

单词 安步当车
释义 文馨英漢☞安步當車安步当车 ānbùdàngchē1) walk rather than ride2) be content with a simple life安步当车ānbùdàngchēto go on foot (idiom)to do things at a leisurely pace安步当车to stroll rather than ride in a vehicle反正路不远, 我们就安步当车吧。 It's not far, let's walk rather than take the car.安步当车 ān bù dàng chē walk (stroll) over leisurely instead of riding (taking) in a carriage; go on shank's mare; ride in the “marrow-bone coach”; To go leisurely on foot is as good as (going about) in a chariot.; walk instead of taking vehicles; walk on one's two legs; walk rather than ride安步当车1. to walk over leisurely instead of riding in a carriage; to go on shank's mare2. To go leisurely on foot is as good as (going about) in a chariot.安步当车stroll over instead of riding in a carriage; walk rather than ride




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