

单词 实践
释义 文馨英漢☞實踐实践 shíjiànpractice实践shíjiànpracticeto put into practiceto live up to (a promise)to carry out (a project)实践实际活动practice毕业实践 graduation practice革命斗争实践 revolutionary struggle practice把...付诸实践 put into practice实践的观点 idea that comes from putting something into practice在实践中得到证实 be proven through practice有生产实践的经验 have practical production experience实践出真知。 Real knowledge comes from practice.实践是认识的基础。 Practice is the foundation of knowledge.实行to practise(Britain); to practise(US)实践 shí jiàn (有意识的活动) practice:  具体实践 concrete practice;  把理论付诸实践 put theory into practice;  通过实践 by way of practice;  正确的思想来自社会实践。 Correct ideas come from social practice.  实践出真知。 Genuine knowledge comes from practice.; Practice yields genuine knowledge.  实践是检验真理的唯一标准。 Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. (实行) put into practice; carry out; reduce to practice; live up to:  实践诺言 keep one's word; make good one's promise 实践性 practicality; practicalness实践a.practical实践的;实际的【哲】实践的n.practice实践;实施,实行;(知识的)应用;经验redemption(义务等的)履行,实践praxis(相对于理论而言的)实践,实际运用vt.live实践,身体力行complete执行,实践honour实践,执行;承认(文件等)有效;批准(报告上所提的请求等)practise经常做,实践;养成…的习惯phr.act up to实践(原则等);做与…相符的事实践1. practice2. to put into practice; to live up to实践practice实践praxis双向☞实践--实作--执业实践1. practice♦ 学习语言需要大量~。 It requires much practice to learn a language.2. put into practice; carry out; live up to♦ ~诺言 keep one's word; make good one's promise♦ ~自己的主张 put one's ideas into practice~出真知 genuine knowledge comes from practice~性 practicality; practicalness




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