] (*ㄐㄧˋ [ji4]). [Cf. related系 91A.01,系 90.01]求Words15. 求教 [qiu2jiao4], v.i., (court.) to ask for advice (cf. 請教 60A.42).青Adj.cf. 青錄,青翠 [qing1lU4], [qing1cui4]↓;Words14. 青光眼 [qing1guang1yan3], n., (Chin. med.) glaucoma (cf. [qing1mang2]↓).先Words21. 先考 [xian1kao3], n., deceased father; cf. 先妣[xian1bi3]↑.真 226A35  12.80/109 ㄓㄣ [zhen1]. [Var. of 21.80; cf. 10.80]連Words8. 連合 [lian2he2], v.i. & adj., combine(d), join (efforts, pieces together); cf. 聯合 unite(d), 31S.22.蜇V.t.(MC) bite (by insect) (cf. 螫 11.93).搏V.t.To strike, pounce upon, attack physically, catch (prey): 搏影 beat at shadows ( cf. 捕風捉影 10.A.42);拊 48A30  10A.00-9/64 ㄈㄨˇ [fu3]. [Cf.撫 10A.63]捶N.([chui2zi0]) A stick for beating: 鼓捶子 drumstick (cf. 鎚 81A.83, 槌 10B.83 and 搥 10A.83).押Words3. 押床 [ya1chuang2], n., formerly, a torture bed, to which prisoner was fastened, (cf. Procrustean bed).搕V.i. & t.(cf. 磕 31B.30). 67B50 [nie1]. [Var. of捏,; cf.涅]指Words25. 指書 [zhi3shu1], n., writing with finger in place of brush; n.,cf.[zhi3hua4]↑.播Words2. 播蕩 [bo4dang4], v.i., wander about, cf. 簸蕩 92A.82.搠V.t.(2)  To apply (mud, color), cf. 塑 80.11.掏 84A25  10A.50-9/64 ㄊㄠ [tao1]. [Cf.搯 10A.21]撫N.(2)  Part of title of governor in Mirng and Manchu times: 督撫,巡撫 military governor (cf. 總督 civil governor), hence 撫臺,撫院,撫軍 as term of address.撓 85B20  10A.70-1/64 ㄋㄠˊ [nao2]. [Cf.擾 ㄖㄢˇ [ran3],10A.82]扎Words11. 扎心 [zha1xin1], phr., “prick the heart”:這話聽著實在扎心 such words prick one's heart, cf.[zha1er3]↑.撮Words5. 撮土 [cuo1tu3], (1) n., (contempt.) a small country (cf. 蕞爾 20A.82); (2) v.i., to gather soil with hand.擦V.t.To wipe off (tears): 擦淚 a literary convention for prescribed degree of sorrow in obituary notices apparently wiping tears more energetically for close cousins (by pressing knuckles on eye socket ) than 拭淚 merely brushing or flicking tears away for more distant cousins, cf. 搵 10A.30.撤 102B10  10A.82-6/64 ㄔㄜˋ [che4]. [Cf.徹,澈]授Words7. 授業 [shou4ye4], v.i., (LL) to teach (cf. 受業 to be pupil).挺 106A30  10A.83-9/64 ㄊㄧㄥˇ [ting3]. [Cf.梃 10B.83,鋌 81A.83]搥 106B20  10A.83-9/64 ㄔㄨㄟˊ [chui2]. [Cf.槌 10B.83]抄V.i. & t.(6)  To parboil vegetable (cf. 炒 [chao3]).Words10. 抄手兒 [chao1shou3er0], v.i., (MC) to cross one's arms (cf. 叉手 32.82).棒N.棒頭出孝子 spare the rod and spoil the child. (In sense of flogging), cf. 榜 pr. [beng4], 10B.50).桿 114B50  10B.10-3/75 ㄍㄢ [gan1]. [Cf.桿]桿N.(2)  A pole as a unit of measure, equal to 16.5 feet or one rod (cf. 桿 10B.10).梢N.(3)  A boat rudder (cf. 艄 91S.42): 梢公,梢婆,梢子 [shao1gong1], [shao1po2], [shao1zi0]↓.梳N.cf. 篦 fine comb, 92A.70.杈 141B20  10B.82-3/75 ㄔㄚ [cha1] (also coll. ㄔㄚˋ [cha4]). [Cf.叉]校N.警校 police training school (cf. 學院 90.00, 大^學 12.81).板Words1. 板本 [ban2ben3], n., edition of books, cf. 版 91S.82.桫Words1. 桫欏 [suo1luo2], n., (bot.) (1) the horse chestnut; (2) Cyathea spinulosa (cf. 裟羅 63.02).犄Words1. 犄角 [ji1jiao1], n., the horns of an ox: 犄角之勢 (cf. troops) so deployed as to be able to render instant mutual assistance; (cf. var. 觭 92B.00).牡N.(1)  Male of animal: 牡牛 ox (cf. 母牛 with same pr. but indicating reverse sex, cow; cf. 牝female, 10C.70).牝N.cf. 雌雄 21S.11): 牝雞司晨 a hen trying to cry cock-a-doodle-doo, reverse of husband being head of the family;牠Pron.Modern invented character (cf. 她 93A.70) to represent Eng. “it”. Theoretical pr. [tuo1], actually spoken [ta1].輔Words11. 輔音 [fu3yin1], n., consonant, cf. 元音 vowel, 30.70.乾N.(1)  (*[qian2]) The first of the eight diagrams (八卦), denoting the principle of heaven, the sovereign, the male and strength (cf. 坤 11A.22);Words5. 乾貝 [gan1bei4], n., dried, preserved edible ligaments of a species of clam, Altrina japonica (also wr. 干貝, cf. 江瑤柱 63A.30).孝Words6. 孝男 [xiao4nan2], n., the surviving son, important person at funeral (used also in self-reference; cf: [xiao4nU3]↓).壼N.Alley inside palace: 壼政 rule by empress (cf. 閫 52B.00).嘉 176B00  11.40/30 ㄐㄧㄚ [jia1]. [Cf.佳 91A.11]考Words16. 