

单词 宪章
释义 文馨英漢☞憲章宪章 xiànzhāngI n. w1) charter2) institutions; decrees and regulationsII v. r1) follow the example of; model oneself on; learn from2) conform to the laws宪章xiànzhāngcharter宪章效法<书>to follow the lead of典章制度<书>laws and institutions(plural)有宪法作用的文件charter人民大宪章 the People's Charter联合国宪章 Charter of the United Nations英国自由大宪章 Magna Carta大西洋宪章 Atlantic Charter宪章运动 Chartism宪章运动者 chartist宪章 xiàn zhāng charter:  联合国宪章 the United Nations Charter;  宪章规定的公民权利 the citizen's rights laid down by charter;  大宪章(英) the Great Charter 宪章n.charter宪章,共同纲领宪章1. a charter宪章1. 书 follow the example of; model oneself on; learn from2. 书 institutions, decrees and regulations3. charter♦ 联合国~ the United Nations Charter




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