

单词 审时度势
释义 审时度势 shěnshíduóshìstudy and weigh a situation审时度势shěnshíduóshìto judge the hour and size up the situationto take stock审时度势to take stock of a situation审时度势 shěn shí duó shì judge the hour and size up the situation; adopt a wait-and-see attitude; await the proper moment (to ...); observe the times and judge the occasion; see how matters stand; see how the gander hops; see how the land lies; make a correct assessment of the situation; correctly appraise the situation审时度势phr.look about(事先)进行全面考虑,审时度势审时度势1. to judge the hour and size up the situation审时度势judge the hour and size up the situation♦ 他是一位善于~、多谋善断的经理人员。 He is a resourceful and resolute manager who can make a correct assessment of the situation.




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