考問 [kao3wen4], v.i. & t., discuss problems of knowledge by interrogation, cf. 拷問 10A.50.熹Adj.(2)  (AC) prosperous (cf. 熙): 熹盛.趲Words1. 趲足 [zan3zu2], n., savings: 頗自有些趲足 have a good deal of savings (cf. 錢 10A.80).起Words12. 起復 [qi3fu4], v.i. & t., formerly, to resume official life and duties after parents' mourning period is over, cf. [qi3yong4]↓.趁V.t.(2)  To attend: 趁墟,趁集 attend the village fair (cf. 趕 11.83).埤Words1. 埤堄 *[pi4ni2], n., (AC) small peepholes in city wall, cf. 睥睨 to look down upon, 41B.10.地Words22. 地瓜 [di4gua1], n., potato (cf. Fr. pomme de terre).35. 地支 [di4zhi1], n., the duodecimal cycle, beginning with 子,丑,寅,卯, cf. 天干 31.81, see Appendix A.鼓Words11. 鼓兒詞 [gu3er0ci2], n., a pop. form of entertainment consisting of singing accompanied by the beating of drums (cf. 大鼓 31.81).泰Words6. 泰水 [tai1shui3], n., (facet.) mother-in-law, cf. [tai4shan1]↑.左Adj.(4)  Clumsy, awkward (cf. Fr. “gauche”).有V.i. & t.有眼無珠 having eyes without pupils (cf. “having eyes, see not”)--blind;夸Adj.(1)  (LL) extravagant: 夸誕 boastful (cf. 夸 60A.50). (2)  (AC) big. (3)  (AC) handsome: 夸容 (var. of 姱 93A.50).真 226A35  12.80/109 ㄓㄣ [zhen1]. [Var. of 21.80; cf. 10.80]太Words16. 太妹 [tai4mei4], n., female juvenile delinquent (cf. [tai4bao1]↑).失Words5. 失出 [shi1chu1], v.i., (law) to err in too light penalty or fail to give any penalty at all; cf .失入 [shi1ru4]↓.46. 失入 [shi1ru4], v.i., (law) to impose improper or improperly heavy penalty; cf. [shi1chu1]↑64. 失恃 [shi1shi4]2, v.i., (AC, LL) to lose one's mother; cf. [shi1hu4]↑.夷Adj.(2)  (AC) calm, contented (cf. 怡 22A.40).荷N.荷葉 lotus leaves, used for flavor and for wrapping food for steaming(cf. 蓮 20A.83).Words5. 荷花(兒) [he2hua1]([er0]), n., the lotus flower; 荷花大少 ([shao4]) a playboy in spring who cannot afford good clothing in winter; cf. [he2lian2]↓.芒Words3. 芒芒 [mang2mang2], adj., (1) (AC) expansive, far and wide; cf. modn. form 茫茫 20A.21↑; (2) (AC) tired, exhausted; (3) blindly.蕭Words16. 蕭索 [xiao1suo3] ([xiao1suo0]), adj., poverty-stricken, lonely (cf. 蕭瑟 [xiao1se4]↑).芥Words6. 芥子 [jie4zi3], n., a mustard seed, a very small thing: 納須彌於芥子 a universe inside a mustard seed (cf. the atomic structure);夢Words6. 夢夢 [meng4meng4], adj., unaware, uncomprehending, cf. 懵懵 22A.41.苦Adj.苦盡甘來 sweet are the fruits of labor (cf. “sweet are the uses of adversity”), luck turns after hardship;Words26. 苦水 [ku2shui3], n., “hard” water; water in some wells not fit for drinking (cf. 甜水 90S.21); 苦水子 (coll.) medicinal potion.蒼Adj.cf. 青 10.42 for confusion of colors.薔Words1. 薔薇 [qiang2wei2], n., a rambler rose (cf. 玫 瑰 31A.82); 薔薇露 rose water; a kind of wine; 薔薇硝 a rose powder; 薔薇水 rose water; n., 薔薇輝石 n., (min.) rhodonite.Words1. 騰 [meng2teng2], adj., half drunk (cf. 蒙朧 41B.02).芭Words1. 芭蕉 [ba1jiao1], n., banana; 芭焦布 cloth made of banana fibres; 芭蕉扇,芭焦葉(兒) palm leaf fan, cf. 蒲葵 20A.42.藐Adj.small and distant, cf. 眇 41B.91;花Words97. 花頭 [hua1tou0], n., trumped-up tricks: 出花頭 resort to trickery, cf. [hua1yang4]↓; 花頭兒 cut flower without long stem and leaves.蔥N.胡蔥 shallot (cf. 蒜 garlic).芙Words1. 芙蕖 [fu2qU2], n., the lotus; lotus fully opened, cf. 菡 20A.21.菱N.A kind of caltrop (water chestnut) of irregular shapes with pointed ends (cf. round-shaped 荸薺 20A.00).芟V.t.To weed (grass, field), to weed out (evil, undesirable elements), cf. 刪 42S.00.芝N.hence litr. symbol of fragrance, the gentleman, high character, see 芝蘭,芝艾 [zhi1lan2], [zhi1ai4]↓, (cf. 芷).散N.(*[san3]) Medicinal powder (cf. 丹,膏,丸).漿 305C45  21.02/85 ㄐㄧㄤ [jiang1]. [Cf.醬 ㄐㄧㄤˋ [jiang4], 21.41]岸N.(2)  (AC) prison (cf. 犴 91C.10).出Words21. 出去 [chu1qU0], (1) v.i., go out; (2) ([chu1chu0qU4]) adv., out (away from speaker, cf. [chu1lai2]): 說出去不好聽 it will sound bad to have this known; 放不出去 cannot let go.岑Words2. 岑岑 [cen2cen2], adj., (LL) dizzy (cf. 涔 63A.32).嵬Adj.High, rugged (cf. 巍 21.70).上Words31. 