

释义 客1. customer2. guest客 kèI n.visitor; guestII b.f.1) traveler; passenger (旅客)2) traveling merchant (客商)3) customer (顾客)4) person engaged in a particular pursuit (剑客)5) settle/live in a strange place; be a stranger (客居)6) objective (客观)客kècustomervisitorguest客 n. 参见:客人[kèrén]会客 receive a guest送客 see a guest off请客 treat someone to a meal旅客traveller(Britain); traveler(US)参见:客商[kèshāng]珠宝客 jewellers顾客customer在人类意识外独立存在的objective measure word <方>helping给我一客冰激凌! Give me a helping of ice cream! v. 寄居to settle in a strange place迁居to move away客 kè 名 (客人)visitor; guest; caller:  不速之客 uninvited (unexpected) guest;  常客 frequenter; frequent caller (visitor);  贵客 distinguished guest;  会客 receive a visitor (guest);  送客 see a visitor out;  稀客 rare visitor;  远客 a guest from afar (旅客)traveller; passenger:  客舱 passenger cabin;  客货一起迅速上岸。 The passengers and goods were quickly landed. (寄居或迁居外地的人) settle or live in a strange place; be a stranger:  客死他乡 die abroad;  作客他乡 live in a strange land (客商) travelling merchant:  珠宝客 jeweller (顾客) customer:  乘客 passenger;  房客 boarder; lodger (奔走各地从事某种活动的人) a person engaged in some particular pursuit:  刺客 assassin;  政客 politician (姓氏) a surname:  客孙 Ke Sun 形 (在人类意识外独立存在的) objective:  客观 objective 量 (方) (用于论份儿出售的食品、饮料) portion; help; helping:  要一客煎蛋 order a portion of fried eggs;  他吃了两客布丁。 He had two helpings of pudding. 客客 926C50  62.40-9  部居  畫數 9ㄎㄜˋ [ke4] N.(1)  Guest, visitor, customer: 賓客 guest: 客人 [ke4ren2]↓;來客 customer, visitor;貴客 honored guest;主客 host and guest;生客,熟客 new, old customer or visitor;拜客,送客 receive, send off visitor;請客 give a dinner for friend;待客 manner of receiving visitor;旅客 traveller;客官formerly, address of visitor at hotel;客滿 full house.(2)  Term used for persons of certain professions: 政客 (contempt.) politician;劍客,俠客 professional swordsman;刺客 assassin;食客 (AC) professional scholars kept by wealthy families;說 ([shuai4]) 客 (AC) professional diplomats who tried to sell their ideas to rulers.(3)  A surname.(4)  N. used as modifier (like “guest house,”“guest professor”): 客卿 (AC) alien serving at court;客座(教授)[ke4zuo4]↓;客館,客店,客棧 [ke4guan3], [ke4dian4], [ke4zhan4]↓;客舍 [ke4she4];客廳,客堂 [ke4ting1], [ke4tang2]↓;客房 [ke4fang2]↓;客居 live abroad;客旅 travel abroad;客商,客幫 [ke4shang1], [ke4bang1]↓;客死他鄉 die abroad.Words1. 客幫 [ke4bang1], n., association of merchants working abroad; such group.2. 客車 [ke4che1], n., passenger car, railway coach.3. 客氣 [ke4qi0], adj., (1) “manner of guest,”polite, formal, showing restraint: 不要客氣 please feel at home; adj., 你太客氣了 you are“too polite,” i.e., very kind, hospitable, generous in gifts, etc. adj., (2) (AC) impulse of a moment.4. 客卿 [ke4qing1], n., (AC) alien serving at court.5. 客串(兒) [ke4chuan4]([ke4chuaher0]), adj. & n., “guest actor”, often amateur participating in opera.6. 客船 [ke4chuan2], n., passenger boat.7. 客店 [ke4dian4], n., hotel, inn.8. 客飯 [ke4fan4], n., a meal of set menu for customer, prix fixe.9. 客房 [ke4fang2], n., guest room.10. 客館 [ke4guan3], n., hotel, inn.11. 客觀 [ke4guan1], adj. & n., objective, -vity: 客觀的批評 objective criticism.12. 客棧 [ke4zhan4], n., lower-class hotel inn.13. 客家 [ke4jia1], n., “Hakka” people and their dialect-in eastern Kwangtung.14. 客籍 [ke4ji2], n., status of foreign resident.15. 客居 [ke4jU1], v.i., to live abroad.16. 客票 [ke4piao4], n., seats for invited guests at a theatrical performance.17. 客人 [ke4ren2], n., visitor at house or hotel.18. 客商 [ke4shang1], n., merchant abroad.19. 客舍 [ke4she4], n., guest house, hotel.20. 客歲 [ke4sui4], n., last year.21. 客堂 [ke4tang2], n., parlor.22. 客套 [ke4tao4], n., banal formalities.23. 客體 [ke4ti3], n., foreign body in organization.24. 客廳 [ke4ting1], n., parlor, sitting room.25. 客次 [ke4ci4], n., residence abroad, place stopped at.26. 客座 [ke4zuo4], n., as in 客座教授 exchange or visiting professor.客a.extraneous【数】额外的,客的n.guest客,客人,宾客客1. a visitor; a guest2. a customer3. a traveler; a traveling salesman4. (in the sense of an outsider) to live or settle in a strange land5. (not complimentary) a person in a special pursuit客[kè]名1. visitor; guest♦ 家里来~了。 We have a guest at home.♦ 他是哪村来的~? Which village does the guest come from?2. traveller; passenger♦ 客舱 ♦ 客车 3. travelling merchant♦ 珠宝 ~ jeweller4. customer♦ 乘客 ♦ 房客 5. settle or live in a strange place; be a stranger♦ 客居 6. a person engaged in some particular pursuit♦ 政客 形objective♦ 客观




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