

释义 文馨文馨★◀▶家1. family2. home3. homesite4. rooftree5. specialist文馨☞傢ABCABCABC★◀▶家 jiāI n.1) family; household; home2) SurnameII suf.1) -ist/-er/-ian/etc.科学家 scientist2) school of thought3) forming reflexive pronouns自家 myselfIII m.for families/businessesIV b.f.1) my (referring to family members older than oneself)家父 my father2) belonging to a family家 jiacoll. indicates membership in a category (usually of persons)小孩子家 children家 jie(别家)家jiāsee 家伙[jiā huo]jiāhomefamily(polite) my (sister, uncle etc)classifier for families or businessesrefers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han Chinanoun suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary, corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ianCL:个[gè]家 n. 家庭family五口之家 family of five住所home他现在在家。 He's at home now.他现在不在家。 He's not at home right now.指行业person or family engaged in a certain trade农家 farming family商家 merchant family工作的处所workplace我问秘书:“主任在家吗?”。 I asked the secretary: "Is the director in the office?"精通某行的人specialist in a certain field政治家 politician科学家 scientist语言学家 linguist作曲家 composer流派school of thought在艺术上自成一家 be unique in artistic style儒家 Confucianism对别人称比自己辈分高的亲属<谦>person related to oneself and used when referring to older family members家母 my mother家兄 my older brother一方side measure word 用来计算家庭或企业used for families and companies一家人家 family两家旅馆 two hotels几家工厂 several factories adj. 饲养的domestic饲养后驯服<方>domesticated这只小鸟已经养家了。 This little bird is already tame.家 jiā 名 (家庭; 人家) family; household:  家事 family matters; domestic affairs;  良家少女 a young girl of good family;  养家 support (maintain) one's family;  张家和王家 the Zhangs and the Wangs;  你家有几口人? How many persons are there in your family?  她出身于一个小康之家。 She comes from a well-to-do family.  我认为你是你家里唯一有想象力的人。 I think you're the only member of your household that's got an imagination. (家庭的住所) home:  不在家 not be in; be out;  回家 go home;  上我家去吧。 Come to my place.  我把这当作我的家。 I look upon this as my home. (经营某种行业的人家或具有某种身分的人) a person or family engaged in a certain trade:  船家 boatman;  农家 peasant (farm) family;  渔家 fisherman's family (掌握某种专门学识或从事某种专门活动的人) a specialist in a certain field:  画家 painter;  科学家 scientist;  文学家 a man of letters; writer;  艺术家 artist;  政治家 statesman;  作曲家 composer (学术流派) a school of thought; school:  道家 the Taoist School;  法家 the Legalist School;  儒家 the Confucian School;  百家争鸣。 A hundred schools of thought contend. (同姓的人) member of same clan:  本家 a member of the same clan; a distant relative with the same family name (民族) nationality:  苗家 the Miao nationality (姓氏) a surname:  家安国 Jia Anguo 代 (谦辞, 用于对别人称自己的辈分高或年纪大的亲属) my:  家慈 my mother;  家父 my father;  家兄 my elder brother 形 (饲养的) domestic; tame:  家兔 rabbit (内部的) internal:  家贼 pilferer working from within 量 (用来计算家庭或企业):  两家人家 two families;  三家饭馆 three restaurants;  五家商店 five shops;  一家电影院 a cinema 另见 jia; jie。 2) 家 jie (后缀):  整天家 all day long 另见 jiā; jia。 3) 家 jia (后缀) (用在某些名词后面, 表示属于那一类人):  现在姑娘家也会开飞机啦! Nowadays girls pilot planes, too!  小孩子家别插嘴! You kids shouldn't interrupt! (用在男人的名字或排行后面, 指他的妻):  秋生家 Qiusheng's wife 另见 jiā; jie。林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶家家 918A55  62.02-3  部居  畫數 10ㄐㄧㄚ [jia1] N. adjunct.(1)  To make plural nn.: 孩子家 children;婦道人家 women in gen.;女孩兒家 girls as a class.(2)  To form reflexive pronn.: 自家 oneself;咱家 ourselves.Adv. part.To form advv.: 鎮日家 all day long.N.