上國 [shang4guo2], n., term used to refer to conquering nation by conquered (cf. 勝國 42A.50).膚Words2. 膚泛 [fu1fan4], adj., vague (cf. 浮泛 63A.00).將Prep.By, with (followed by object and vb., cf. use of 把 10A.70): 將它移開 take this away;Words2. 將兵 *[jiang4bing1], v.i., to command troops, cf. *[jiang4jiang4]↓.壯Words3. 壯大 [zhuang4da4], adj., (1) robust, stalwart (body); (2) grown-up: 壯大了 has grown up (cf. 長大).糶V.t.To sell grain (cf. 糴 buy grain, 81S.11): 糶出,糶糧 sell grain;斷Words13. 斷弦 [duan4xian2], phr., wife's death (like snapping of string on string instrument; phr., cf. 續弦 re-string, i.e., remarry).虧Words4. 虧負 [kui1fu0], n. & v.i. & t., (1) be deficient in friendship or duties, not quite fair to (person) (cf. 辜負 10.10); (2) to owe (amount, person).以N.Short for 以色列 Israel (cf. 意 for Italy).歔Words1. 歔欷 [xU1xi1]1, v.i., to sob and sniffle; cf. 噓 40A.30.小Words68. 小康 [xiao3kang1], n., (1) as in 小康之家 a well-to-do middle-class family; (2) period of well-organized human society (cf. 大同 12.81).129. 小洋 [xiao3yang2], n., formerly, a fraction of a dollar, a dime; cf. 大洋 a dollar.坐Words25. 坐客 [zuo4ke4], n., a passenger on boat, etc. (cf. 行客 91B.00).肅Words7. 肅肅 [su4su4], adj. & adv., (1) respectful, -ly, solemn, -ly; (2) (AC) in a hurry (related 速); (3) (AC) descriptive of rustling noise (cf. ).非N.沒有是非 do not get involved in disputes, also there is no justice, cf. 是非 41.83.書Words9. 書篋 [shu1qie4], n., case or trunk containing books, cf. [shu1chu2], [shu1jia4]↓.別 370C05  22.50/57 ㄅㄧㄝˋ [bie4]. [Cf.憋 ㄅㄧㄝ [bie1], 22.72]北Words14. 北平 [bei3ping2], n., Peiping (Northern Peace), formerly, Peking (Northern Capital), cf. Nanking (Southern Capital).賞Words11. 賞音 [shang3yin1], n., (LL) an understanding friend (cf. 知音).少Words19. 少禮 [shao2li3], phr., (modest) 上回我少禮了 last time I was deficient in manners (failed to attend celebration), cf. 失禮12.81.惸Adj.(2)  (AC) 惸惸 depressed (cf. var. 91.70)檁Adj.Inspiring fear (cf. 凜).恫Adj.([tong1]) Sorrowful: 哀恫 (cf. 痛).Adj.(AC) ashamed (cf. 22S.70, 靦 31S.70).帖Words1. 帖耳 *[tie1er3], adj., submissive (cf. 貼耳)帔N.Woman's shawl, shoulder-piece, esp. 霞帔, bridal shoulder-piece, cf. 披肩 10A.82.亍N.(Rare, AC) the right step, cf. the left step;二Adj.(1)  Two (cf. 兩 31.42): 二三 [er4san1]↓;三Words28. 三合(兒)房 [san1he2]([er0])[fang2], n., a Chin. courtyard with rooms on three sides (cf. 四合房 41.41).73. 三從 [san1cong2], phr., (Confu. 儀禮 ) the three “obeys” for women:-obey father at home, obey husband when married, and obey son when husband dies (cf. 四德 41.41).刓V.t.To carve, to slice (wood, bamboo), (cf. 剜 [wan1] 62S.00).副N. adjunct.那副臉孔 that face (including set of features), cf. 幅 22B.41.頭N. adjunct.A unit or piece of: 兩頭牛 two heads of cattle (cf. 兩條狗,兩只雞,etc.);Words40. 頭天 [tou2tian1], adv., (1) the first day; (2) the day before (cf. 頭一天 the first day).丁Words2. 丁當 [ding1dang1], adj., descriptive tinkling sound (cf. 玎璫 31A.00).聚Words11. 聚首 [jU4shou3], v.i., (of friends) meet, see one another (cf. tetea-tete).平Words63. 平糶 [ping2tiao4], phr., a measure for stablilization of grain prices by selling grain when the prices are high, cf. [ping2di2]↑.耳Words43. 耳生 [er3sheng1], adj., (name, etc.) sounds unfamiliar, cf. [er3shu2]↓.正N.cf. 明媒正娶 legally married.百Words19. 百衲本 *[bo2na4ben3], n., edition of anc. works made up of collated passages, or of best existing editions of parts, cf. [bo2na4yi1]↓.西Words3. 西賓 [xi1bin1], n., family tutor, see [xi1xi2]↓, cf. 東家 the host.兀Adj.(3)  Bald, bare: 兀鷹[wu4ying1]↓ (cf. 杌木 bare trees).娶V.t.(Of man) to marry (wife), cf. 嫁 (of woman) to marry (husband): 娶妻,娶媳婦兒 to take a wife (for son);璞N.(fig.) original nature of man in Taoist philosophy (cf. 樸 10B.81);磕Words5. 磕牙 [ke1ya2], v.i., to jabber, palaver, chat idly: 閑磕牙 or 磕打牙兒 indulge in gossiping at leisure; 別拿他磕打牙兒了 don't sit there prating and making fun of him (cf. 嗑 40A.30).醲Adj.Rich: (of wine, tea, etc.) rich-flavored (cf. 濃 63A.02).