

释义 文馨英漢☞對对 duìI v.1) answer; reply2) treat3) be trained on4) suit; agree5) compare; check6) set; adjust大家对一下表。 Let's set our watches.7) mix; add8) divide into halvesII b.f.1) mutual (相对)2) opposite (对方)III s.v.right; correctIV m.for pairs/couplesV cov.byVI n.coupletVII cons.1) 对 ... ér yán: said in terms of ...2) 对 ... lái shuō: as regards ...对duìrightcorrectcouplepairtowardsatforto faceoppositeto treat (sb a certain way)to match togetherto adjustto fitto suitto answerto replyclassifier: couple对 n. 参见:对联[duìlián] measure word 双used for people, things, etc.; pair一对夫妻 a married couple一对花瓶 a pair of vases一对枕头 a pair of pillows配对 pair up一对一对地 in pairs prep. 向at对...点头 nod to对...表示谢意 express gratitude to对集体负责 have a responsibility to the group对新闻记者的谈话 speak to a reporter这话就是对他说的。 All these words are for him.关于regarding对这一问题的意见 opinions regarding this issue说明动作的对象, 译法和省去“对”字的动宾结构相同particle denoting the verb-object relationship in a sentence对领袖的爱戴 adoration for a leader对农民的领导 leadership of the farmers对病人的照料 care for patients对问题的回答 answer to a question对事实的嘲弄 mockery of the truth对敌人的打击 attack on the enemy说明对人或事物的关系particle denoting the relationship between verb and object对工作的兴趣 interest in one's work对健康的影响 effect on one's health对美好未来的希望 hope of a bright future这对他不适合。 That doesn't suit him.这对身体有害。 This is bad for your health.形势对我们有利。 The situation benefits us. v. 参见:对答[duìdá]无言可对 have no answer参见:对待[duìdài]对人和气 polite to others对工作认真负责 be conscientious in one's work对事不对人 concern oneself with things, not with people对这件事我们决不能置之不理。 We can't afford to ignore this.参见:对付一个对一个 one-to-one刀对刀,枪对枪 fight fire with fire; sword against sword, spear against spear(literal)朝着to face对着我看 look at me面对着镜子 face the mirror枪口对着敌人 with one's guns trained on the enemy背对着墙 back to the wall窗口对着一条河。 The window looks out onto a river.医生对病孩做对口人工呼吸。 The doctor performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on the child.二者相对to be mutual配合to match两块板对不起来。 The two planks don't fit.接触to come into contact with两军对战。 The two armies came into contact..投合to suit对心眼儿 suit one down to the ground对脾气 suit one's temperament核对to check对笔迹 identify someone's handwriting对号码 check a number对表 set one's watch对相片 check a photograph和原文对一对 compare with the original调整to adjust对距离 adjust the distance对镜头 adjust a lens相符to correspond with数目对了。 The amount tallies.前言不对后语 be inconsistent in what one says掺和to mix酒精里对些水。 Mix some water in with the alcohol.平均分成两份to halve adj. 正确correct这个办法对。 That's the right way to do it.我们的路走对了。 We've gone the right way.究竟是谁对? Who's right and who's wrong?对不对? Right?承认自己不对 admit one is wrong他说得很对。 He's quite right.对,就这么办。 Yes, let's do it that way.对面的;敌对的opposite; opposing敌对举动 hostile act对 duì 动 (回答) answer; reply:  无言以对 have nothing to say in reply (对待; 对付) treat; cope with; counter:  刀对刀, 枪对枪 sword against sword and spear against spear;  对事不对人 concern oneself with facts and not with individuals;  广州队对大连队 the Guangzhou team versus the Dalian team;  她对我很好。 She treats me well. (朝; 向; 面对) be trained on; be directed at; face:  把枪口对准敌人 train one's gun on the enemy;  她的话不是对着你的。 What she said was not directed at you.  这房子对着大街。 The house faces the street. (使两个东西配合或接触) bring (two things) into contact; fit one into the other:  对暗号 exchange code words;  对个火儿。 Give me a light, please.  这个榫头对不上。 This tenon won't fit. (投合; 适合) suit; agree; get along:  对心眼儿 suit one down to the ground;  糖醋鱼很对他的胃口。 