(1)  Home, family, residence: 家庭 [jia1ting2]↓;家徒壁立 (of families) utterly destitute (“with only bare walls”);家給 ([jia1ji3]) 人足 well-to-do, with ample means of support;家喻戶曉 known by one and all, widely known, become a household word;家破人亡 with the family broken up and decimated;合家 the whole family: 合家歡 a happy reunion;本家 a member of the same clan;想家homesick (ness);回家 homecoming;離家 going away from home.(2)  An expert, specialist: 文學家 an author, writer, a man of letters;藝術家 an artist;科學家 a scientist;哲學家 a philosopher;畫家 a painter;小說家 a novelist.(3)  A school of thought: 儒家 the Confucianists;法家 the Legalists;道家 the Taoists;佛家 the Buddhists;道學家 a moralist, a stickler to strict rules of conduct, a Puritan.(4)  Person engaged in some particular field of activity: 慈善家 a philanthropist;探險家 an explorer;外交家 a diplomat;政治家 a politician, statesman;運動家 an athlete;考古家 an archeologist;評論家 a critic;鑒賞家 a connoisseur;演說家 an orator;革命家 a revolutionist;冤家 a deadly enemy, an irreconcilable foe, also a lover;仇家 one's enemy;頭家 (gambling) the banker, keeper of a gambling house;買家 the buyer;輸家,贏家 (gambling) the loser, winner;方家 an expert, person with some special skill;練家子 a person skilled in boxing, swordsmanship, etc.(5)  A surname.Adj.(1)  Designating a member of speaker's family: 家父,家兄 my father, brother;家嚴 [jia1yan2], 家慈 [jia1ci2]2↓;家祖 my grandfather.(2)  Domesticated (opp. 野 wild): 家畜 [jia1chu4]↓;家禽 domestic fowls;家兔 domestic rabbits;家雞野鶩(雉) (a man given to) extramarital relations in one's family and outside;家雀兒 pop. name for sparrows.(3)  Belonging to the home or family: 家僕 family servant;家丁 [jia1ding1]↓;家僮 formerly a boy servant;家姑兒老 an old maid, spinster;家賊 a pilferer working from within: 家賊難防 it's most difficult to forestall a thief within the house.Words1. 家產 [jia1chan3], n., patrimony, family estate.2. 家常 [jia1chang2], (1) n., domestic affairs: (話) 家常 (話) (engage in) small talk; (2) adj., common place, ordinary: 家常便飯 simple meal, potluck.3. 家慶 [jia1qing4], n., family celebrations, e.g., those on parent's birthdays.4. 家醜 [jia1chou3], n., a family scandal: 家醜不可外揚 don't wash dirty linen in public.5. 家傳 [jia1chuan2], (1) n., family records, history of one's forefathers; (2) adj., handed down from generation to generation.6. 家畜 [jia1chu4], n., domestic animals or fowls.7. 家當(兒) [jia1dang0]([er0]), n., family possessions.8. 家道 [jia1dao4], n., economic condition of the family (rich, poor).9. 家的 [jia1de0], n., (MC coll.) wife.10. 家底兒 [jia1dieeer0], n., family heirloom.11. 家丁 [jia1ding1], n., formerly, a family servant.12. 家法 [jia1fa3], n., (1) tradition and discipline peculiar to certain schools; (2) domestic discipline; (3) the rod for punishing children.13. 家風 [jia1feng1], n., family tradition.14. 家規 [jia1gui1], n., family rules.15. 家公 [jia1gong1], n., (1) (AC) father; (2) the head of a family, paterfamilias.16. 家火 [jia1huo1], n., (also wr. 家伙,傢伙) (1) furniture, tools, utensils; (2) (contempt.) a man or boy, fellow, guy.17. 家長 [jia1zhang3], n., the head of a family, paterfamilias.18. 家宅 [jia1zhai2], n., family dwelling place.19. 家政 [jia1zheng4], n., home economics, “household management.”20. 家家 [jia1jia1], n., (1) every family: 家家兒,家家戶戶 all families without exception; (2) ([jia1jia0er0]) the family.21. 家教 [jia1jiao4], n., family training, domestic discipline.22. 家祭 [jia1ji4]1, n., sacrifice to ancestors.23. 家計 [jia1ji4]2, n., family livelihood.24. 家境 [jia1jing4], n., economic condition of the family.25. 