酤V.t.Sell or buy: 酤酒 sell or buy wine (cf. 沽 63A.40).酸Adj.(2)  Jealous: also 酸溜溜 very jealous (cf. 醋 31C.41).雪 511C45  31D.30-5/173 ㄒㄩㄝˇ [xUe3] (*ㄒㄩㄝˋ [xUe4] as an exception; cf. 血 ㄒㄩㄝˋ [xUe4] or ㄒㄧㄝˇ [xie3]).霜N.symbolic of severity in countenance: 冷若冰霜 (cf. 孀 for widow);Words2. 霈 [pang2pei4], adj., cf. 澎湃 rushing water, 63A.91.云Words23. 云仍 [yUn2reng2], n. distant great-grandchildren (cf. 孫 32S.01).發Words63. 發喪 [fa1sang1], v.i., send out obituary, cf. 出殯 31S.80.遜Words4. 遜遜 [xUn4xUn4], adj., modest, retiring in manner (cf. 恂恂).陸Words5. 陸軍 [lu4jUn1], n., the army (cf. 空軍 air force, 62A.30, 海^軍 navy 63A.50).陪Words12. 陪禮 [pei2li3], n., gift as token of apology, cf. 貼 41C.40.陽Words30. 陽陽 [yang2yang2], adj., (AC) happy, gay, floating about (cf. 洋洋 63A.10).陟Words2. 陟方 [zhi4fang1], phr., (AC) an emperor travels for visits; an emperor dies (“goes up to great distance” cf. 升遐).陰Words2. 陰兵 [yin1bing1], n., (MC) women soldiers (cf. Amazons).4. 陰辰 [yin1chen2]1, n., (Chin. astrology) the even numbers in duodecimal cycle: 丑,卯,巳,未,酉,亥,see Appendex A (cf. [yin1gan1]1↓).孤Pron.(AC) (court.) my humble self, a term generally used by anc. prince or king: 孤王 I, your humble prince (cf. Eng. “we”);呵Excl.(*[o4]) Ah! oh!: 呵,我忘記了 oh, I forgot! (cf. wr. 啊 pr. [a4]).啊Excl.Used in exclamations with varying, indeterminate accent, like Eng. “Oh!” “ah!” “aha!” cf. similar excl. under 阿 [a1], [a2], [a3], [a4];吽Sanskr.(cf. 唵 “om,” 40A.70).咺Adj.(AC) manifest, impressive (appearance), cf. 91D.30.嚕Words1. 嚕蘇 [lu1su1], 嚕哩嚕蘇 [lu1li1lu1su1], v.i., talk unnecessarily or annoyingly; cf. 哩嚕 [li1lu1], 哩^哩羅羅 [li1li1luo1luo1] 40A.11.呣Excl.cf. 唔 40A.40, and 嘸 40A.63.吧Fin. part.cf. 罷 41.70.啖V.i. & t.cf. 噉 40A.82.踞V.i. & t.(2)  V.t., sit on: 盤踞 occupy (a seat, city, territory), cf. 據 10A.02.蹻Adj.cf. 驍勇 51B.70;蹺V.i.To put leg up (cf. 翹 11.70 lift up wings, head).躦V.i. & t.(3)  (=鉆) Pierce, make a hole in, go through: 躦洞 go into (hide in) a hole (cf. 鉆 81A.80).疊Words3. 疊韻 [die2yUn4], n., two words having same vowel formation, e.g., [dang1lang1] (當啷), cf. two words having same consonant, e.g., [ding1dang1] (叮當), called 雙聲.因Words20. 因緣 [yin1yUan2], n., (1) a chance, opportunity (cf. 姻 緣 93A.41); (2) (Budd.) the chain of cause and effect; 因緣生法 the law of mutual causation of all actions.母Adj.母雞,母鴨,母牛 hen, duck, cow, cf. 牝 10C.70, 牡 10C.11.煦V.i. & t.cf. 煦伏 [xU3fu2]↓.見N.婦人之見 worthless (shortsighted) views not to be taken seriously (cf. “she's only a woman”);曚 657B25  41A.02-2/72 ㄇㄥˊ [meng2]. [Cf.蒙,朦]昵Words1. 昵愛 [ni4ai4], v.t., to love passionately (a woman) (usu. wr. 溺愛; cf. 昵愛).暝Adj.cf. 冥 62.80.眛Adj.cf. 昧 41A.01.眼N.獨眼龍 (facet.) one-eyed person (cf. the Cyclops);Words34. 眼生 [yan3sheng1], adj., looking unfamiliar; cf. [yan3shu2]↓.則Adv.君子不重則不威 if a superior man doesn't behave with dignity, he will command no respect (cf. 即 [ji2], to be; immediately).賤Words7. 賤內 [jian4nei4], n., my (worthless) wife (cf. “my better half”).野Words28. 野食兒 [ye3she2er0], n., food picked from the fields (cf. [ye3can1]↓); (fig.) extra irregular income.顆N. adjunct.顆粒 a round piece, grains (of sand, etc.)(cf. 棵 10B.01).顒Adj.(2) Hoping: 顒望 hoping anxiously (cf. 喁 40A.42).且Fin.part.cf. (MC) 者 and modn. , possibly related.同Adj. & adv.殊途同歸 reach same goal by different means (cf. “all roads lead to Rome”);周Adj. & adv.周密,周詳 [zhou1mi4], [zhou1xiang2]↓, cf. 周 42.83↓.朦 705C30  42A.02-2/74 ㄇㄥˊ [meng2]. [Cf.曚,蒙,懵 all cogn. words]肝Words4. 肝火 [gan1huo3], n., (1) an inflammatory condition of the liver; (2) anger: 動肝火 get angry; 肝火旺,肝火盛 easily given to anger (cf. Eng. “bilious temperament.”)肺Words3. 肺腑 [fei4fu3], n., a man's heart: 肺腑之言 hearty talk, heart-to-heart talk; 肺腑之交 bosom friend; cf. [fei4chang2]↑; 動人肺腑,感人肺腑 touch one's heart.胚Words7. 胚子 [pei1zi0], n., biological strain or type: 好胚子,壞胚子 person with good, bad traits (cf. 坯子 11A.30).腔Words2. 