

单词 家传
释义 文馨英漢☞家傳家传 jiāchuán1) attr. handed down in a family2) n. family traditions家传jiāchuánhanded down in a familyfamily traditions家传家庭世代传下来的to hand down in a family家传秘方 secret family recipe handed down in the family家家传述to be on everybody's lips家传户诵 become a household word家传 jiā chuán handed down from the older generations of the family 家传秘方 a secret recipe handed down in the family家传1. handed down from the older generations of the family2. family heritage; family trait家传handed down from the older generations of the family♦ 他们全家都爱好音乐, ~的。 All of them are music lovers—it runs in the family.~秘方 a secret recipe handed down in the family




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