单词 | 實 |
释义 | 實1. fact2. fruit3. honest4. reality5. seed6. true林语堂林语堂★◀▶實實 935B25 62.80-4 部居 畫數 14ㄕˊ [shi2] . [Abbr. ]N.(1) Fruit: 果實 ditto;其實可食 its fruit is eatable;結實 bear fruit, also adj., compact.(2) Fact, reality: 事實 fact: 事實如此 that is the fact;opp. 名:名實 name and reality;名實相符,名不符實 reality corresponds, does not correspond, to its name;實至名歸 reputation follows naturally real distinction;言過其實 exaggerate;失實 adj., untrue;吐實 tell the truth;據實招供 tell the facts in court.V.t.To fill: 荷槍實彈 carry rifles with loaded bullets.Adj.(1) True, honest: 誠實,老實 honest;樸實 simple, unadorned;篤實 honest in character;真實 true (fact, situation, story);實心,實意 [shi2xin1], [shi2yi4]↓;實話 truthful story or statement.(2) Real: 現實 real, real-ity;實價,實值 [shi2jia4], [shi2zhi2]↓;實重 real weight;實力 [shi2li4]1↓;實權 real power;實情,實境 real situation;實數 real amount or number;實際 [shi2ji4]↓;實現 [shi2xian4]↓;實體 [shi2ti3]↓.(3) Practical: 實利,實用 [shi2li4]2, [shi2yong4]↓;實施,實行 [shi2shi1], [shi2xing2]↓;實踐 [shi2jian4]↓;實惠 practical benefit;實效 [shi2xiao4]↓.(4) Actual, concrete, substantial: 實物 [shi2wu4]↓;實據 [shi2jU4]↓;實體,實質 [shi2ti3], [shi2zhi2]1↓;實驗 [shi2yan4]↓;實官,實缺 actual official post, not rank only.(5) Solid, substantial, full: 充實,實足 substantial, full: 充實,實足 substantial, full, also v.t., to fill;實學,實字 [shi2xUe2], [shi2zi4]↓.Adv.Really, actually, in fact, factually: 其實 in fact;實為,實係,實是,實屬 is really;實屬公便 (formula, official documents) it is fitting and proper;實有其事 it really happened;實所至望 (in letter) this is what I earnestly pray for or hope, beg;實則 in reality (contrary to pretension);實不相瞞 frankly, I admit;著實 ([zhao2shi2]) show by deeds, do one's best: 實用功 work really hard.Words1. 實地 [shi2di4], adj. & adv., on the spot, concrete, concrete-ly: 實地試驗 put to concrete tests; 腳踏實地 practical, realistic, not flighty (have “foot solidly on the ground”).2. 實噸位 [shi2dun1wei4], n., dead weight.3. 實惠 [shi2hui4], adj., substantial benefit.4. 實証 [shi2zheng4], n., concrete evidence; 實証論 positivism.5. 實價 [shi2jia4], n., net price.6. 實踐 [shi2jian4], v.i., to put in practice (versus mere talk).7. 實際 [shi2ji4], adj., realistic real (benefit, progress, etc.): 實際生活 real life; 實際主義 realism (in novel, in conduct of affairs);8. 實際上 [shi2ji4shang0], adv., in reality: 實際上沒有什麼用處 of no real use.9. 實質 [shi2zhi2]1, n., the inner substance or quality, essence (of teachings).10. 實值 [shi2zhi2]2, n., net value.11. 實據 [shi2jU4], n., solid evidence.12. 實牢 [shi2lao0], adj., strong (joints, knots).13. 實力 [shi2li4]1, n., real strength, military might.14. 實利 [shi2li4]2, n., actual gains, net profit: 實利主義 utilitarianism.15. 實錄 [shi2lu4], n., (1) journal of an emperor's life and activities; (2) factual history; record (of meetings).16. 實落 [shi2luo0], adj., (a strike or hit) to the point.17. 實拍拍 [shi2pai1pai1], adv., really, actually (kicked him): 實拍拍一包米 there was a bag of rice, substantial and real.18. 實現 [shi2xian4], v.i. & t., to bring to pass, realize, be realized: 這事不容易實現 this plan is difficult to realize; adj., actual (property, etc.).19. 實像 [shi2xiang4], n., (phys.) real image.20. 實效 [shi2xiao4], n., real results, efficacy.21. 實心 [shi2xin1], adv., sincerely: 實心實意 ditto; 實心眼兒 [shi2xin1ya3er0], ditto.22. 實習 [shi2xi2], v.i. & n., to practise, learn (subject) with exercise or from life: 實習醫生 intern.23. 實行 [shi2xing2], v.i. & t., (1) to do actually, put (theory) in practice; (2) to carry out (policy), be carried out.24. 實收 [shi2shou1], (1) n., actual or net receipt: 實收資本 paid-up capital; (2) v.i., to receive actually for sale.25. 實數 [shi2shu4], n., (math.) (1) integral number; (2) number added to, subtracted from, multiplied or divided.26. 實施 [shi2shi1], v.i. & t., carry out (policy, program).27. 實事 [shi2shi4], n., real fact: 實事求是 phr., objective method, be objective.28. 實實 [shi2shi2], adv., really, in substantial fact.29. 實學 [shi2xUe2], n., solid scholarship.30. 實體 [shi2ti3], n., material substance: 實體論 (phil.) ontology (also 本體論);31. 實體上 [shi2ti3shang0], adv., in reality, substantially (sustain a loss, etc.);32. 實體 [shi2ti3], n., 實體法 substantive law; 實體問題 substantive problem (not procedural).33. 實在 [shi2zai4], adj. & adv., (1) real real-ly: 實在不行 really will not do; 實在損失 real loss; 實在好 really good; (2) ([shi2zai0]) (a) honest, dependable; (b) solid, well constructed; 實在主義 realism, realism-istic, practical.34. 實足 [shi2zu2], adj. & adv., fully (3 pounds, etc.).35. 實字 [shi2zi4], n., (Chin. gram.) a “substantive” word - all words except conjunctions, prepositions, exclamations and particles (which are called 虛字 or functional words 21A.30).36. 實物 [shi2wu4], n., real objects, specimens in instruction.37. 實驗 [shi2yan4], v.i. & n., (to, a) experiment: 實驗室 laboratory (also called 試驗室); 實驗心理學 experimental psychology; 實驗馬力 effective horsepower.38. 實業 [shi1ye4], n. & adj., industry, industrial: 實業發達 development of industry; 實業家 industrialist.39. 實意(兒) [shi2yi4] ([shi2yieher0]), adv., sincerely.40. 實用 [shi2yong4], adj. & n., practical; practical use: 實用主義 pragmatism.實實 [shi2shi2], adv., really, in substantial fact. |
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