腔窠 [qiang1ke1], n., as in 落腔窠 get into a rut, follow old routine (cf. 窠臼 62A.01).N.see 囊 10.02 (cf. 膗 42A.11).肥V.t.cf. 中飽 81B.70.髆N.Shoulder blade (cf. 膊 42A.00).翠Words11. 翠玉 [cui4yU4], n., chrysoprase (cf. 綠寶石 emerald).習Words5. 習慣 [xi2guan4], n., habits; customs: 惡習慣 bad customs or habits (cf. [xi2su2]↓); 習慣法 common law based on actual practice; 習慣性 habitual nature.張Words11. 張嘴 [zhang1zui3], v.i., bring up matter which is embarrassing or out of place; speak out of turn (cf. opp. 閉嘴 “shut up”).羽Words11. 羽流 [yU3liu2], n., Taoist (cf. [yU3shi4]↓, [yU3hua4]↑).20. 羽士 [yU3shi4], n., a Taoist, cf. [yU3hua4]↑.鬄 751B50  51.50/190 ㄊㄧˋ [ti4]. [Var. of 51.70 wig, cf.剃 80S.00 to shave]發N.(1)  Hair on head (cf. 毛90.70): usu. 頭發;壓N.水壓 water pressure, cf. 壓力 [ya1li4]↓.駱N.(1)  White horse with black mane (cf. 雒 92S.11).駝V.t.To carry burden on back: 駝負 (cf. 馱 51B.81).歐Words7. 歐西 [ou1xi1], n., Europe and the West: 歐西各國 the Western countries; cf. 西歐 West Europe.譬N.譬若,譬如 it is as if (cf. 比如).巴N.cf. 瘡巴 61A.40, scar on wound.V.i. & t.cf. cogn. 攀 10.00;尸 788A40  52A.91-5/44 ㄕ [shi1]. [Cf. 52.91]閎Adj.Big, vast, broad (cf. 宏,弘,鴻,洪 same sound and meaning, slightly different usage).開Words62. 開盤(兒) [kai1pan2] ([kai1pa2er0]), v.i., (of stock market) opening quotation for the day (cf. 收盤兒 closing quotation); 開盤子 formerly, pay the bill at singsong houses.問Words5. 問取 [wen4qU3], v.t., (MC) to ask (cf. 聽取意見 listen to opinions).主Words18. 主見 [zhu3jian4], n., (1) subjective view: 這人沒主見 this person has no opinions of his own; (2) preconceived opinion, cf. 成見 prejudice.旁Words12. 旁聽 [pang2ting1], v.t., to be present at lecture; 旁聽生 student at university course, not enrolled; be observer at conference; cf. [pang2guan1]↑.13. 旁坐 [pang2zuo4], n., (anc. law) crime which makes criminal's family punishable, such as plot against emperor; cf. 連坐10.83.亮Adv.cf. 諒 60A.01, to understand and forgive.文Words22. 文化 [wen2hua4], n., culture: 文化水準 cultural level; 文化復興 cultural renaissance; 文化機構 cultural organizations; (cf. 文明 [wen2ming2]↓, civilization); 文化界 cultural circles.這Pron. & adj.這班人 this kind of people, these people (cf. contraction of 那一 into [nei4]).玄Words30. 玄孫 [xUan2sun1], n., great-great-grandson, cf. 曾孫 great-grandson.講Words1. 講求 [jiang3qiu2], v.t., (1) to study carefully, delve into; (2) be fond of: 講求外表 pay special attention to appearances, cf. [jiang3jiu4]↓.說Words16. 說得 [shuo1de2], phr., possible to mention; with complement: 說得好,說得妙 well said; 說不得 (a) unmentionable, unspeakable: 他人品壞得說不得 his character is unspeakably bad; (b) perhaps: 說不得要你親自對他說 there is perhaps no way except to speak to him yourself; 說得著 [shuo1de0zhao2], phr., (a) permissible or necessary to say: 這些話都是說得著的; phr., (b) qualified to speak to s.o.; (c) can get along together: 說得來 (cf. [shuo1bu4lai2]↑).38. 說票兒 [shuo1piao4er0], phr., discuss terms of ransom for kidnapped person (cf. 票 31.01).詼Words1. 詼詭 [hui1gui3], adj., surprising, novel (ideas, style) (cf. 恢 奇 22A.81). 876A05 [xiao4]. [Cf.效 60S.82]就Words9. 就枕 [jiu4zhen3], v.i., go to bed ("put one's head to the pillow," cf. "hit the hay").親Words4. 親戚 [qin1qi0], n., relatives in gen. (外親 maternal relatives; cf. 戚外戚 queen's or mother's relatives).效 884C15  60S.82-9/66 ㄒㄧㄠˋ [xiao4]. [Cf. 60S.50]摩V.i.(2)  Grind (cf. 磨 61.40): 摩厲以須 (AC) sharpen weapon to be ready for fight.店Words1. 店底 [dian4di3], n., the goods in store for sale, cf. [dian4mian4]↓.N.the hornless river deer (cf. 61.10).the hornless river deer (cf. 61.10).廟N.cf. 寺 11.00, 觀 2OS.70.廢 900B50  61.82-3/53 ㄈㄟˋ [fei4]. [Cf.癈 61A.82]庭 901B15  61.83-9/53 ㄊㄧㄥˊ [ting2] (*ㄊㄧㄥˋ [ting4]). [Cf.廷 91.83]N.Rash on skin, pimple (cf. 瘢).痞N.Chronic hardening of the spleen, cf. compp.↓;疾Words4. 疾雷 [ji2lei2], n., a sudden thunderclap; (fig.) any swift, sudden action that catches others unawares (cf. Ger. blitzkrieg).字N.(2)  A courtesy name by which a person is addressed by his friends (cf. 