文馨英漢☞牽強牵强 qiānqiǎng1) v. force an interpretation2) s.v. forced; farfetched牵强qiānqiǎngfar-fetchedimplausible (chain of reasoning)牵强forced理由都很牵强。 These reasons are really far-fetched.毫不牵强 not at all forced牵强 qiān qiǎng forced (interpretation, etc.
cercospora phaseolorum cooke; sooty blotch of the cowpea; c. cruenta sacc.; c.vignae ellis et everhart
cercospora pingtungensis
cercospora piperis-betle
cercospora plumbaginea
cercospora polygonacea
cercospora prunina
cercospora pulcherrima
cercospora pulvinulata
cercospora pulvinulata sacc. et winter
cercospora raciborski matsum et nagaoka
cercospora raciborski matsum et nagaoka; c. dolichi ellis et everhart
cercospora ricinella
cercospora ricinella(sacc. et bert.)speg.
cercospora ricinellaspeg.
cercospora rosicola
cercospora rubrotincta
cercospora sacchari breda de haan
cercospora sacchari breda de haan; eye spot of sugar cane; helminthosporium sacchari(breda de haan) butler
cercospora sacchari breda de haan; eye spot of sugar cane; helminthosporium sacchaributler
cercospora sagittariae ellis et kellerman
cercospora scopariae
cercospora seasamii zimm.
cercospora sequoiae
cercospora sesami
cercospora setariae
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