

单词 call on/upon
释义 call on/upon1.■访问;探望:The foreign guests will call on you next Wednesday afternoon.外宾将在下周星期三下午拜访你。2.■请求(某人)做(某事);要求:I will now call on Lily for an answer.现在我要求莉莉回答。3.■乞求…保佑:Many peasants called on Heaven to help them.很多农民乞求上天的帮助。4.■号召;呼吁:The general manager called on the employees to work hard for the company.总经理号召职工为公司而努力工作。5.■邀请;指派:The chairman called on Mr White to make a few remarks.主席请怀特先生讲几句话。6.■到(某人家)征求订货(或送货):The salesman called on two prospects this morning.这位推销员今天上午向两个可能的主顾打了电话。7.■使用;施展:In order to win the game he called on all his skill.为了打赢这场比赛,他施展出了全部招数。8.■要(学生)回答问题:to call on him first先让他回答问题




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