名 and 號).宗Words13. 宗主 [zong1zhu3], n., (1) a memorial ancestral tablet in ancestral shrine; (2) the eldest son born of one's wife (cf. 庶子 a son born of one's concubine); 宗主權 sovereignty, sovereign rights.33. 宗仰 [zong1yang3], v. t., look up to with awe, admire at a distance (cf. 崇仰 21.01).家Words57. 家慈 [jia1ci2]2, n., my mother, a term used in speaking to a person from a different family; cf. [jia1yan2]↓.寰 919C15  62.02-4/40 ㄏㄨㄢˊ [huan2]. [In compp. only; cf.環 31A.02]宕V.i. & t.cf. 蕩 20A.50.審V.i. & t.cf. 讅 60A.41.宵 929A15  62.42-2/40 ㄒㄧㄠ [xiao1]. [Cf. 霄 31D.42]宅Words5. 宅里 *[zhai2li0], n., formerly, a servant's self-reference vis-a-vis the master (cf. 家的62.02).賓N.西賓 resident tutor, residing (west) versus host (east), cf. 東 10.01.;宏Adj.Great, vast (more common form than 弦 50A.93, cf. also 鴻 63A.50, 洪 63A.80, same sound and meaning): 宏論 great essay or exposition of opinion;洼Adj.Low ,depressed (ground): 洼下,洼地 low ground (cf. 凹 wah 42.21).空Words16. 空間 [kong1jian1], n., (1) empty space, space as a concept (cf. 時間 time); (2) the sky.40. 空虛 [kong1xU1], adj., (1) hollow, empty; (2) 心空虛 scared (from being guilty), cf. 虛心 humble, open-minded.之Pron.(b) in AC, oft. precedes negative vb.: 未之知,未之聞,未之見 never knew it, heard it, or saw it (cf. 不我知 do not know me);娑Words1. 娑羅 [suo1luo2], n., (1) a tall tree of India, Shorea robusta; (2) cf. 桫羅 10B.91.涼V.t.cf. 晾 41A.01.濠N.A moat (cf. 壕 11A.02).洋Words1. 洋白銅 [yang2bai2tong2], n., nickel or zinc alloy of copper, cf. [yang2tie3]↓.溫Words19. 溫樸 [wen1pu0], n., a kind of sugarcoated berry (cf. 桲 10B.30).治Words3. 治本 [zhi4ben3], v.i. & n., (to effect) basic, fundamental reform; basic cure in medicine; cf. [zhi4biao1]↓.4. 治標 [zhi4biao1], v.i. & n., alleviate symptoms of disease or social ills: temporary remedy; cf. [zhi4ben3]↑.酒Words5. 酒錢(兒) [jiu3qian2]([jiu3qia1er0]), n., tips, gratuities (cf. G. Trinkgeld, Fr. pourboire).清Words5. 清唱 [qing1chang4], v.i., (Chin. opera) to sing selections without stage make-up, as at parties, (cf. 清吟 [qing1yin2]↓).演V.i. & t.敷演 explain in detail, expound (cf. 敷衍 to do in a perfunctory manner).澳N.(3)  Short for 澳大利亞 Australia: 澳洲 ditto (cf. 奧國 90.81 for Austria).凌Words3. 凌晨 [ling2cheng2], n., early dawn (cf. 侵晨).澈 1020C15  63A.82-6/85 ㄔㄜˋ [che4]. [Cf.徹,撤]禪Words10. 禪寂 [chan2ji2], v.i., (Budd.) pass away (cf. 寂滅 62.82, Nirvana).神N.山神 spirit of the mountains (cf. 妖 93A.81, 精 22C.42);Words14. 神魂 [shen2hun2], n., (1) soul (cf. 靈魂); (2) state of mind: 神魂不定 frightened or depressed, out of one's wits; 神魂顛倒 heart in torment, crazy with longing of loved one.褥N.褥草 hay used as bedding (cf. “hit the hay”).戾V.t.鳶飛戾天 the hawk flies up to heaven (cf. 20A.30).顧Adv.顧如是乎 how could it be so? is it so indeed? 顧忘之耶 have you really forgotten? (Cf. 固 41.41, Adv.2).N.A “spelled out” form of 二, two (cf. 貳 71.71↓).式N.cf. 態 93.72.蹙 1054B30  71.83/157 ㄘㄨˋ [cu4]. [Cf.促 91A.83]岔Adj.(1)  Incorrect (statement): 這話岔了 what you say is incorrect (cf. 差80.30).Words2. 岔曲 [cha4qU3], n., a short song in certain type of Chin. opera (cf. 插 曲 10A.21)爹N.(1)  Daddy (cf. 爸 [pa1], [pa1pa1]): 爹爹 daddy;慈N.(1)  Somewhat litr. reference to) mother (cf. 嚴 40.82 for father): 令慈 your mother;八Words12. 八卦 [ba1gua4], n., the eight diagrams, consisting of arrangement of continuous and broken lines in three lines each, symbolizing changing balance of forces and used in divination, as follows: 乾 (≡),兌 (≡),離 (≡),震 (≡),巽 (≡),坎 (≡),艮 (≡),坤 (≡); cf. 五行 31.30.鑫V.i.To prosper, thrive in business (cf. 興 shing 90.80).合Words7. 合氣 [he2qi4], v.i., (dial.) to quarrel: 與婆婆合氣 quarrel with mother-in-law; (cf. 和氣 90A.40 with same sound but opp. meaning).20. 合婚 [he2hun1]2, v.i., formerly, a custom of exchanging horoscopes of boy and girl before formal betrothal (cf. 結婚 wedding, 訂婚 betrothal).21. 合夥 [he2huo3], n. & v.i., partnership; go into partnership (cf. [he2gu3]↑).會Words38. 