

单词 bola
释义 bola  [ˈbəʊlə]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文bola nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (weighted lasso)套牛用的套索 tào niú yòng de tào suǒ  流星锤 liú xīng chuíbola nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. US (bola tie, bolo tie)饰扣式线编领带 shì kòu shì xiàn biān lǐng dài  在这些条目还发现'bola':在英文解释里: bola ['bəulə] n. (南美印第安人捕牛等动物用的)流星锤,飞绳球,套牛绳[亦作 bolas] = bola tie 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 bolaˈboləbolabolasn.① 兩端繫有鐵[石]球的繩索(南美牛仔投之以纏倒獵物)bola/ˈbəʊlə/n.( 复bolas)流星锤(系有两个或更多重球的绳索, 南美洲牧人及印第安人用以绊倒奔跑的牛或美洲鸵鸟)详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /ˈbəʊlə/流星锤(系有两个或更多重球的绳索,南美洲牧人及印第安人用以绊倒奔跑的牛或美洲鸵鸟)英英释义n.a cord fastened around the neck with an ornamental clasp and worn as a necktiea rope with weights attached to the ends; is thrown to entangle the legs of an animal; of South American origin词形变化源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社复数: bolasbolan.(名詞 noun)套牛繩,流星錘(一套繫有重球的長繩索,南美原住民或牛仔用以捕牛)bolapl. bolas(es)document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:Bola 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Bolan.1A ball of stone or metal attached to a cord or thong used by the natives of South America, either as a weapon of war or a hunting implement, 南美洲土人用以攻敵行獵之器, 索端繫以鐵球或石球南美洲土人用以攻敵行獵之器、索端繫以鐵球或石球1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 223 1916赫美玲官話Bolan.1黃槿(部定)p 141 1916赫美玲官話 1筆Bola, Bahr波拉乾河外國地名譯名




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