Sour-sweet fish agreed very well with him. (把两个东西放在一起互相比较, 看是否相符合) compare; check; identify:  对笔迹 identify the handwriting;  对号码 check numbers (调整使合于一定标准) set; adjust:  对表 set one's watch; synchronize watches;  对好望远镜的距离 adjust the focus of a telescope;  如果照相机焦点不对准, 照片就会模糊。 If the camera is not brought into focus, the photo will be blurred. (搀和) mix; add:  茶太浓了, 给我对点儿水。 Add some water to the tea; it's too strong for me.  牛奶里对水了。 The milk has been adulterated with water. 副 (二者相对; 彼此相向) mutually; face to face:  对饮 (two people) have a drink together;  对坐 sit facing each other (平均分成两份)divide into halves:  对股劈 go halves;split fifty-fifty 形 (对面的; 敌对的) opposite; opposing:  对岸 the opposite bank; the other side of the river (相合; 正确; 正常)right; correct:  对, 就这么办。 All right, just go ahead.  是他的不对。 It's his fault.  他今天神色不对。 He doesn't look himself today.  我这样说对吗? Am I correct in saying this? 名 (对偶的词句; 对联) antithetical couplet; couplet:  喜对 wedding couplet 量 (双) pair; couple:  一对夫妇 a married couple;  一对花瓶 a pair of vases;  一对选手 a couple of players 介 (引进对象或事物的关系者):  他对别人求全责备, 对自身的缺点却视而不见。 He demands perfection in others, but cannot see faults in himself.  水对鱼的关系正如空气对人的关系一样。 Water is to fish what air is to man.  他对我笑了笑。 He smiled at me.  他对形势的分析很透彻。 He made a very thorough analysis on the situation. 对a.gemeled(成)对的,孪的well对的;恰当的,合适的;可取的;幸运的right(与事实、常理、标准等相符而)正确的,对的;准确的correct正确的,对的opposite【数】(顶、边等)对的affirm〈美口〉[常用作无线电通话答语]是的,对的gemel(成)对的,孪的abbr.JA是,对ad.right正确地,对int.right〈口〉好,行;对affirmative〈主美〉[表示赞同]是的,对的Roger〈口〉行,可以;对,不错n.right正确,对;是CASE(一)组;(一)对pair【物】对,偶duad〈罕〉(一)双;(一)对prep.TO[表示相对位置或反应]对;面对;应[表示关联、 关系]对,对于;关于;〈古〉作为[表示动作的对象]对,于FOR[表示对象、用途等]为;给;对;供;适合于with[表示关系]对…;对于;关于by[表示关系]对待,对over(作为效果、影响)对until〈主苏格兰〉向,朝,对against逆;(反)对;违反towards对;对于;关于versus(诉讼、竞赛等中)以…为对手,对unto对,给,于对1. in an opposite position; facing2. correct3. to counter with4. [Formal] to respond; to answer5. for or as regards6. to suit; to fit7. to meet; to oppose8. to mix with; to dilute with9. a pair对para {= p-}对para, p-对COUPLE对pair双向☞二单元组--二价原子--对双向☞相对--分--背离〔词头〕双向☞对--双--并矢量双向☞对--权--右双向☞线对--对双向☞偶--对双向☞副--对双向☞对--双对[duì]动1. answer; reply♦ 无言以~ have nothing to say in reply2. treat; cope with; counter♦ 刀~刀, 枪~枪 sword against sword and spear against spear3. be trained on; be directed at♦ 枪口~着敌人 train the gun on the enemy♦ 她的话不是~着你的。 What she said was not directed at you.4. bring (two things) into contact; fit one into the other♦ ~暗号 exchange code words♦ 这个榫头~不上。 This tenon won't fit.5. suit; agree; get along♦ ~心眼儿 suit one down to the ground♦ ~胃口 suit one's taste6. compare; check; identify♦ ~笔迹 identify the handwriting♦ ~号码 check numbers7. set; adjust♦ ~表 set one's watch; synchronize watches♦ ~好望远镜的距离 adjust the focus of a telescope8. mix; add♦ 茶太浓了, 给我~点儿水。 Add some water to the tea, it's too strong for me.副1. mutual; face to face♦ ~骂 call each other names♦ ~坐 sit facing each other♦ ~饮 (two people) have a drink together2. divide into halves♦ ~股劈 go halves; split fifty-fifty形1. opposite; opposing♦ ~岸 the opposite bank; the other side of the river2. right; correct♦ 猜~了 guess right♦ 这事你做得~。 You did the right thing.♦ 你说得很~。 What you say is quite true.名antithetical couplet; couplet♦ 喜~ wedding couplet量pair; couple♦ 一~花瓶 a pair of vases♦ 一~夫妇 a married couple介with regard to; concerning; to♦ ~敌狠, ~己和 ruthless to the enemy, kind to one's comrades♦ ~这个问题的不同意见 different views on this question




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