會元 [hui4yUan2]1, n., the first on list of candidates for the third degree 進士 (cf. 狀 元 21S.81).令N.cf. 尚書 22.42.鏈 1103C45  81A.01-1/167 ㄌㄧㄢˋ [lian4]. [Cf.練usu. interch. in sense of “practice”and煉 “harden by fire”]表 1104C05  81A.02-1/167 ㄅㄧㄠˇ [biao3]. [Cf.表 10.02]槍Words4. 槍桿(兒) [qiang1gan3] ([qiang1ga3er0]), n., (1) gun barrel; (2) gen. term for rifle (cf. 筆桿writing brush, the pen).鉗N.cf. 箝 92A.41.刨 1120A25  81A.70-9/167 ㄅㄠˋ [bao4]. [Var.刨; cf.刨]鏈 1125B10  81A.83-1/167 ㄌㄧㄢˋ [lian4]. [Cf.鏈]飲Words8. 飲子 [yin2zi3], n., (Chin. med.) medical potion or concoction (cf. 引子 50S.22).舒Words9. 舒散 [shu1san3], v.i., take a stroll, relax the mind (cf. 疏散 32S.70).垂Words17. 垂線 [chui2xian4], n., (math.) perpendicular line (cf. [chui2zhi2xian4]↑; opp. 橫線 horizontal line).舌Words5. 舌耕 [she2geng1], v.i., to teach as a living (“plough with the tongue,” cf. 筆耕 91A.10).看Words14. 看重 [kan4zhong4], v.t., think greatly of, value (person) (cf. [kan4qing1]↑).熏V.t.(6)  (*[xUn4]) To stain one's reputation: 這個人都熏了 this man has a bad reputation (there fore to be avoided), cf. 薰染,薰^陶 20A.63.兒Part.(1)  A particle, oft. attached to n.or pron., adding coll. touch to LL form without it: 盤兒,梨兒 (cf. LL 盤,梨),玩兒,戲兒,這兒,那兒;Words5. 兒花 (兒) [er2hua1]([er0]), n., (MC, corruption 男孩兒) male child; cf. 女花 93.93.毛Adj.(5)  Too detailed: 不勝毛舉 too numerous to mention one by one (cf. 枚舉 10B.82).廷 1171A50  90.83/54 ㄊㄧㄥˊ [ting2]. [Cf.庭 61.83;廷 more spec. used for imperial court]稻N.([dao4zi0]) Rice plant, rice in the fields, cf. 米 rice served at table: 割稻 to harvest rice;稿V.i. & t.Discuss, engage in doing (cf. 搞 10A.42): 稿價兒 to bargain over prices;秖Adv.(AC) only (cf. 秪; related modn.只).積V.t.積少成多 from small increments comes abundance (cf. “take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves”).秒 1185C05  90A.91-2/115 ㄇㄧㄠˇ [miao3]. [Cf.杪 10B.91; cogn.渺 63A.91,杳 10.41]阜N.cf. wr. on right (邦), see 邑 40.70.皇Adj.(3)  Flurried, in a flutter: 倉皇,皇皇 ditto (cf. 惶 22A.11).自Words35. 自立 [zi4li4]2, v.i. & adj., (be) independent (cf. 獨立 91C.50).舟N.(LL) a boat, usu. rowboat, sailboat (cf. modn. 船 91S.40): 小舟,扁舟 a small rowboat;烏N.cf. 兔 rabbit standing for the moon): hence 烏兔 (the crow and the rabbit) the sun and the moon;丸Words1. 丸藥 [wan2yao4], n., pill of medicine (cf. 丹 42.42, 散 20S.82).鬼Words6. 鬼節 [gui3jie2], n., the ghost festival on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month (cf. All Souls’ Day).怹Pron.Courtesy form of 他 ([ta1]), he: 怹老人家,怹老先生 (cf. 您 [nin2] for 你 [ni3]).臭Adv.Severely, mercilessly: 臭打,臭罵 to beat up, scold, mercilessly (cf. 丑 31S.70);火Words39. 火居道士 [huo3jU1dao4shi4], n., a married Taoist priest, cf. [huo3zhai2]↑.進Words28. 進士 [jin4shi4], n., formerly, a successful candidate in national examinations, the “third degree” (cf. 秀才 90.50, 舉^人 90.00).傅V.t.傅彩 add coat of colors, (cf. 敷 10S.82).停Words4. 停床 [ting2chuang2], v.i., lie on deathbed (cf. [ting2ling2]↓).你Pron.你是誰 who are you, sir? cf. 您 [nin2], 91.72;佳 1243C25  91A.11-1/9 ㄐㄧㄚ [jia1]. [Cf.嘉 11.40, sometimes synonymous]仲Adj.No. 2: 仲春,仲夏 second month in spring, summer, (second and fifth lunar month), cf. 孟 for 1st, and 季 for last or 3rd.俏V.t.also 俏如 ditto (cf. 恰如, 恰^似 22A.40).偏Words10. 偏鋒 [pian1feng1]1, n., term, in calligraphy and painting, signifying moving brush at a slant, cf. 中鋒.他Pron.(2)  He, she, it (third person in modn. Chinese--cf. 彼,其,之 in AC): 他們 [ta1men0], they;Words2. 他動詞 [ta1dong4ci2], n., transitive vb. (cf. 自動詞 v.i.).佩N.Pendants, things worn on girdle (cf. 佩 31A.70).傀Words2. 傀偉 [kui2wei3], adj., great and imposing, stalwart (cf.魁 91.70).仆Pron.(Court. used by man) “I,” used like “your humble servant” in letters (cf. 妾 60.93).攸Adv. prefix.(2)  Past: 攸然 [you1ran2]↓ (cf. 悠 然 91.72).修Words33. 修女 [xiu1nU3], n., a nun; cf. [xiu1shi4]1↓.行Words27. 行政 [xing2zheng4], v.i., to administer, execute: 行政人員 administrative staff; 行政院 the Executive Yuan of the central government; 辦行政 be charged with executive work (cf. 