

释义 宣1. to announce宣 xuānI b.f.1) declare; proclaim; announce (宣布)2) drain off (liquids) (宣泄)II n.Surname宣Xuānsurname Xuanxuānto declare (publicly)to announce宣 v. 公开说出to declare不宣而战 engage in an undeclared war参见:宣召[xuānzhào]疏导to drain参见:宣纸[xuānzhǐ]宣 xuān 动 (公开说出来; 传播、散布出去)declare; proclaim; announce:  秘而不宣 keep sth. secret; not let anyone into a secret;  心照不宣 have a tacit understanding;  宣赦 proclaim a general amnesty;  宣示 declare; make known publicly;  宣旨 announce an imperial decree (疏导) lead off (liquids); drain:  宣泄洪水 drain off floodwater 名 (姓氏) a surname:  宣明 Xuan Ming 宣宣 922C40  62.30-3  部居  畫數 9ㄒㄩㄢ [xUan1] N.A surname.V.i. & t.(1)  To announce, declare: 宣告 make a public declaration or announcement (of bankruptcy, armistice, divorce, etc.);宣誓 [xUan1shi4]2↓;宣戰 [xUan1zhan4]↓;宣判 [xUan1pan4]↓;宣赦 pardon (criminal) publicly↓;宣揚 [xUan1yang2]↓;秘而不宣 keep secret (important facts, such as emperor's death).(2)  To issue (an order): 宣賞 issue an award;宣命 issue an order;宣旨,宣詔 issue or publicly read, imperial edict;宣敕 give imperial order;宣付史館 order that it be communicated to the Government Archives (for record).(3)  To preach, broadcast, propagate doctrine: 宣講,宣科 [xUan1jiang3], [xUan1ke1]↓;宣傳 [xUan1chuan2]↓.(4)  To exert, commit: 宣淫,宣勞 [xUan1yin2], [xUan1lao2]↓.(5)  To channel an outlet: 宣導,宣泄 [xUan1dao4], [xUan1xie4]↓.Adj.(1)  (Coll.) fluffy: 這饅頭真宣 this bread is quite fluffy and light;宣土地兒 where the ground is soft (not solid);宣土窩兒 a soft, hollow spot on ground.(2)  Swollen: 他的臉都胖得宣了 his face is swollen from fat, flabby.Words1. 宣布 [xUan1bu4], v.t., to announce, declare (innocence, sentence, divorce, bankruptcy, etc.): 宣布獨立 declare independence; 宣布和約 announce a peace treaty; see [xUan1zhan4]↓.2. 宣傳 [xUan1chuan2], (1) v.t., to do propaganda, publicize (sales): 廣為宣傳 give a great deal of publicity; (2) propaganda (work, bureau, etc.): 宣傳品 propaganda literature; v.t., 宣傳網 propaganda network.3. 宣導 [xUan1dao4], v.t., to channel an outlet; (Chin. med.) bring about better circulation of body fluids.4. 宣讀 [xUan1du2], v.t., to read out (pronouncement, sentence, etc.).5. 宣撫 [xUan1fu3], v.t., to pacify (conquered people), to win over by generous policy.6. 宣告 [xUan1gao4], v.t., to declare, publicly announce, see [xUan1bu4]↑.7. 宣戰 [xUan1zhan4], v.i., to declare war: 向 or 對某國宣戰 declare war against a certain country.8. 宣召 [xUan1zhao4], v.t., to summon to imperial audience or to capital.9. 宣講 [xUan1jiang3], v.i. & t., to preach (Christian or Budd.).10. 宣紙 [xUan1zhi3], n., good paper for painting or calligraphy from 宣城 in Anhwei.11. 宣科 [xUan1ke1], v.i., (MC) incant.12. 宣勞 [xUan1lao2], (1) v.i., to do one's best: 為國宣勞 to labor for the country; (2) v.t., ([xUan1lao4]) to comfort soldiers with gifts, recognize service with awards.13. 宣令 [xUan1ling4], v.i., issue order, usu. imperial order.14. 宣募 [xUan1mu4], v.t., to seek (recruits), collect (funds for public purpose).15. 宣判 [xUan1pan4], v.t., to sentence (person to imprisonment, death, etc.).16. 宣赦 [xUan1she4], v.i., to announce amnesty.17. 宣泄 [xUan1xie4], v.t., (1) to drain (a river course); (2) to leak out (secret).18. 宣示 [xUan1shi4]1, v.i., (1) to publicize, make known; (2) to announce a court decision.19. 宣誓 [xUan1shi4]2, v.i., to take public oath, to pledge, to declare solemnly.20. 宣言 [xUan1yan2], n., a declaration (of policy), a public statement.21. 宣揚 [xUan1yang2], v.t., to spread (culture, sect, teachings, etc.).22. 宣淫 [xUan1yin2], v.i., to commit adultery openly.23. 宣猷 [xUan1you2], phr., (AC) show distinguished services.宣vt.swear宣(誓);发(誓)pronounce宣判;宣(誓)宣1. to announce; to declare; to make known宣[xuān]动1. declare; proclaim; announce♦ ~赦 proclaim a general amnesty2. lead off (liquids); drain♦ 宣泄




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