家主 [jia1zhu3], n., head of the family: 家主公 (Soochow dial.) husband (“the old man of the family”); 家主婆 (Soochow dial.) wife (“mistress of the family”); 家主翁 the highest-ranking member of the family.26. 家眷 [jia1jUan4] ([jia1zhuan0]), n., family (wife and children).27. 家具 [jia1jU4], n., furniture (also wr. 俱).28. 家君 [jia1jUn1], n., (LL) my father.29. 家口 [jia1kou3], n., size of a family (“number of mouths to be fed”).30. 家累 [jia1lei3], n., family burden.31. 家裡 [jia1li3], n., (1) one's home; (2) wife.32. 家門 [jia1men2], n., (1) family clan; (2) (AC) the family of a high-ranking official.33. 家廟 [jia1miao4], n., ancestral shrine or temple.34. 家釀 [jia1niang4], n., home-brew.35. 家奴 [jia1nu2], n., domestic servant (“family slave”).36. 家譜 [jia1pu3], n., family genealogy.37. 家人 [jia1ren2], n., (1) members of a family; (2) male servant: 一家人 all of the same family.38. 家聲 [jia1sheng1], n., family reputation.39. 家小 [jia1xiao3], n., wife and children collectively.40. 家下 [jia1xia4], adv., at home.41. 家鄉 [jia1xiang1], n., one's native district.42. 家信 [jia1xin4], n., letters from home.43. 家書 [jia1shu1], n., family letters.44. 家數 [jia1shu4], n., a school (of boxing, etc.).45. 家塾 [jia1shu2], n., family school.46. 家屬 [jia1shu3], n., one's dependents.47. 家世 [jia1shi4]1, n., family background.48. 家室 [jia1shi4]2, n., (1) wife and children; (2) husband and wife.49. 家事 [jia1shi4]3, n., (1) family affairs; (2) home economics.50. 家什 [jia1shi2] ([jia1shi0]), n., furniture, tools, utensils.51. 家學 [jia1xUe2], n., knowledge transmitted from father to son: 家學淵源 (of persons) erudite through paternal teaching and influence.52. 家訓 [jia1xUn4], n., parental precepts.53. 家私 [jia1si1] ([jia1si0]), n., (1) family affairs; (2) family possessions.54. 家庭 [jia1ting2], n., family, home: 家庭教師 children's private tutor; 家庭教育 home education; 家庭醫師 family doctor; 家庭計劃 family planning; 家庭生活 home life; 甜蜜家庭 a sweet home; 家庭溫暖 family love.55. 家財 [jia1cai2], n., family riches, patrimony.56. 家祠 [jia1ci2]1, n., ancestral temple or shrine.57. 家慈 [jia1ci2]2, n., my mother, a term used in speaking to a person from a different family; cf. [jia1yan2]↓.58. 家族 [jia1zu2], n., (1) relatives of the same family; (2) family clan.59. 家務 [jia1wu4], n., family affairs.60. 家宴 [jia1yan4], n., family reunion or dinner.61. 家嚴 [jia1yan2], n., my father.62. 家業 [jia1ye4], n., family possessions, family status.63. 家園 [jia1yUan2], n., home garden; native district.64. 家用 [jia1yong4], n., domestic expenses.家家 [jia1jia1], n., (1) every family: 家家兒,家家戶戶 all families without exception; (2) ([jia1jia0er0]) the family.林语堂☞傢家n.home家;〈主美〉住宅family家,家庭house家,家庭;同住一幢房子的人们door家,家庭;个人经历roof房屋;住处;家hearth壁炉边(被认为是家庭生活的中心),家庭生活;家domicile住处,住宅,家fireside家;家庭生活hearthstone壁炉边;家;家庭生活hearthside壁炉边;家inhabitancy居住地;家;住处rooftree家;屋phr.house and home家(加强语气的说法)bed and board(尤指已婚者的)家;夫妻关系家1. furniture2. tools\\\\1·a family; a household2. a home3. (as "suffix") designating specialty of a person家house家[jiā]名1. family; household♦ 他全~都是工人。 They're all workers in his family.♦ 张~和王~ the Zhangs and the Wangs2. home♦ 回~ go home♦ 不在~ not be in; be out♦ 上我~去吧。 Come to my place.3. a person or family engaged in a certain trade♦ 船家 4. a specialist in a certain field♦ 科学家 5. a school of thought; school代谦 my (used in speaking of relatives older than oneself)♦ 家父 形domestic; tame♦ 家兔 量(for families or business establishments)♦ 两~人家 two families♦ 三~商店 three shops♦ 一~电影院 a cinema




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