

单词 centre on
释义 centre onvt.1.(have as subject)to centre on sth/sb or to centre round sth/sb把…作为要点(或主题);围绕;集中于the conversation centred on the unexpected dismissal围绕着意外免职一事的一番交谈a plan which centred on academic achievement重点强调学术成就的计划2.(have as centre)to centre on sth/sb or to centre round sth/sb以…为中心详细释义 phr.集中于 For now, hopes seem to centre on the US. 目前,希望似乎都集中在了美国身上。 Traditional Chinese festivals invariably centre on maintaining and improving human relations. 华族的传统节日都离不开维系人伦与增进人际关系这个基本主题。




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