執行委員 member(s) of executive committee).衙Words4. 衙門 [ya2men0], n., “yamen,” government office (cf. 牙 門 51.00).得Words16. 得了 (1) [de2le0], excl., well! well! it's enough! have done with it! (2) ([de2liao3]) adv., in 不得了 cry or statement about s.t. disastrous, very, very upsetting; 怎麼得了 how will all this end? (Cf. 了不得 very good indeed).德Words10. 德育 [de2yU4], n., moral education, cf. 智育,體育 intellectual, physical education.徹 1293C15  91B.82-4/60 ㄔㄜˋ [che4]. [Cf.澈,撤]猥Adv.(Court.) unworthily: 猥蒙不棄 unworthily received your attention (cf. simiar use 忝 90.02).煉 1307C50  91D.00-9/86 ㄌㄧㄢˋ [lian4]. [Cf.鏈 81A.01]V.t.熬練 (lit., “stew over slow fire”) learn experience, matutity, by hardships (cf. very similar use of 鏈 and 練).煩Words4. 煩惱 [fan2nao3], n. & adj., worries, material worries; feel worried; confusing, vexing, cf. 惱 22A.41.牒N.度 牒 61.82, cf. 諜 60A.01.Words17. 羊 [mian2yang2], n., sheep (cf. 山羊 goat).鼾V.i.To snore: 鼾睡 snore in sleep (cf. 齁 91S.50). 1319B35 [hao4]. [Pop.皞; cf.皓 91S.40]勰Adj.(AC) peaceful (cf. 協,諧).版 1330B30  91S.82-9/91 ㄅㄢˇ [ban3]. [Cf.板 10B.82]彔Words1. 彔彔 [lu4lu4], adj., occupied with sundry affairs (cf. 栗 六,栗 ^ 陸,栗 ^ 碌 31B.02).多Words4. 多妻制 [duo1qi1zhi4], n., polygamy; cf. [duo1fu1zhi4]↓.無Words71. 無如 [wu2ru2], adv., unfortunately: 無如天色已晚 unfortunately it is already getting late (cf. [wu2nai4] (2)↑).炙V.t. & i.針炙 acupuncture (cf. 灸 [jiu3]).算Words19. 算學 [suan4xUe2], n., mathematics, cf. 數學 22S.82.箘N.Bamboo shoots (cf. 92A.91).簽N.(2)  A lot in drawing lots: 抽簽, cf. 簽 92A.71.鱘N.cf. 92C.10.雒N.(1)  (AC) black horse with white mane (cf. 駱 51B.40).短V.i. & t.cf. 少 22.91.知Words35. 知足 [zhi1zu2], adj. & n., content, -ed, -ment: 知足常樂 he who is contented is always happy; 不知足 discontented, (of person) never satisfied, (cf. 知不足 knowing one's own limitations of knowledge).皺 1391A10  92S.81-9/107 ㄓㄡˋ [zhou4]. [Cf.縐 93B.50]彎N.cf. 灣 63A.50.巡Words7. 巡撫 [xUn2fu3], n., (in Manchu Dyn.) provincial military governor; cf. 總督 93.B.72, governor, viceroy.15. 巡指間 [xUn2zhi3jian1], adv., (MC) at the snap of a finger, in a short moment: 巡指間春又秋 in a short time spring passes into autumn; cf. 旋踵 60S.83.19. 巡幸 [xUn2xing4], v.i. & t., formerly, (of an emperor) make a tour of visits of different places; cf. 幸 11.10; v.t., (emperor) visits.婢N.(2)  (MC) “your slave,”term of woman referring to herself (cf. 妾 60.93).姓N.姓氏 surname, cf. 氏 90.71.婦Words3. 婦女 [fu4nU3], n., women in gen.; 婦女節 [fu4nU3jie2], Women's Day; 婦女會 [fu4nU3hui4], women's association, cf. 女 93.93.媽N.(1)  Coll. short for “mamma” (cf. 爸 [pa1] coll. for “papa”): 爸媽 father and mother (pop and mom);媳Words1. 媳婦 [xi2fu4], n., (1) daughter-in-law; (2) bride, wife (from the point of view of the family or parents): 討媳婦,娶媳婦 marry a wife; 老黃的媳婦 old Huarng's wife (cf. 生孫 “give birth to a grandson”--really to a son).嫚Adj. & adv.(2)  Graceful, -ly: 嫚嫚 (cf. 曼 41.82).練 1420B10  93B.00-9/120 ㄌㄧㄢˋ [lian4]. [Cf.煉,鏈]紅Adj.(2)  Red as Communist: 紅軍 the Red Army (cf. 赤 11.00).Words50. 紅事 [hong2shi4], n., happy occasion-weddings, birthdays, etc. (also called 喜事; cf. 白事 funeral); 紅白事 weddings and funerals-calls for social expenses.約Words15. 約數 [yUe1shu4]2, n., (math.) divider, cf. 倍數 multiple.繩Words3. 繩尺 [sheng2chi3], n., (LL) correct guides to conduct, cf. 規矩 91S.70.鄉N.離鄉(背井)go abroad from native place (cf. 鄉井 [xiang1jing3]↓);英汉大英汉大★◀▶carried forward 转下页C/F CF c.f. 英汉大☞BD電腦雙向電腦雙向★◀▶cf./`si`ɛf, kəm`pɛr, kən`fʒ; ˌsi:ˈef, kəmˈpɛə, kənˈfə:/《拉丁文 confer (=compare) 之略》((略))比较; 参照…Cf((符号))‘化学’californium双向☞folinic acid-- citrovorum factor-- CF双向☞CF-- citrovorum factor-- leucovolin双向☞CF--folinic acid--citrovorum factor双向☞folinic acid--CF--citrovorum factor双向☞ Colicinogenic factor--Cf双向☞ CF--flying-deck cruiser双向☞CF--complement fixation双向☞6-- 5-Formyl-5--7双




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